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We dominated all game long tonight, but our power play still was awful. One thing for all who weren't there, all the hype about SCSu's special teams and their defense.... VERY TRUE. They were impressive defensively. Rumors abound on why Montgomery started today (maybe it was stated at the beginning of this thread) but one rumor says he hurt his groin and another rumor has it an equipment problem. Maybe both.

As for players, Bina played. And Federov, he was GOOD. No, he didn't produce, but he always seemed to be in the right position to block a shot. I think he blocked at least 4 shots. No, I don't think he deserves to play ever night, but he definitely did better than Marvin did on Friday. Massen was back tonight and he did NOT look good. I still think his groin is bothering him. He didn't have nearly the hustle that he did pre injury. Prpich looked a bit down and out as well, but I'm not exactly sure why.

Brandt was on his game tonight. Take away flukes and SCSU only scored once on him. Jones was also a key player for the past two weeks. McMahon's whole line looked good. However, someone said Stafford. I do not think Stafford had a good game tonight. He had an assist, true, but he commonly overskated the puck and gave up the puck on several occasions.

Parise and Murray were both called for BS penalties. Folks, neither of them were penalties, I guarantee it.

If I had three stars to give I'd give them (in no particular order) to Brandt, Montgomery, and either McMahon or Parise.

As for Minnesota -- I am no longer so confident that they'll recover. I am however concerned about this team. I've NEVER seen a team crumble like this when they've lost so few players. This is a messed up hockey season.

Oh, folks, rumor has it that Campion will be in Denver for the series next week.

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The story of Saturday's game:

UND resurrected the hustle and forecheck that was missing in Friday's game. They were winning rushes to the puck and acutally getting some offensive cycling going. Overall, a very gutsy win given the loss handed them the night before.

If I had to prostidigitate...I'd say this team is capable of reaching the Frozen Four, but only if the young players get better by the end of the season and only if players like Lundbohm & Massen can get it going offensively.

Go Sioux!

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I didn't believe SCSU was a clutch & grab team until I saw this photo in the


What's a good caption for that? He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

That was the biggest non-call of the game, and yet Schmidt called Parise for throwing a player off his back? No excuse me, he called Parise for holding. ???

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