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UND vs Michigan Tech & The MacNaughton Cup


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Although, I agree with this guy, I also agree with Tommiejo in that we shouldn't count our chickens before they're hatched.

If you're going to quote Tommiejo/GATOR, at least get it right. :D

"don't count your chickens before there hack."
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Third, is the game going to on satlite or direct tv? If anybody knows could you please be kind enough to let me know thank you.


Definitely satellite (FSSN), but no directtv.

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First, hey PCM please forgive me for being a lousy speller at least i'm honest enough to admit that. Second, I want to thank everyone for the kind words such welcome back & so forth. After all most of ya'll are kind of like family to me. That's something I have never forgotten & will always remember. Third, let's go out & WIN THE MacNaughton Cup & bring back to Grand Forks where it belongs.


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First, hey PCM please forgive me for being a lousy speller at least i'm honest enough to admit that.

Anyone who reads my posts knows that I am not without fault in that area. Actually, I like your version of the saying better. :D

Now let's go win a 40-pound cup!

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First, hey PCM please forgive me for being a lousy speller at least i'm honest enough to admit that. Second, I want to thank everyone for the kind words such welcome back & so forth. After all most of ya'll are kind of like family to me. That's something I have never forgotten & will always remember. Third, let's go out & WIN THE MacNaughton Cup & bring back to Grand Forks where it belongs.


I will never hold anyones lack of spelling against them. :D

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The final five is going to be a fun time. Gophers is they can win next weekend will be playing in the play in game. Wow. What a night. It makes my skin crawl but I was actually pulling for the dirty Badgers tonight.

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I'm so proud of myself! Kupchella was standing right below me and I held my temper in check! I said nothing! ;) Small personal victories.

In any case, I'm not so sure it was the right thing to boo Kupchella, but I found it amusing anyways.

The trumpet player was HILARIOUS! My neighbor thought it was just some obnoxious fan! :D He kept looking down there waiting for the guy to be kicked out of the arena.

I thought he was awesome. Although the trip onto the glass surely had him playing the picollor trumpet, I'm sure. ;)

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I'm so proud of myself! Kupchella was standing right below me and I held my temper in check! I said nothing! ;) Small personal victories.

I wouldn't be...Cause I didn't say anything to it either.

BTW...Roger Thomas told me he loved the signs ;) . I had trouble with the "That was DUmb" sign :D . I really don't like her ;)

Anyone else notice that ZPar shook hands with Blais and Thomas...then ignored Kupchella (unless I missed it) ;)

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