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Everything posted by SiouxFanSince1990

  1. Are we really expecting Berg to commit or something?
  2. And just like that, Wisconsin is once again a powerhouse.
  3. Every day I check this thread hoping for some good news. Hope is turning into doubt.
  4. Is Ausmus ready? Do we think it will be Livanavige, Strathman, Weibe, and Konkaz or w/e.
  5. Yes, bring in five of our defenseman recruits. Better than take a chance with one and done portal guys.
  6. That play for the natty took any confidence Quinn had left in that game. Brilliance.
  7. I doubt Frisch wants any part of this dumpster fire. It’s going to be Moore, four freshmen, and maybe two portal guys? How anyone thinks our defense will improve upon this past season is beyond me. I’m glad Hedquist is okay. Hopefully he comes in next year.
  8. I understand what you are getting at. The difference is certain things are common and accepted in the game. How often do you see someone deliberately take another guy out like that? Very rarely. His intent was to hurt him, as clear as day. That’s criminal.
  9. Who ripped Bast and Constantini? Didn’t see much of that.
  10. Looked like he deliberately charged into him, throwing his hands/stick into his head. How is that not battery?
  11. Warrant criminal charges? That was intent to injure. Clear as day. I’d press charges!
  12. Wait, wait, wait…we had women’s hockey?
  13. Yes. Each game is played at the higher seeds home ice. Great for overall atmosphere.
  14. You want your best face off man to be on the ice with your best goal scorers. Can’t score if you don’t have the puck, eh.
  15. As mentioned in the commitment thread, anyone have posts from the past that they would care to reflect on? When Beoser was coming in, I knew he was good, but didn’t realize the kind of impact he would have as a freshman. Similar to Blakes impact. I knew he was good, but this good out the gate? Didn’t expect it.
  16. Something was going on. Attitude, injury, confidence, or didn’t buy into the “culture”…
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