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Everything posted by SiouxFanSince1990

  1. Sure, but when the AD and head coach is stifling the potential for that trajectory, it’s hard to take things seriously. NIL and the portal is only going to make things worse. I’m not trying to be a Nancy. I’ll leave it at that.
  2. Delusions of grandeur over there, lol. Sad really. Oh well….
  3. That’s why I like him on the third line. We could potentially have three legit scoring lines.
  4. Much faster, if anything. Will be exciting to see how some of the younger guys utilize the summer. Put on the pounds!
  5. Blake/Berg/Emerson James/McL/Gaber Perron/Schmaltz/Johannes Kunz/Jammer/Strinden;Ness;Albrecht;Mont Pyke/Weibe Livanavage/Perhson Benoit/Zmolek Komzak may or may not play. enter goalieman….. Emerson will be great in front to get Blakes rebounds and help create space. Gaber should have plenty of opportunities with all the speed with him. I think Johannes will surprise, and having him with Perron and Schmaltz could be a “top line” killer. Win draws and make things difficult.
  6. Maybe has something to do with the previous head coach and the issues they have had? This move makes me think that P wanted something new.
  7. Pluck a 25 year old Canadian from the deep woods of Canada.
  8. Looks like Benoit and Komzak will be fighting for ice time.
  9. Pyke and Pehrson are every nighters for sure. Probably play our top two freshys with them, and then work the former Mankato man back into the lineup. The older freshy will probably have to fight for a spot on a nightly basis. Competition is important, and the young guys will learn from these Super seniors.
  10. Why did he transfer out? Is there something I’m missing here…
  11. Win more non conference than you lose. Finish top three in the NCHC. That should be enough.
  12. You’d think he’d be following Motzko or any Michigan/Goofer accounts. Maybe it’s gonna happen for UND.
  13. Could be a hakstol year, hopefully without an early exit….
  14. Temper the expectations. I see a team that may struggle to start the year, but will finish strong.
  15. I’d say it depends who he’s paired with. Sounds like he revels in being the anchor on the back end.
  16. Should you not be required to make some sort of “commitment”.
  17. I haven’t had this much fun reading a thread, since Saturday. Before that? Ummmm, I’ll get back to y’all…
  18. That line of thinking doesn’t get Quinnipiac a National Championship over the golden chokers. The kiddie games are down the street….
  19. Money talks. Sure, maybe at this point he’s a lifer like some other great coaches. Most likely an NHL offer at some point.
  20. Pecknold and his staff would turn us into Alabama. No question.
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