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sioux fan in phoenix

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I like the fact that Blais is backing up his word on playing only those guys who are willing to give it their all in games and practice. That's the only way this team will excel. And, given the mediocre performance of some guys so far, why not give some freshmen a try? The time to set the final roster doesn't come until April.

Agreed on that point. A good example of a coach doing this is Bill Parcells when he started with the Cowboys this season. He stated that his first goal was to find out who all the negative, badmouthing, rumorspreading, non-producing, overweight guys were in the lockerroom & cut them. Maybe Blais isn't doing all these things, but you get my point.

Having disenfranchised guys in the lineup is like a slow-spreading disease that affects team morale & should not be tolerated. I think benching certain players who fall into this category in favor of hungry freshmen is a necessity. There's no excuse why a talented upperclassman should play & take up scholarship space if he's going to loaf around & not give it a 100% game in & game out. Each & every Sioux player needs to give it all he's got if we're going to have any chance of bringing home an 8th NCAA championship this season...

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Anyone getting together for a little pre-game on Friday in Denver? I won't have time for the alumni get-together at Dave and Buster's on Sat, but will haul my butt up to Denver as fast as I can on Friday. Campus Lounge maybe?

Like I said before, COUNT ME IN!! There's beer, I'm there. Not exactly sure where the Campus Lounge is, but will make due. :D What time are you plannin' on arrivin'? :glare: Is the Campus Lounge within walking distance of the arena? Say, when you said you live about an hour west of the Springs, are you in Divide? I know some Sioux fans who live up there.

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Like I said before, COUNT ME IN!! There's beer, I'm there. Not exactly sure where the Campus Lounge is, but will make due. :D What time are you plannin' on arrivin'? :glare: Is the Campus Lounge within walking distance of the arena? Say, when you said you live about an hour west of the Springs, are you in Divide? I know some Sioux fans who live up there.

Campus Lounge is not within walking distance, but it's still close, we could shoot for Spanky's:

1800 E Evans Ave

Denver, CO 80210

Main Phone: 303-733-6886

If you want to plan on meeting there, I can get there by 5:30-6:00 and swill down a couple with you. e-mail me at cyberbum@earthlink.net if you want to swap info and try to hook up tomorrow. We were at teh DU games last year, and go to CC when the Sioux are in town, probably have seen you.

Yeah, I've lived in Divide for ~8 years now and love the solitude, though I drive down to the Springs for work almost daily, it's worth the 40 minute drive to have some acreage, peace and quiet. The only traffic I get by my house is the sanitation truck once a week, and the occasional UPS delivery..

If there are more Sioux fans up here, I MUST have a goofer roast for the upcoming game at marahoochie, I have enough room for 20 or so, with a big screen, keep it in mind.

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Anywhere is fine with me. Hmmm, a gopher roast....... sounds fun. We might have to put our heads together. I am coordinating the satelite party for that game. I know someone else who wanted to do some sort of tail-gating, roasting something or other party too. I think we could get a pretty big crowd, it's just getting the word out. There's a ton of Sioux fans here. Anywho, that's another weekend, this weekend it's DU!

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"I know they are ranked higher, but rankings at this point don't mean much," said DU's Lukas Dora, who recorded two goals and an assist in the playoff series against North Dakota. "I know they have been playing well, but I still think we are the better team."

From (I think) the Rocky Mountain News

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"I know they are ranked higher, but rankings at this point don't mean much," said DU's Lukas Dora, who recorded two goals and an assist in the playoff series against North Dakota. "I know they have been playing well, but I still think we are the better team."

From (I think) the Rocky Mountain News

Ah, bulletin board material, you gotta love it!

Well, he is from the Czech Republic so I am not sure how much English he understands, but I am guessing Greene, Jones, Schneider and crew will remind him in universal terms that UND is a big, strong and physical team.

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I'll be going straight to the game after work today (Friday), but I'm planning to be at Dave and Buster's before Saturday's game. Hopefully I'm not bad luck this year :glare: Either way I think I'm sitting in the end of the arena opposite side from the DU student section. Either way I'll be wearing a Black hooded Sioux sweatshirt, so if you see me say hi.

Where are people going after the Sioux win on Friday and Saturday?

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Where are people going after the Sioux win on Friday and Saturday?

Optimism, I love it! I don't know for sure what's going on after the game. I don't think I drink somewhere is out of the question, damn near necessary if we win. :glare: Which we will, so let's plan on it. I'm in section 7 tonight, I think the section you are referring to is 6, which is where the alumni seats were last year and I am making the assumption they are in the same place this year. Behind the goalie on the side we shoot on twice, which would be across from the students. I will look for you tonight. I think we can get a few people to go out afterwards. :D

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I think you maybe drink already today.

He may not be as think as you drunk :D

Looking at Caldwell (Denver) quotes reminded me he was the primary dman that had his arm around Sioux forwards' necks last year. Wonder if he's looking forward to trying to get a date this year again :glare:

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He may not be as think as you drunk :p

Looking at Caldwell (Denver) quotes reminded me he was the primary dman that had his arm around Sioux forwards' necks last year. Wonder if he's looking forward to trying to get a date this year again :glare:

Damn! That's what I get for being this excited and trying to type as fast as I think. :D I even re-read that thing about 3 times thinking, what's wrong with it? Something doesn't seem to be flowing, but I can't put my finger on it...... :p

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He may not be as think as you drunk ;)

Looking at Caldwell (Denver) quotes reminded me he was the primary dman that had his arm around Sioux forwards' necks last year. Wonder if he's looking forward to trying to get a date this year again :p

The more I read this conversation, the harder I laugh!!! :):glare::D:p

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