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Everything posted by Kab

  1. Does anyone on this board attend practice? just wondering who will give us some reports who is healthy that was hurt last year how the QBs look are the coaches practicing clock management?
  2. I guess that’s what you get with naia podcast people
  3. Don’t forget the west too with Dickinson and Williston down to bowman and up to tioga and Crosby
  4. Lots of noise on national news about the corn milling plant sounds like feds will get involved
  5. That’s why didn’t say who has
  6. VD was our weekend go to for dorm supplies the old country kitchen was also a Sunday go to, all you could eat, they got tired of college kids coming in, we could eat a lot That was close to campus but I don’t remember exactly where ?
  7. What am I missing? What is a VD?
  8. I was wondering about ESPN like in the past
  9. So we don’t know who will be broadcasting the games?
  10. Try the links of North Dakota by williston prairie, on the big lake, tall grasses and usually plenty of wind and not many trees
  11. Liked the peanut bar and the piano player
  12. I look at the houses for sale in GF and there are very few of the old ones I would consider, need a lot of repairs and are overpriced im just glad when we were young we took a chance and built a house even though the payments were close to 40% of our income the kids had plenty of room to play outside and we knew who our neighbors were im just not an apartment person, at our age now we would consider a one story duplex
  13. Watched eaglestaff in the lions games didnt really shoot that good to me, had a lot of good assists the Fargo kid going to northern impressed me
  14. I hear another committee to decide where to put a new bridge that should only take another 5 years same as the i29 interchange just build the damn thing and start looking at the next bridge and interchange for 30 years down the line
  15. A lot of people not working are getting subsidies not to work and we wonder why there is a lack of people looking for work
  16. Fargo is doing the same thing on larger parcels
  17. Where is the money for all Fargos new infrastructure coming from? They have more interstate exchanges every year. Is the state putting in the money, the feds ? It can’t be all property taxes. I hear some land owners in Fargo need to sell their homes because of high taxes?
  18. Where are the employees going to come from? small ND towns can’t find employees, bigger towns can’t either so will it be from out of state, people looking for a change? 200 employees to me isn’t worth the tax breaks. you need to make an environment that people want to start a business in, low cost housing, available daycare, good schools, low crime, healthcare,recreation, airports. grand Forks can answer yes to most of these. One of the problems is weather, can’t change that.
  19. Watch some of the rehab housing shows on TV when they show the price to rehab there is no way you can do that in ND you pay double the cost for cement here as you do in Arizona
  20. So these new conferences take their sports out of the ncaa what happens to the sports like hockey that are big schools and little schools, some would be ncaa and some wouldn’t?
  21. Maybe ndsu can join them and a few other bottom feeders
  22. Maybe we need a special real estate tax rate for buildings sitting empty, a rate that is considerably higher
  23. Any reports on how the QBs are doing in summer workouts? I hope this year when I watch from the stands I don’t know what play is going to happen before the ball is snapped. Seems like we are so predictable. I hope the coaches are working on getting plays called on time without using timeouts. I hope there is another leader like digger Anderson was or another recking ball like Hendrickson was on defense.
  24. As long as you don’t get a get out of jail free card
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