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How Far Can College Hockey Go?


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I was going through some newspapers and saw an article that I missed last week in the WSJ. Here is the online piece

...This Saturday, Michigan will host Michigan State in an outdoor hockey game at its football stadium before an anticipated crowd of 113,000 people. For two hours, "The Big Chill," as the event is being called, will shove college hockey into an unusual spot: the center of the national sports discussion.....

....This unprecedented game comes at a time when the sport is already expanding beyond its traditional boundaries. Paul Kelly, the president of College Hockey Inc., the year-old marketing arm of NCAA hockey, estimated that up to five more schools may upgrade their club-hockey teams to varsity status in the next few years.

Hockey converts say the size of the venues, the proximity to the action and the dedication of the fans
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I was going through some newspapers and saw an article that I missed last week in the WSJ. Here is the online piece

There is no sport that even comes close to the speed, action and intensity of hockey. I think with the advent of HDTV and with 3D coming in behind it, college hockey will flourish.

There is a lot of potential to college hockey, for sure. Consider all the Big 8, Pac 10, and SEC schools that don't have hockey programs. I know there is some interest in the Northwest, and perhaps developing downward into California. Gaining programs on the West coast would really open things up.

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I was going through some newspapers and saw an article that I missed last week in the WSJ. Here is the online piece

There is no sport that even comes close to the speed, action and intensity of hockey. I think with the advent of HDTV and with 3D coming in behind it, college hockey will flourish.

I have no experience with the 3D aspect, but HDTV seems to be made for hockey.

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With the potential lockouts in the NFL and NBA next year, the NHL and college hockey could have a tremendous exposure opportunity!

Two weekends ago, I was able to watch four college hockey games on tv at once: UND vs SCSU, UM vs MSU-M, BSU, VS UNO, and BU vs BC. It was good to see college hockey getting that much air time! Granted the BSU vs UNO game was on local Bemidji PBS channel and probably only available to a limited audience, but it's a start!

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With the potential lockouts in the NFL and NBA next year, the NHL and college hockey could have a tremendous exposure opportunity!

Two weekends ago, I was able to watch four college hockey games on tv at once: UND vs SCSU, UM vs MSU-M, BSU, VS UNO, and BU vs BC. It was good to see college hockey getting that much air time! Granted the BSU vs UNO game was on local Bemidji PBS channel and probably only available to a limited audience, but it's a start!

Oceans start from a sigle drop of water so who knows?

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With the potential lockouts in the NFL and NBA next year, the NHL and college hockey could have a tremendous exposure opportunity!

Two weekends ago, I was able to watch four college hockey games on tv at once: UND vs SCSU, UM vs MSU-M, BSU, VS UNO, and BU vs BC. It was good to see college hockey getting that much air time! Granted the BSU vs UNO game was on local Bemidji PBS channel and probably only available to a limited audience, but it's a start!

They also had the Michigan / Ohio State hockey game on the Big Ten Network that night. What a hockey bonanza.

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We don't get the Big Ten network where I live unfortunately, so I couldn't watch that one. I do get CBS college sports and the Bemidji area PBS channel in HD for free which is how I got to watch the BSU/UNO and BU/BC games. I also get FSN North in HD so the only game I didn't get to watch in HD was the UND game, unfortunately. It would be perfect if we could get FSSN in HD...

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