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Everything posted by Kab

  1. What’s it going to take to get Grand Forks growing you look at Fargos south end and West Fargo and how they grow is the new mayor making any difference when I drive up 29 thru grand forks you don’t see much new
  2. That’s what I refer to
  3. How dare you blaspheme the metro. Everything they do is a cut above the upper Midwest. Everyone knows who the bizon are. Everyone knows sidewalls aren’t safe when they are in town .
  4. When coaches recruit players they must talk with the players high school coaches. If so where was Feeney on this ? they must be able to get grades and talk about character with the coach?
  5. There is a difference between scrutinizing and pot stirring there is a difference between in house information and out house information
  6. Surprised mcfooley isn’t pot stirring here too
  7. I doubt Bubba was playing him if the university said he couldn’t play there must be rules that they follow when someone is accused of something can they play until a hearing is held?
  8. Radio stations absent are Minot, Tioga, Wahpeton.
  9. I know who I would bet on
  10. Is there a board in Fargo you could post on to share your wisdom with them
  11. Not too concerned about ndsu or Florida state broadcasts a lot of crossover broadcasters for UND and ndsu, I guess you go with who pays you. didn’t like Schultz until he did UND football i just hope we get our act together and get our sports teams on the air statewide like they should be you would think the marketing team is already behind in getting advertisers on board for this fall
  12. Depends 0n who you are talking about and which way the wind is blowing
  13. I thought some of the UND broadcasts were as good as any when they did in house. we better hope midco gets the bid, with all,Und required I don’t think anyone will bid that, just my 2 cents. hope that ESPN has a lot of the games
  14. Just the president
  15. I see construction on the car wash on Columbia has started again. Who is the owner of this?
  16. This isn’t Facebook or twitter
  17. Says the fans and coaches from Juice U
  18. I feel the same way about the cast of morning joe, Mr. potato head, McFooley and many others there really aren’t any true journalists because they are controlled by the people they work for.
  19. In a he said she said who wins? what evidence is needed ? are there witnesses?
  20. We used to have swimming, gymnastics, wrestling, don’t have lacrosse, should anyone who plays these sports be able to suit since we don’t have them? these people can show their talents at other schools
  21. So they are aware and still post that video, what’s the use?
  22. Before each home game there are players and coaches with a public service announcement on the video board on how the team is doing everything they can to fight rape and other abuses of women. I wonder how many players if any, knew of what happened and didn’t say anything
  23. I thought it was a selfie and was a mirror image better go back and look again which way was the water flowing, another sleepless night
  24. Can someone go find that billboard and put this to rest
  25. How many -layers 0n the roster and who redshirts
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