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Posts posted by Siouxphan27

  1. 3 hours ago, CMSioux said:

    Interesting article.  I wish it would explain how things would be different if the proposed funding cuts and other actual cuts had never occurred.  More test kits?  Fewer travel or group bans? 

    I see it was written Jan. 31st.  It reads more like someone trying to Monday morning quarterback a crisis, before said crisis happens.  

    I miss the swine flu.  You know, those good old days when an epidemic could occur without half the country finger pointing, manufacturing outrage, and inducing panic by claiming those in charge aren't doing enough before the apocalyptic event even began.    

  2. 1 hour ago, green_sioux said:

    "deliberate misleading statements".????   that's beyond dumb.   enjoy the cult.

    Yes.  Like the one posted here from an MSNBC link, claiming Trump called the corona virus a hoax.  Which is why I replied in the first place. 

    enjoy your kool aid.  

    • Upvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, CMSioux said:

    In the midst of this he made sure to remind us that even though the stock market is down more than 20% in a week it is still higher than when he took office - comforting that this is where his priorities and concerns are. 

     I guess he should’ve said the stock market is probably headed towards zero, and anyone not severely weakened by the coronavirus should climb to the top of the nearest building and jump 

  4. 39 minutes ago, green_sioux said:

    wow, that's uniquely dumb.

    “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
     Issac Asimov

    So by stating facts, and pointing out the deliberate misleading misstatements by cnn and msnbc, I’m uniquely dumb?  

    Very appropriate you chose to quote a science fiction writer  


  5. 2 hours ago, SiouxBoys said:

    It’s sad that about half the country still believes outlets like msnbc and cnn.  You would think after they lied everyday for 3 years about Russian collusion, people would get the hint of what their true agenda is. 

    And now in the midst of a global pandemic, their main goal is not to inform and educate, but rather manipulate statements and data all in the goal of trashing everyone tasked with making the difficult decisions.  

    • Upvote 10
    • Downvote 6
  6. 2 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    When they start cancelling schools K-12......the economic workforce is going to go into a tailspin. Healthcare facilities will be greatly affected.

    OH closed school for 3 weeks.

    Locally, parents are already calling the school, inquiring about switching their kids to home schooling.

  7. 3 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    Would more people die from car accidents on the way to all of these games, or carona virus contracted at these games?

    Good question.   

    Also, now that all forms of entertainment have seemingly been cancelled, how many people who would've stayed home watching sports on tv, are now going to go out and about infecting and becoming infected, because they are bored out of their mind?

  8. If domestic flights aren't stopped, it makes me wonder if the ncaa and professional sports leagues decisions are more financial based than health recommendation based.  

    How can we have hundreds of thousands of people still flying all over the country..... yet a gathering of under 200 people to have a hockey or basketball game is not allowed?

    • Upvote 2
  9. Just now, UND1983 said:

    One word comes to mind:  Liability.  

    Exactly.  Not only are they considering the financial impact of playing at empty arenas, they also have to consider getting sued by fans claiming they got sick in their arena.  Or players that felt forced to play, and later contracted the virus.   

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    So where does end?? At what point are we not able to do anything from a social interaction standpoint? If you are anxious, depressed or scared the last thing one needs is to be totally isolated unnecessarily? Those mental health issues spread within someone faster than this virus.

    I agree. Just was stating what’s probably going to happen...

    All we have to fear, is fear itse- oh, and corona.  

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