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Anti-Semitism at UND


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ours were in hallways, it wasn't on the door of the studen't room or in the Jewish Center (Does UND even have one of those? if so where cause that is something new to learn about). If I misunderstood your statement, I apologize and take that back. As for UND's, the first one was perhaps directed at the student, but I can almost bet that half of the others were just people who went "oh, they got attention for that, why don't i do it?" and people who don't understand the connotations of it in our country.

As of 2004, the "Jewish Center" was the Student Union common area. In other words, no building exists. The Jewish Synagogue is so far off campus and so well hidden that I'm not sure how many of us knew where it was.

Before Weinstein, we had the Maidenbergs being our advisor (Maidenbergs were well known at the time as Mrs. Maidenberg was a prominant professor in the Nursing department and Mr. Maidenberg was the Publisher or Editor or some other bigwig with the GF Herald at the time). She used to arrange rides for us.

Admittedly, a lot can change in 4 years time, but we're nowhere near as privileged a student minority as the Native Americans. We won't have a nice Jewish Center built for us.

As for your final statement, 85% of graffiti is for "look at me look at me" purposes, 10% is for simply artistic expression, 4% for defacement of the property it is painted on, and 1% for political expression. That's MY opinion.

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As of 2004, the "Jewish Center" was the Student Union common area. In other words, no building exists. The Jewish Synagogue is so far off campus and so well hidden that I'm not sure how many of us knew where it was.

Before Weinstein, we had the Maidenbergs being our advisor (Maidenbergs were well known at the time as Mrs. Maidenberg was a prominant professor in the Nursing department and Mr. Maidenberg was the Publisher or Editor or some other bigwig with the GF Herald at the time). She used to arrange rides for us.

Admittedly, a lot can change in 4 years time, but we're nowhere near as privileged a student minority as the Native Americans. We won't have a nice Jewish Center built for us.

As for your final statement, 85% of graffiti is for "look at me look at me" purposes, 10% is for simply artistic expression, 4% for defacement of the property it is painted on, and 1% for political expression. That's MY opinion.

ah, that explains it and I agree....if by Student Union common area, you are referring to the Student Involvement Office (the Greek offices, student orgs office, and volunteer bridge office), then yes it would probably still be there....they at least have a mailbox there that I have delivered mail too.

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ah, that explains it and I agree....if by Student Union common area, you are referring to the Student Involvement Office (the Greek offices, student orgs office, and volunteer bridge office), then yes it would probably still be there....they at least have a mailbox there that I have delivered mail too.

Yeah, that's where our mailbox was, but we used to sit just outside that office in the couches that used to be there. Then we'd usually go off campus to a restaurant and eat.

When the Maidenbergs retired and moved (I think they moved to Arizona or something like that), Weinstein (I don't care much to look up his name) became our advisor and our group lost all direction.

It deteriorated into a snobby social club and I quit shortly thereafter. In any case, who knows what the state of the organization is now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In a word:


Hmm. Kupchella was wrong to accord proper patience and procedure, right? No one wants to see someone else get taunted but evidence is needed to prosecute someone much to the chagrin of the PC zealots. They say something happened and that someone is a racist and it must be so because they said so and a conviction/punishment must be accorded on those grounds alone. Those PC zealots in the English Department must really look foolish. To think, my brother with his PHd in writing and rhetoric could have applied for a job there, as they have an opening in that area, but chose not to do so because of the whack jobs there.

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You see people this is why you don't report a racial incident. And none of you will ever get it because you will never be discriminated against.

*cough* Affirmative Action *cough* quotas *cough* racial/gender preferences *cough* set aside programs *cough*

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You see people this is why you don't report a racial incident. And none of you will ever get it because you will never be discriminated against.

So if the evidence shows nothing but you still claim that you were intimidated and assaulted, we must disregard the lack of evidence and simply accept one-sided claims and prosecute people on that? Sounds like protected class/star chamber due process to me. I don't know who but an idiot, or someone with disdain for due process and constitutional rights, would promote that.

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Interesting quotes:

Again, that drawing could be anything. In the space of two paragraphs, the newspaper calls it a "misshapen swastika" and then a "swastika". By saying that you are claiming that you can read the thoughts and intentions of the person who drew whatever that is. IMHO, that newspaper needs to back off a LOT.

You're right it did not look like a Swastika. I don't know what the heck it was?

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You see people this is why you don't report a racial incident.

No, this is exactly why you report these events:

- so they get recorded

- so they get investigated

- so they get reviewed under rule of law

- so they get resolved properly under the law

But it's so much more fun to play the media game of half-truths, rumor, and inuendo, isn't it. :D

And none of you will ever get it because you will never be discriminated against.

You make a huge assumption there. Mammoth.

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But it's so much more fun to play the media game of half-truths, rumor, and inuendo, isn't it. :D

You make a huge assumption there. Mammoth.

Please do not interrupt the agenda!!

If this is pursued on appeal, the results will either be justice (the entire dorm full of kids will be jailed for life and your President will be mowing the plantiff's lawn from now on) or continued discrimination (undoubtly caused solely by your nickname).

One has to wonder if this case is pursued all the way to the Supreme Court, will Ruth Bader Ginsburg be allowed to comment? And for that matter, does anyone know the religion of the judge who dismissed the case?

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Please do not interrupt the agenda!!

If this is pursued on appeal, the results will either be justice (the entire dorm full of kids will be jailed for life and your President will be mowing the plantiff's lawn from now on) or continued discrimination (undoubtly caused solely by your nickname).

One has to wonder if this case is pursued all the way to the Supreme Court, will Ruth Bader Ginsburg be allowed to comment? And for that matter, does anyone know the religion of the judge who dismissed the case?

I even bet he's a UND Law School graduate. Uh oh!?!?!?!?!? That must mean he's biased, right?

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No, this is exactly why you report these events:

- so they get recorded

- so they get investigated

- so they get reviewed under rule of law

- so they get resolved properly under the law

But it's so much more fun to play the media game of half-truths, rumor, and inuendo, isn't it. :D

You make a huge assumption there. Mammoth.

I'm Jewish. I went to UND. I was a member of the JSO. I knew the advisor to the JSO. I knew that he never cared one bit about the JSO while I was there. I was the PRESIDENT of the JSO for 2 of the 3 years I was in it. My grandparents are Holocaust survivors.

That assumption was moronic. I didn't react to it because fourwinds is on my ignore list.

The fact is, EVERYONE has been discriminated against in this issue. Right now, everyone who thinks the nickname should stay is getting discriminated against because they are automatically evil, abusive, racist and bad people. It doesn't matter why they defend the nickname.

I've been discriminated against. I was targetted in high school by the Neo-Nazis in Fargo, ND (Yes, they do exist). Was I harmed? No. I got harrassed by a person who kept sending me the Neo Nazi newsletter. Oh God how terrible right?

The fact that whether or not you know what discrimination is by going through it may be important, but what is truly vital is how you handle it when it happens. Apparently, fourwinds and this Jewish student do not know how to handle it. They've gotten vindictive, bitter, spiteful, and hateful.

Start pointing fingers and generalizing (We are all idiots, right fourwindsboy?) and you're merely part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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...They've gotten vindictive, bitter, spiteful, and hateful...
In another thread I was talking about when the zealots would give up. On this board, we have one anti-nicknamer who views any court of law which he disagrees with as totally illegitimate: and another poster who has famously (and repeatedly) claimed that for this issue, he is perfectly willing to overturn the "freedom of speech" that Americans have been constitutionally guaranteed for about 220 years or so.

Extremists? Perhaps. But they're out there.

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