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Over on Goopher Puck Live the faithful are blaming all of their woes on Harrington, why don't we do that as well. Example: it's Harrington's fault for this whole damn name issue. :D

  GrahamKracker said:

I do listen to MY elders. Thats why I'm fighting the fight I am.


What you should have said was I pick and choose and find the elders that meet my needs.

  GrahamKracker said:
No, but NCAA has heard from me and will continue to do so.  Have you voiced "your" opinion to them?


I let them know how hypocritical they were that they were still selling products from the 18 schools that they labeled as hostile and abusive shortly after they implemented their ridiculous ban.

I will let the courts decide if the University of North Dakota can keep the nickname, and be allowed to compete in post-season events. And I will respect the decision of the courts, if it even goes that far, no matter what it is.

Will you do the same?

  PCM said:
Second, I can't be that vindictive over this issue, especially knowing that there are folks like Yttrium, Wilbert Robertson and other American Indians out there who truly do appreciate UND's use of the Sioux nickname and logo. I am convinced that they are more representative of the majority of the American Indians in the state and nation. Why go out of your way to punish and insult them to make them pay for the misguided actions of a few? That makes no sense.


Of course the people in GK's crowd would say that the people you just named aren't real natives or some how are tainted and corrupt.

  Goon said:

What you should have said was I pick and choose and find the elders that meet my needs.


Nope, I don't know ANY elders from my Sioux tribe that has anything negative to say about stance on this issue.


Krack, you act and talk like you are 100 percent soley responsible for this whole NC$$ ruling and appeal rejection, I find that hilarious. You must have an awful strong back to walk around supportung a head that big.

Krack, you act and talk like you are 100 percent soley responsible for this whole NC$$ ruling and appeal rejection, I find that hilarious.  You must have an awful strong back to walk around supportung a head that big.


I think I saw him stuck in a doorway today. They were buttering his head so that he could get out.

Krack, you act and talk like you are 100 percent soley responsible for this whole NC$$ ruling and appeal rejection, I find that hilarious.  You must have an awful strong back to walk around supportung a head that big.


We better issue another troll alert.


I thought 'Sioux" was a name given to you by the French and means 'snake' or something like that. I heard the Native Americans were disgusted by that name cause it was a nickname given to them. Now you call yourself 'Sioux' proudly in your posts. Which one is it? Sioux or Lakota?

Honestly, I don't know whether Sioux is used by Native Americans proudly or not?

Fill me in.

I'm AMERICAN, and damn proud to be, why not get on board the winning team for once krack.  Just be the best you can be, live and let live, I don't get all the anger man.


lol, that's because you are not Sioux. I am an American, too. Proud enough to spend 9 years in the military.


Goon, I don't get it. Troll alert for what? No krack remember you are from a seperate soveirn (sp) nation who does not want a ND state institution using your people's name.

Goon, I don't get it.  Troll alert for what?  No krack remember you are from a seperate soveirn (sp) nation who does not want a ND state institution using your people's name.


For claiming he is enfluecning the NCAA that he has enough clout for them to take his recommendation. Or how about just for General Purpose.

  GrahamKracker said:
And in 20 years, you'll still be in ND complaining about the name.  Sounds pretty pitiful to me.  I almost feel sorry for you.


BUT WAIT A MINUTE!!!! Weren't you the one who is going to help 'your people'? Aren't you still going to be in South Dakota with your people? Won't you still be there in twenty years? No, you'll be helping them from California, Montana, Arizona or maybe Mexico (if you succeed in deporting us poor Mexican Americans), helping them via internet postings where you'll still be blaming "Whitey" for all your problems. Pitiful. I do feel sorry for you.

  GrahamKracker said:
  I honestly don't think UND will win ANYTHING, but do you think I really would just leave this issue alone?  My fight is not like yours.  Mine isn't about "just a name", you can walk away from this name and nothing will happen to you. You can go to another school, cheer for another team. 

  Unlike you, I am Sioux for life. I was born Lakota, live Lakota, and will die Lakota.  You can't say that, now can you?


It's not "just a name" to me. And I will not walk away and cheer for another team.

But good try.

  GrahamKracker said:
Whatever, its funny that when you are losing the battle you take comfort in thinking you can put me down.  But you know something HockeyMom?  When this is all over, you'll still be your ignorant self, raising your kids that you taught to be ignorant.  And in 20 years, you'll still be in ND complaining about the name.  Sounds pretty pitiful to me.  I almost feel sorry for you.


Actually, Kracker you're losing. That's why you just called me ignorant. And I'm not complaining about the name. You are.

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