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who wants to go to Denver?


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I almost titled this "Join the Mile High Club," just to be sure the post got read...

I heard from a fellow traveler that Al Pearson is planning to organize Sioux fans for a trek to Denver for the Feb. 24-25 series. I haven't heard anything about it yet from the Cowboy Hatted One himself, but how great would that be! I need to scratch off from my "To Do Before I Retire" list a visit to Denver's barn. I'll let you know once Al has formalized the plan.

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It would be great to bring further legions of faithful followers to Denver for this critical series. I have heard from some in the know that in years past the Sioux followers are very close to the number of DU fans in the building.

We will have six in the stands, God willing, sitting center ice behind the Denver bench, pulling for the Sioux.

We bought our tickets when they first went on sale and were stunned to see the center ice seats from a 2x defender being made available to the public.

It is going to be a huge series, as they all are from here on in. YaneA, I hope Al gets the bus and you get to make the trip.

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LadyDi told me about the bus trip. I would love to go but because of work retraints, I would have to fly. That's not a problem as I have enough miles but I would love to get a ticket from Al's batch and sit with the Fun Bus crowd. It was great being with everyone in Columbus.

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It would be great to bring further legions of faithful followers to Denver for this critical series. I have heard from some in the know that in years past the Sioux followers are very close to the number of DU fans in the building.

I wouldn't go as far as to say the numbers of fans are equal, for they are not. There will be a sellout crowd of 6,000+ in Magness arena, 5,500 of whom will be Denver fans. However, the 500 Sioux fans usually here in Denver are usually as loud as the 5,500 Denver fans are. It's a credit to your program that your fans are as loud and involved as they are...

Denver has perhaps 800 "active/loud" fans, most of whom are students. The other 5,000 Denver fans are more passive older folks and young families with kids who only cheer after goals and are basically silent the rest of the time as they drink their chardonnay and talk on cellphones.

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In the past, Al has been willing to find tickets for those fans who make their own way to the venue. If the trip goes forward, I'm sure he could set you up with seats among the rest of us.

Great, I'll keep reading this thread for updated news!

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Denver has perhaps 800 "active/loud" fans, most of whom are students. The other 5,000 Denver fans are more passive older folks and young families with kids who only cheer after goals and are basically silent the rest of the time as they drink their chardonnay and talk on cellphones.

Isn't that the problem in like, every arena?

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This is just to add some information I received from Al Pearson about the trip to Denver....

-Leave Thursday morning, stop in Deadwood, SD for the night.

-Leave after game Saturday night, stop in Deadwood, SD again. Get back Sunday night sometime he said.

He thought the cost would be between $300-$400.

He will announce information shortly once he gets the ticket situation figured out. He was supposed to get that all straightened out on Friday(yesterday).

This trip includes tickets for both games, hotel accomodations in Deadwood, SD as well as Denver. Pays for the bus ride too.

Just an update for everyone.

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This is just to add some information I received from Al Pearson about the trip to Denver....

-Leave Thursday morning, stop in Deadwood, SD for the night.

-Leave after game Saturday night, stop in Deadwood, SD again. Get back Sunday night sometime he said.

He thought the cost would be between $300-$400.

He will announce information shortly once he gets the ticket situation figured out. He was supposed to get that all straightened out on Friday(yesterday).

This trip includes tickets for both games, hotel accomodations in Deadwood, SD as well as Denver. Pays for the bus ride too.

Just an update for everyone.

Thanks. When he gets all the ticket and accommodation info set, please post it. I can't take the bus but would like to get tickets from him, to sit with the gang, and would like to stay in the same motel as the group.

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i will be flying to denver for the series.. there are great prices on plane tix from phx right now to denver. around 158.00 round trip which is way to good to pass up to go watch the sioux solidify their way into the NC$$'s :lol:

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When he gets all the ticket and accommodation info set, please post it. I can't take the bus but would like to get tickets from him, to sit with the gang, and would like to stay in the same motel as the group.

I am considering flying down friday afternoon. I might be able to get myself hooked up with some free airline tickets and stay with a friend in Denver. I would still like to know about possibly getting seats with the other Sioux fans.

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I am considering flying down friday afternoon. I might be able to get myself hooked up with some free airline tickets and stay with a friend in Denver. I would still like to know about possibly getting seats with the other Sioux fans.

I'm hoping YaneA will keep us posted.

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This information comes straight from the horse's mouth but the horse is in bed and very sick... Al says the trip was officially cancelled this afternoon. Al had enough people signed up to make the trip but the UND athletic dept. was unable to come up with enough tickets for Al's group. Al needed 45 tickets; UND came up about 10 short of that number. Thus, the trip is officially cancelled. I'm bummin'.

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This information comes straight from the horse's mouth but the horse is in bed and very sick... Al says the trip was officially cancelled this afternoon. Al had enough people signed up to make the trip but the UND athletic dept. was unable to come up with enough tickets for Al's group. Al needed 45 tickets; UND came up about 10 short of that number. Thus, the trip is officially cancelled. I'm bummin'.

There were all kinds of empty seats at last weekends series vs. Mankato (on FXRM). Would guess they were reserved no shows. What a dead crowd, you could only hear a bit of noise when Denver scored, otherwise the place might have been empty. I"ve never heard the REA that quiet (on TV), even when the Sioux were losing.

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This information comes straight from the horse's mouth but the horse is in bed and very sick... Al says the trip was officially cancelled this afternoon. Al had enough people signed up to make the trip but the UND athletic dept. was unable to come up with enough tickets for Al's group. Al needed 45 tickets; UND came up about 10 short of that number. Thus, the trip is officially cancelled. I'm bummin'.

That is too bad. I thought that trip sounded like a lot of fun and would have signed up if not for some prior commitments.

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This information comes straight from the horse's mouth but the horse is in bed and very sick... Al says the trip was officially cancelled this afternoon. Al had enough people signed up to make the trip but the UND athletic dept. was unable to come up with enough tickets for Al's group. Al needed 45 tickets; UND came up about 10 short of that number. Thus, the trip is officially cancelled. I'm bummin'.

Interesting that this time around Al had the interest but didn't have the tickets. I heard the last cancellation was because of the opposite: Not enough interest.

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Breaking News....This just in...

Al thinks he may be able to get the tickets for Denver after all and put the bus back on the road next week. If you are interested, call him at 218-779-5740.

I spoke with Al last night. The trip is on again if he can get enough people. I think he was half way there last night. Price: 150 for the bus 60 for the tickets to the game, I think like 70 for the hotel in Deadwood, then 80 a night in Denver for the hotel. So about 450 a person.

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