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I am pretty much resigned to the NCAA requiring netting in the near future. We discussed this pretty heavily at POI after that girl died. While sad, you'd think they would be more concerned over things in life that actually have a higher incidence of deaths. Like a few have posted here, it is a hockey game, not a social event. If you want to sit and chat, or do your nails, stay home and leave the seats for the real fans' whose eyes only leave the puck to watch a fight behind the play or some random hot chick!

The black netting is great for TV cameras, but IMO it sucks for the fans...didn't like it at the X and never will. Why don't they just hand out hockey helmets to all the fans behind the nets? What happens when a puck comes off a skate/stick and ends up in the stands by the red/blue line(s)? Netting all the way around the arena?


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I am pretty much resigned to the NCAA requiring netting in the near future. We discussed this pretty heavily at POI after that girl died. While sad, you'd think they would be more concerned over things in life that actually have a higher incidence of deaths. Like a few have posted here, it is a hockey game, not a social event. If you want to sit and chat, or do your nails, stay home and leave the seats for the real fans' whose eyes only leave the puck to watch a fight behind the play or some random hot chick!

The black netting is great for TV cameras, but IMO it sucks for the fans...didn't like it at the X and never will. Why don't they just hand out hockey helmets to all the fans behind the nets? What happens when a puck comes off a skate/stick and ends up in the stands by the red/blue line(s)? Netting all the way around the arena?


Falling on the side of "at your own risk" myself, I do admit that some of those rockets are difficult to avoid even if you are paying attention. And NO ONE is constantly focused on a game the whole time.

Nets weren't required until someone actually DIED. It's an inconvenience for those fans to look through, no doubt. But loved ones will be coming back home.

The defected pucks at center ice aren't that big of a danger even if they hit you. I don't know but I would think the puck that killed that girl was a rocket, not just a deflected wrister. I can understand the desire to put nets on the end of the ice, but think they are unnecessary anywhere else.

Wondering what people thought of the nets at the ralph.  I was sitting on the side of the rink, so the nets didn't affect my line of sight at all.

I sit in an upper corner of the lower bowl so the net was directly in my sight line for play in my end. I didn't really notice it. I would guess the experience would be different for those directly behind the goal, especially for seeing play in the other end.


The nets will not be installed ona permanment basis until the NCAA mandates it. I believe that is something they are looking at doing for next year. As far as moving people, that is not going to happen. They had talked about moving people due to the student seating problems but that changed once the NCAA made the decision that camera must be installed by the goalie judges and that student seats could not be surrounding the camera.

My seat is in the lower bowl behind our goalie for 1st and 3rd and the nets didn't bother me last night. I welcome their presence as I have seen many people being taken out for stiches before and during a game. Most of those shots are so fast that even if you are paying attention, you can't do a thing about it.


Did the NCAA say that the student section cannot surround the camera or did the AD say that?

If the NCAA said that, then what is going to happen with all those arenas where the student section is directly behind the net?

Regardless, dreams of the student section being directly behind the opponent's net have pretty much been dashed. Pity


Falling on the side of "at your own risk" myself, I do admit that some of those rockets are difficult to avoid even if you are paying attention. And NO ONE is constantly focused on a game the whole time.

Nets weren't required until someone actually DIED. It's an inconvenience for those fans to look through, no doubt. But loved ones will be coming back home.

The defected pucks at center ice aren't that big of a danger even if they hit you. I don't know but I would think the puck that killed that girl was a rocket, not just a deflected wrister. I can understand the desire to put nets on the end of the ice, but think they are unnecessary anywhere else.

I know, I am a heartless b@stard, but c'mon, at what point is our society so concerned about a single death that has a pretty phenomanally statistically miniscule chance of happening, going to wake up and smell the roses? Consider all the crap that goes on in the world that people have no concern about that kill people. To name a few: putting on makeup while driving, reading while driving (seen both of those in the last two days), drugs, DWI, running red lights (left turn arrows specifically) and the like JUST IN A CAR, I am sure kill more than one person a WEEK in this country....I still think the nets were a pretty knee jerk reaction to a VERY sad event. A guy in front of me in the old Mecca got nailed right in the forehead with a puck off a skate right where the zamboni came out...pretty nasty, but that stuff can easily happen ANYWHERE in the arena. One of the UM CC's got it in the face last year at the end of the season and she was up a ways on the side. So if they REALLY want to protect the crowd, nets should go all the way around the arena. That said, the chances of someone actually getting hit hard enuf to kill them is pretty darn small...more of a chance of slipping on the steps...I hate the nets...

end rant....




I don't think you read what I said in my post earlier. I'm sure that the REA doesn't care about the nets either. Most arenas wouldn't care too much for them because of upkeep and such. However, the one fact that remains is:


And we aren't talking pocket change folks. Albeit accidental death from a flying frozen rubber disc is much less idiotic than what a lot of people sue for, it's the damn truth. Why? Deep pockets.

Lady spills coffee on her lap because she puts it between her thighs when she is riding in a car without a lid on it knowing she would be under Newton's Laws during the car's operation. She claims the coffee was too hot and sues. $2 million later, she's doing just fine. Hell, a guy got over $600,000 in the mid 80s because he fell through a skylight and broke his leg in a school... while attempting to steal something else. No, I'm not lying.

People in this country are too chickensh!# to stand up for their own mistakes and sheer stupidity. Judges are too mindful of a lawyer's right to make a living not to throw all these lawsuits out of court because they are blatently frivelous (or, giving lawyers some credit, they are able to pull the woool over the eyes of the judge just enough to stay the gavel). The judicial system is flawed and no one has the integrity to fix it. Instead they have the moral and ethical corruption needed to take advantage, if you will, of the deep pocket theory and then turn around and complain that luxuries are getting too expensive and insurance prices are skyrocketing too high. Hell, midcal prices are seeing the same thing. Thanks to congress, it's only going to get worse.

Now THIS is a rant, but it explains perfectly why the nets are going to be a reality. Just be thankful it isn't plexiglass to the ceiling.


Rereading my post I realize that some, like schmittdoggydog have ties to the legal system. I was not saying that he is a bad lawyer, nor am I saying that all lawyers are bad. I am saying that there are those out there who really do a good job of making the profession out to be a bunch of money hungry thieves.

Sorry schmittdoggydog and anyone else of the legal persuasion out there reading this board.


The nets are coming whether you like it or not. It's just a simple safety concern, and it makes as much sense as the plexiglass. It's impossible to watch out for pucks during warmups when there are 25 players firing shots at the same time! I agree that people should pay better attention to the puck in play (that's what you're there for, isn't it?), but once someone DIES, I think not putting up nets would be a horrific mistake. I don't think the girls family is worried too much about the sight lines! To prevent something like that from happening again (no matter how small the odds may be) I am willing to deal with the nets, and I think anyone with a conscience would agree with me.

Here's a simple exercise:

What's the BEST thing that could happen if nets are not put up: We can see the game slightly better.

What's the WORST thing that could happen if nets are NOT put up: Someone is KILLED by a flying puck.

Weigh those for a moment and then tell me you'd rather leave things the way they are. It makes no sense.



basiacally you and I agree. I really don't think any arena WANTS to put nets up but the EVIL lawyers and INSURANCE companies are what drives this crap. I wonder how much longer our society will be able to function. I KNOW there are good lawyers out there someplace, but they are NOT the ambulance chasers!

A great thing about Mecca is the studnet sections being primarily on the attack side 2 out of 3 periods! If it isn't that way, your program's student fans suffer IMO!

UMDdogz...hate to tell you this, you can't be protected form everything all the time. Her death, while tragic, was a complete fluke, and a knee jerk reaction is insane. As for during warm ups...just sit closer to the glass and you'd be fine! Most fans don't come in to sit till after warmups are over anyways!



Just food for thought. The puck that hit the little girl that died only triggered an undetected medical condition that was inevitable for the little girl. Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time for her and could have been caused by a variety of scenerios.

On the otherhand I have season tickets for the WILD and must admit that I did not care for the netting at first, but over time you will forget that it is there if they do put it up. The only thing that you will miss is the puck flying into the beer cups :angry:


I was at the REA today and the black netting didn't look all that bad and it seems

that the plexeglass is higher behind the goalies. I guess to watch a game through

the netting would be a different story and I don't believe this netting is going to be

left up this year? Anyone know? Will it or is it mandatory by the WCHA in the near future?

Go Sioux!!!

Parise for Hobey!!

Like a few have posted here, it is a hockey game, not a social event. If you want to sit and chat, or do your nails, stay home and leave the seats for the real fans' whose eyes only leave the puck to watch a fight behind the play or some random hot chick!

I was just talking with someone about this!! I hate it when people go to hockey games for the social aspect of it and not to watch. If your not gonna watch the game - stay home and give your tickets to a die hard fan that couldn't get tickets to that game. I'm not a student and I don't have season tickets - there are plenty of times where I couldn't get tickets for various reasons. I'm not saying that I don't socialize at games - but I don't spend the money for the ticket if I'm not gonna watch the game.

And with the net thing - I don't know about you guys, but I would feel SO bad if I was the one that hit the puck that killed someone. Deflection or not - I don't know how you would deal with that. I suppose we'll just have to deal with it if they do go up. I'd feel safer - I might not like it - but I would feel safer. The chances of someone getting hit by a puck might be one in a million - but what if that one time was you, your best buddy, or worse, one of your children. I guess I'd rather have the nets - I can get used to them.


I think Zack is right, but then again, I think there should be pedestrian bridges over University Avenue. After all, who says the cars are going to stop? I mean, sure it is a Yield to Pedestrian Zone, but who cares about that?

Also, I think they should close down the Little Ceasar's Pizza place in the Union and install A NutraWorld Vegan Cafe. Close McDonalds and all the fast food restaurants that doesn't have at least 50 percent of the menu as completely wholesome and the other half not fried and such.

I could go on..... What I'm saying is: Life is a risk. Waking up is a risk. You could wake up suddenly in your lofted bed, hit your head on the ceiling, lose consciouseness, roll off the bed and break your neck on a trunk. My answer: The day you are born, youare fingerprinted on the X that is a waiver saying that any risks assumed in your life is done so at your own peril.

Stupidity should become a criminal act when used to disrupt, harm, or take advantage other people or companies. Bring back cruel and unusual punishment: the town stockade where local idiots can be taunted and rotten fruit and vegetables thrown at him for a nominal fee. Hell, that's called commerce :angry:


All right guys...The nets are there to protect you from injury, and it's as simple as that. No matter how intently you watch the game, there may come a time when somebody lets go a wicked slapper that takes a deflection right at you. That's what the nets are there for. The deal with the girl was that she had some kind of problem where her blood would not clot or something. She did get up and walk under her own power after the shot hit her. But the risk of injury (not necessarily death) is still too prevalent not to take some kind of preventative action. Personally I don't see why nobody has come up with some sort of clear Kevlar wire to make the nets out of. Then we'd be in a win-win situation. Hmmm. I wonder if the patent office is open this late! Hope you're all ready for saturday!! I've been waiting for this all summer! Go 'Dogs!! :angry:


Just so everyone who's talking legalities is aware...you cannot sue the arena or the team if you get injured by a puck. There is a disclaimer on the ticket, and they announce it before the games (I've heard they don't really protect the arena, but I think that source might be wrong). Columbus gave the little girl's family a large chunk of change because it was the right thing to do, not to prevent a lawsuit. People do sue for a lot these days, but businesses also cover their asses pretty well. The McDonald's incident...the coffee was upwards of around 200 degrees, much hotter than it should have been (I think around 100 degrees or so). The ones that really piss me off are the one's that get lung cancer from smoking 3 packs a day and sue the tobacco companies.

I am siding with WPoS here. If you are not there to watch some good old time hockey and just socialize, don't go, or at least sit in the nose bleeds. When I am at a game, I watch the game (fights behind the play and random hot chick sightings excluded, of course :angry: ) when I am there, and hate it when I see someone reading a book or playing on a laptop during the game (I have seen both and almost slapped them, (BTW...the reader was in OUR seats too, which really pissed us off...remember this flatspin, she was with the Evil Hockey Bitch). Stay home and let the REAL fans handle the live game.

If any of the legal stuff is wrong...any lawyer is free to come on here and tell me I am a legal idiot and should never become a lawyer :D

All right guys...The nets are there to protect you from injury, and it's as simple as that. No matter how intently you watch the game, there may come a time when somebody lets go a wicked slapper that takes a deflection right at you. That's what the nets are there for. The deal with the girl was that she had some kind of problem where her blood would not clot or something. She did get up and walk under her own power after the shot hit her. But the risk of injury (not necessarily death) is still too prevalent not to take some kind of preventative action. Personally I don't see why nobody has come up with some sort of clear Kevlar wire to make the nets out of. Then we'd be in a win-win situation. Hmmm. I wonder if the patent office is open this late! Hope you're all ready for saturday!! I've been waiting for this all summer! Go 'Dogs!! :D

as for clear Kevlar wire, well the polymer that makes up Kevlar (where is the pesky trademark symbol) is actually YELLOW/GOLD. In small diameters it would probably be pretty translucent, but it does not turn into "wire" well. It makes a good cloth, but that is about it. And, drum roll please, it is expensive. Anything that you could try to make netting out of that has good optical properties would prolly be to expensive and/or not strong enuf/flexible enuf to work for netting. So I think we are pretty much stuck with good old Nylon netting for any nets that go up in arenas.

by the way did I say I hate nets? :angry:



Cutter...kiss my a$$. Who are YOU to tell me I am not a real Sioux fan? Because I agree with WPoS on the netting issue? What does it have to do with being a Sioux hockey fan?

BTW...in case you've missed it, I grew up in the TC. I was a Gopher die hard growing up, I went to high school with Troy Riddle, I saw the light when I went to school here and became a die hard, hardcore Sioux fan. It's not like I stopped being a Gopher fan...just not as much as a Sioux fan.


I sit on one end of the ice and have had to avoid 5-6 pucks every season and have stupidly reached up and tried to catch a puck every now and then in a reaction type mode. I do not have any problem with them putting up nets on the ends.

Before attending the Frozen Four in Buffalo I was dead set against the nets on the ends thinking it would be like watching a baseball game from behind the net. It's not the same. I had no problem following the puck in Buffalo and to be honest after the first period of the first game never really noticed the netting.

So my vote is put it up, protect the fans, and let's get going.

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