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Everything posted by SiouxFanSince1990

  1. Everyone has a role. He knows his role, and therefore was productive. If you want to roll four lines of absolute studs, you’ll have to take out your checkbook.
  2. Haks teams are different than Berrys. Hak had a disciplined and relentless forecheck. Berrys teams lack discipline, and the forecheck disappears throughout the game. Obviously this year the back checking and defense was the biggest issue. It’s also something we haven’t seen in years. There’s absolutely nothing to suggest these things will change next year. Enjoy the wild ride….
  3. Scoring goals don’t matter much when you can’t play defense. Judd is a strong 200 ft forward. Brad Miller made the switch just fine. Remember, we might need six new defensemen next year. But sure, let’s make a wish and bring in more portal players.
  4. This is so incredibly depressing. I want CC to go all the way and win a banner now. Tigers train!
  5. Would it be a terrible idea to try and teach the defensive position to Judd for next season? I know that’s crazy, but could it work?
  6. Albrecht was one of our best forwards the past few months. You need guy that will give you 100% every shift.
  7. Let’s not try to compare college hockey to Nazi Germany. Thank you…
  8. He’s got nothing left to prove. Win a championship? Money seems more flattering to kids his age.
  9. That’s actually plausible, and would look extremely bad for Berry and co.
  10. That’s the scary part. Bast and Moore need to grow up quickly. A lot of minutes to start the year. Goalieman? This is going to be wild.
  11. Sidorski wasn’t at his spot. Either way, this is exactly how the entire season went. Can’t win consistently like that.
  12. Who’s coasting on the top? Didn’t see that during play. Moore and James probably thought there was help on the backend. Hell idk, this whole season has been FUBAR.
  13. Wonder if Gaber was hurt? Kleven didn’t stand out either.
  14. He was never even on him. James probably didn’t realize Moore was the only defenseman back. Makes sense to me. Idk.
  15. If Moore was less aggressive, the play could have slowed down and James could have put himself in a better position to defend. Either way, a total defensive collapse.
  16. Respectfully, as a defenseman you’re responsible for staying between the puck and the man. He’s been too aggressive all year. James didn’t help, but more can’t step up like that. I digress. Moving on.
  17. Alright everyone, on to the Boo Berry thread! Who’s coming with me?
  18. Defensive breakdown. Moore was the only guy back and decided to step up and left James, a forward to chase. It’s been like tht all year.
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