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Everything posted by Kab

  1. Haters will hate and I count you in as being a hater
  2. Let us know what you think of the D’s a year from know when the economy has went to hell with increased taxes, more regulations, shady deals with China, more people on welfare that aren’t citizens, etc. I hope you enjoy paying for all this, I sure as hell won’t. ‘what are the odds South Korea starts sending missiles up as soon as Biden is in office?
  3. One 30 bed long term care facility had more deaths last year in a month without Covid than they did this year with Covid. Like they say the worst thing to get is natural causes, what most people die from
  4. Take a long time to get as bad as cnn and msnbc
  5. Does this mean since I paid my student loans off early to save 0n interest the government will help me pay for my house in Florida, or would I need a house in NY, California or or Illinois to qualify for that ?
  6. When in doubt about COVID ask yourself what would schloss do. ‘he seems to want to push his BS on health and politics on us. ‘where did he get his MD from again? ‘he should stick to sports writing. ‘I’m smart enough to think for myself
  7. Ther will a stupid amount of corruption in vote counting
  8. Is hay duke actually one of the moderators of this forum undercover?
  9. Why does it take Alaska to count votes there aren’t that many people,there votes aren’t even close and they won’t call any races I guess they want to wait until the sun goes down for 6 months
  10. Georgia will be another Chicago when it comes to the senate run offs You can see the fixes are in, I suppose they will want mail in votes only so they can control the outcome and they will count votes late until they get the outcome they want this is voter suppression any state that requires a 50 % minimum to win news to then key only two candidates be on the ballot look How many are running for those seats
  11. Why wouldn’t I? couldn’t vote without a mask doing smart things seems to be hard for some people when they inject politics
  12. Will the remaining senate votes magically change over night
  13. Need to end this sh it show. ‘all voting needs to be done in person with valid ID, put the voting for a week before until Election Day I voted in person, put my valid ID thru a reader, said I was ok to vote, marked my ballot, put in a vote reader, it said I hadn’t made any mistakes and I was done. ‘if you can’t make it to vote in a weeks time that’s your problem no need to look at signatures, post marks, no excuses there is a reason Democrats don’t like to do it this way, they can’t manipulate the vote dont want to hear COVID excuses absentee by limited reasons only all the votes would be counted that way at the end of the day
  14. So when trump wins what happens to hay duke and law 80 We never hear from either again duke moves into laws basement after he hears his mother voted for trump duke and law both run for office since they are so much smarter than the rest of us they both go to work for cnn, duke as just another worthless dem hack for cnn and law takes toobins place on zoom if Biden wins they both go to work for him tomorrow morning I hope this forum is history and we get back to Sioux sports
  15. Hawaii needs to vote senator ornery out what a loser she is
  16. On the bright side if Biden wins No more floods, hurricanes, forest fires, climate change,drug problems, immigration problems everyone will have food, education, health care planes and trains and ships will run on magic with no one using fossil fuels full employment with everyone making $50 an hour and if you don’t feel like working don't and this will be paid for by the 607 billionaires in the country any new virus will ask Biden first before entering the country please everyone learn the words to kumbaya
  17. Hay duke was probably on the other end of that zoom call with Jeff Toobin
  18. Would the women have just the opposite schedule of the men ?
  19. I see shclossman is posting a lot of political stuff and Covid on this site in his tweets i don’t mind if he posts as a person on a political site but as a sports writer I don’t care what he thinks about those subjects On this site i don’t care what politicians or Drs. Think about sports either he is getting to be too much like the NBA and fans aren’t watching the NBA much anymore I like his coverage of hockey
  20. Hopefully this thread is shut down after the election or better yet the day before there must be some sites that anyone can post on besides this one for politics
  21. Thank you for your support duke i will wear that badge of honor coming from such an upstanding leftist
  22. It won’t stop drugs but it will help looks like some of these drugs found a way into your system
  23. I’m white and not frightened I want it because it helps enforce the law how many more kids need to die because of drugs coming over in the border towns dont believe me pick up an Arizona newspaper old Bidumb isn’t even aware of this problem lets follow the law or change it how about you give me your name and address and I will post it along the border towns that you are willing to take these people in and feed them, educate them , give them healthcare and guarantee they won’t cause any problems
  24. Biden and Obama said pretty much the same thing to us that we shouldn’t panic they also called trump a xenophobic when he shut off China travel havent heard the leftists say anything about that trump said all this early on ,on air so this isn’t NEWS where the hell was the press back then? They don’t do their homework we will have press drips every week until the election about trump the more drips like this the more votes for trump i see Americans have less faith in the press than the president go figure
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