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I completely agree with the takes on the structured nature of youth sports. You rarely see kids in the summer playing a pick-up game of baseball or throwing a ball around. In the winter there doesn't seem to be the outdoor rink rats that are skating all the time just for fun. The sports seem to be compartmentalized into only a scheduled event, not something for entertainment and socialization at other times. When kids are starting out it should be for the fun.

I just don't like the new attitude toward physical activity and I despise the video games and other mindless crap kids are doing these days. That's another rant all together, but the attitude all kinda blends in. Of course there are the exceptions that just love the game. That's why I enjoy watching Oshie so much. Not that polished, but just plays hard and it looks like he is doing it for the fun.

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I hope you didn't mind me editing your post a bit. Chellie will retire a Red Wing. Unfortunately for him, though, the hometown hero of Chicago didn't have the honor of retiring as a Black Hawk. Even though I detested that team, it was still unreal watching Eddy, Jeremy, and Chris tear up Chicago Stadium in the early 1990's. What a team that was.

It was a very fun team to watch. Feel free to edit any of my posts; they generally need it.

I am not a very good hockey fan. For me it more of a cult thing. I love one team and hate everyone else. I just have more malice for the blue skirts and debbies.

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It was a very fun team to watch. Feel free to edit any of my posts; they generally need it.

I am not a very good hockey fan. For me it more of a cult thing. I love one team and hate everyone else. I just have more malice for the blue skirts and debbies.

So you were being facetious in which teams you'd like to see Chris Chelios play for?

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Oh no. I am 100% serious about hoping that Chelios plays for the teams I hate most in the future. Anything which would make them weaker is fine with me.

So who IS your team? I'm a Red Wings guy myself and have to be honest, Chelios I like, but I'm glad that Ken Holland decided one season was enough of Derian Hatcher.

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All I can say is "what a big f'ing baby...Mike Modano should be booed soundly in every rink he skates in in the US when he gets back, Dallas included.

Modana Skips Final Team Meeting - Leaves Italy W/Out Team

Oh, come now, cut the man some slack. He had to be in charge of his own plane tickets :love: . . . maybe all the flights were full and he HAD to leave early?? :huh:

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What is it with Russians and Eastern Europeans and their tendancy to resort to kicking. Did their mothers teach them how to fight. I like Finlands chances even better with Malkin out of the Russian lineup.


I saw that when it happened and I was wondering if the match penalty would result in a suspension. None of the CBC announcers had any idea what the penalty was for, which wasn't really surprising considering how dreadful Bob Cole and Harry Neale were - and I'm one of their biggest fans.

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I saw that when it happened and I was wondering if the match penalty would result in a suspension. None of the CBC announcers had any idea what the penalty was for, which wasn't really surprising considering how dreadful Bob Cole and Harry Neale were - and I'm one of their biggest fans.

And the size-up-the-opposition's-best-player-and-take-a-50-foot-run-at-him-before-crunching-him-into-the-boards stunt nets Jarrko Ruutu a 5 minute major and that's it?

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My two cents worth on all of the Olympic games I watched:

1) The U.S. has to quit sending players who view this as an All-Star game (interpret as a reward for NHL play to a vacation and games where total effort is not needed)

2) The announcers are unbelievable (bad). I actually heard one say: "What a great move. He would have scored if not for the goalie!" Duh - Couldn't anyone score if not for the goalie? Almost (I say almost, but not quite) made me feel like I heard an announcer that I considered worse than Woogster>

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My two cents worth on all of the Olympic games I watched:

1) The U.S. has to quit sending players who view this as an All-Star game (interpret as a reward for NHL play to a vacation and games where total effort is not needed)

2) The announcers are unbelievable (bad). I actually heard one say: "What a great move. He would have scored if not for the goalie!" Duh - Couldn't anyone score if not for the goalie? Almost (I say almost, but not quite) made me feel like I heard an announcer that I considered worse than Woogster>

My personal favorite was, "Team USA has played well other than the five goal they let in." :huh:

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My personal favorite was, "Team USA has played well other than the five goal they let in." :huh:

I thought the keys to Team USA's hockey team's success was scoring more goals and allowing fewer goals to their opposition. I'd also like to point out that Team USA's new jerseys will play an impact on the game as the white jerseys won't stand out much from the ice. I'm also surprised that, once again, Team USA went with their usual colors of Red, White, and Blue this year. :love:

Seriously about Modano, I feel bad for him... flying all that way and spending all that money to stay out there and do something as tedious as representing one's country in a sport such as hockey. I think the folks at Team USA should heed his feelings. Send him a card that states:

"We here at Team USA headquarters would like to thank you for your participation on this year's Team USA Olympic men's hockey team. We do apologize for all the incovenience this participation has caused you directly and indirectly. Do take comfort in knowing that, in four years, we will not inconvenience you in any way. Our offices have deleted your phone number and address from our database. This will be the last communique you recieve from this Office. Good luck in your future endeavours. Sincerely, The Staff of Team USA"

Representing our country is an HONOR, not a CHORE. The note states it clearly: "Don't wait for us to invite you back. Don't worry. We won't."

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I kid you not, PCM, I sat here for an hour trying to remember the former Gopher involved in the skate-kicking incident. Erik Westrum! :love::D;)

If I had to rely strictly on my memory, I'd still be sitting here trying to remember. :huh:

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Asked whether he thought the Russians were playing so well because many of the young Russians grew up idolizing Bure when he played, he (Bure) said: "It's not that they're playing for me or my team. They're playing for their country."

And here I thought it was the frequent flyer miles and the free bag of peanuts. :huh:

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