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Utah and CMU off the list


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So if the name was changed your saying people on campus would still tell us to go back to the reservations? You know, I'm willing to take a chance and blame the logo for many of the injustices that happen here on campus. Put it this way, in the long run, it can only get better on campus w/ the logo/name in our rearview mirror.


So this is why you want the name changed? Because you think it will stop racism? You think it will stop those idiots from saying "go back to the reservation." If the name does get changed, I want to be around 100 years down the line and ask your great grandkids about the defining moment in the Sioux nation. Knowing they'd be coming from you, their answer would probably be "When UND changed it's nickname and worldwide racism stopped forever. We lived happy, played tag in strawberry fields, and nobody ever died ever again."

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This name issue is just one of those steps.  Its not the biggest, nor does it even take up much of our time,


Could have fooled me. Have you discovered a way to extend the day beyond 24 hours? :p:D

Hell, I bet most of your reading this don't even know what it is to "fight".  I wonder if I polled everyone here how many have picked up an M-16 for this country, or went overseas because it was your job.  You can belittle my comments and the comments of others here, but it won't change how the Sioux Nation feels about you using our name and a logo that is not yours to claim.


What does this have to do with anything? So you served in the military, good for you and thank you. That has nothing to do with UND's nickname though.

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As long as we're on the subject of the military, you should ask these people if they want the nickname changed.


Great Photo. Who are they and what unit are they with? Are they still there? If so, we should arrange for game tapes etc. to be sent. They should blow that up and put it in the locker rooms. Nice way of keeping sports in perspective. If one of you who works for the university Athletic Dept sees this, send it to the new AD and the coaches.

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Great Photo.  Who are they and what unit are they with?  Are they still there?  If so, we  should arrange for game tapes etc. to be sent.  They should blow that up and put it in the locker rooms.  Nice way of keeping sports in perspective.  If one of you who works for the university Athletic Dept sees this,  send it to the new AD and the coaches.


I think that is the 188th out of Grand Forks, if so they are deployed in Iraq.

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As long as we're on the subject of the military, you should ask these people if they want the nickname changed.


Humbling. These men show pride in the name and logo. I don't see how this display is threatening to American Indians or their children. I see honor, respect, and a sense of 'home' in this picture. Thanks, mksioux.

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