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Posts posted by Siouxphan27

  1. 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

    Been stuck under a rock I take it?


    it was a matter of days ago that trump said this is nothing to worry about. Now he is recommending to not gather in groups larger than 10 and to stay home.


    It was also a few days ago that Fox News was defending trump’s stance and making jokes about social distancing. Now they are admitting they were wrong and practicing social distancing themselves. 


    Do we start start taking this seriously finally?


    Have a good day everyone and please stay safe!

    Good leaders know enough to not stoke panic and fear. Would you rather he announced the apocalypse was imminent?

     You should get your remote control fixed. There are plenty of clips out there of CNN, MSNBC, etc. reporters making fun of both the social distancing plan and also making fun of Trump’s China travel ban. 


    • Upvote 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, UND1983 said:


    What I don’t get is why isn’t the virus fully contained and everyone cured in all countries not headed by Trump?  

    Also, North Dakotans are clearly not taking this seriously with the skyrocketing infection and death rates maintaining at 1 and 0.  

    • Upvote 2
  3. 10 hours ago, yzerman19 said:

    I respect your opinion as your right.  I disagree on the accountability you describe.  As partial and incomplete information comes in, you trust your people and make the best calls you can.  Is FDR accountable for Pearl Harbor?  Is Jimmy Carter accountable for AIDS?  

    Test kits, test kits, test kits- Not the damn issue.  It was how aggressive to respond.  It isn’t a simple CDC public health question.  Way more variables and considerations.  

    Thus far we’re looking at the equivalent deaths of lightning strikes.  If it ends up being twice H1N1, was it worth blowing up the economy?  Less than H1N1?  We’ll never know, because we won’t know what would’ve happened without intervention.  

    end of my rant- peace brother- good luck out there to you and your family.  


    Great post.  Great examples given with FDR and Carter.  I would add Obama and 12000 Americans dead from Swine Flu.  It’s unfortunate that just 10 years later, one side has decided to make a serious health threat political. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    You’re the one being political now.

    That the democrats certainly would've screwed this up doesn't let Trump off the hook. This is not an either/or scenario. It’s about accountability. The buck stops at the top no matter who is in office.  Like I said, Trump did a fantastic job shutting down travel to China, but he screwed up royally in other areas that has left us woefully unprepared.

    But whatever, I don’t expect the Trump cult followers to be able to admit this. Same way left wing radicals wouldn't either in the same situation.  

    I think it's time to move on from this topic though.  It's overkill.  Everybody has basically had their say.  

     You’re blaming trump for the extent of the outbreak,  but I am the one being political.  Lol. 

      Do you remember all the fear mongering, panic, and political outrage during the swine flu epidemic that killed 12,000 Americans?

     Yeah, neither do I.   

    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:



    What's being implemented now should've been done much earlier.  Times of war, disease, etc. is when the federal government is needed. 

    Trump's initial response was slow, muddled, lacked communication and chain of command; mainly due to 1. Trump not taking it seriously, 2. His dismantling of the Office of Pandemic Response.  Health security officials were screaming about the risks of cutting that program 2 years ago.  It wasn't until the stock market tanked did Trump start taking this situation seriously.  That failure is most abundantly clear the lack of testing.  We've tested a fraction of our people compared to other countries. 

    Take note, testing is the basic cornerstone of fighting any new disease.  We're navigating blind without it.      

    Holding our public officials accountable shouldn't be an issue of politics in times like these.  But, as Trump stated himself, he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave and not lose any votes.  Unfortunately, these are the times we're in, on both sides of the isle.  



    So to recap, Trump wasn't taking it seriously early enough, even though the media and democrats laughed at him for shutting off travel from China in early February.  You say he didn't take it seriously until the stock market fell, which just happened; and btw it's currently not early February.

    Just out of curiosity I would genuinely like to know how do you, and others, perform the mental gymnastics required to believe the same people laughing at Trump for banning travel from China would've spent the remainder of February stocking our country full of test kits and everything else necessary to essentially prevent any outbreaks here in the U.S.? 


    • Upvote 3
  6. 33 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Instead of actually taking measures to protect US citizens, he was out calling out democrats and the media as this being their new hoax. And you see no problems with that?


    The delay of preventing international flights coming into our country allowed more infected people to come in. In my opinion more incoming flights should have been prevented and much earlier. 


    And no I wouldn’t have been upset if we accepted the test kits that were offered by the WHO. But the cat is now out of the bag. It’s here and it has spread more than we know.


    The lengths you are going to defend your political views are laughable. I understand this is not a political site so maybe you should set your political views aside and look at what is best to protect your family right now and I will do the same. 





    I am not protecting the president. I’m separating the facts from your fiction. 

    My only viewpoint is anyone who believes this is a serious, worldwide pandemic and is trying to make political hay out of the situation by second guessing everything, is pathetic. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    So what was the hoax?

    He was referring to the media, who were accusing him of doing nothing to prepare for the corona virus.  He called it their newest attempt to discredit him, aka their latest hoax.  

    Listen to the entire clip of his statement sometime instead of the carefully edited videos from CNN.  

    Or, just ask yourself, why would he order the first quarantine in 50 years when he ordered no travel from China on February 1st.   And then, on February 28th, call the Corona virus a hoax?   Hint:  the timeline of the main stream media's ridiculous accusations make zero sense.  

    • Upvote 2
  8. 32 minutes ago, FGHTNSX Hawkey14 said:

    Some assorted thoughts:

    - I like the idea of a black conference champs banner

    - I also wouldn't mind if every team would hang a black banner that just says "2020"

    - The NCAA should establish a precedent for awarding the natty if the championship game can't be played in the future.

    - We were totally going to win :-(

    How about the black banner, illuminated from behind with a soft kelly green light/glow.  You know, like a corona??

  9. 44 minutes ago, southpaw said:

    Here it's because of need. People aren't buying cases full of it and trying to make a buck off it. Most will get a bottle or two and make sure there's more for others. I can still get toilet paper at every store, just not hand sanitizer. 

    The media coverage here has been 100% on how big of a virus this is and how it could shut down the EU. No politics about it. Nobody calling the seriousness of it a hoax. That's the biggest difference between coverage here and in the states on this. Both countries have journalists pointing out how serious this is and yet the response by the people has been incredibly different. 

    Nobody. Ever.  Called it a hoax.   If you can’t get past that simple fact, no wonder you can’t look at any of the work being done to fight corona objectively.

  10. 26 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Not really.  

    We’re now at the point where pundits, from both sides of the isle, are starting to put politics aside and realize we may be in for some long days ahead.  Its gonna take a collective effort. 

    Here’s Newt, of all people:



    By putting politics aside, I assume you mean one side will quit blaming the other for a futuristic worst case scenario outcome of a crisis that has barely started, and the other side will not have to waste time defending it's prior decisions to armchair quarterbacks. I sure hope you are right.   Although I have a hunch tonight at 7pm central on CNN you'll be proven wrong.  

  11. 46 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Shut down airports?  No.  Should Trump have had the foresight and common sense to properly staff airports before implementing the travel ban?  Absolutely.  This is just the latest of this admin's hastily ordered and thoughtlessly organized policies as it pertains to Covid-19.   

    Mind you, this occurred at customs,  These people, returning from all over the world, were jammed together for hours with no coronavirus protocols in place - then they all entered the country.  Holy crapballs.         

    As for shutting down subways and malls?  Depends on how severe cases are by region I suppose, and it should left to states/localities to decide.  China for instance had hot zones, other areas were relatively covid free.  That said, for several reasons, we have so little information as to the severity and spread of covid-19 in the US.  


    Same thing happened at O'Hare


    I’ve been hearing for about 3 years now that not allowing anyone into our country for any reason is extremely racist.  So it’s clearly a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.  

    • Upvote 3
  12. 16 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    This isn’t a black/white, all/nothing scenario,  Nor should it be political. This should be about facts, truth and public health.

    Trump is doing a fine job as of late.  I applaud him. :) However his initial actions have left us behind the curve as it pertains to preparation. He systematically dismantled the Office of Pandemic Response and never replaced them. This isn’t ‘fake news’.

    As such, it greatly affected management, communication and chain of command as it pertained to the ability to effectively implement a comprehensive strategy and response to the pandemic. Health security officials were screaming about this 2 years ago.

    So what happened? Covid spread for several weeks, without most people knowing anything, nor did the administration care to do anything about it.  "We have it totally under control.  It's just one person coming from China.  It's going to be just fine." - Trump, Jan 22, 2020

    And here we are, with a lack of diagnostic testing, delay testing labs result, etc.  As I said, continued problems in communication and supply chain.  Recent article from LA: 


    Problems mount with coronavirus testing, limiting access and sowing confusion



    Thanks.  That’s all I have heard as well, is regarding the test kits.  Seems to be a lot of criticism of the handling of the entire situation if test kits is the only problem.  

     Again, I wish someone would put out their numbers for infections and deaths if we would’ve had test kits earlier.    And then subtract from that number the estimated lives saved by halting travel from China at a time when the WHO admonished the administration for making that decision 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 1 hour ago, UND1983 said:

    He, as a supposed expert, is openly promoting the "fact" that 1 million people are going to die from this virus and only because of Trump's inaction early on.  Yah, no politics involved at all.  

    Repeat: 1 million people are going to die.   

    Not to worry; if Corona doesn't end up being as bad as these prognosticators suggest, they will be the first to come forward and walk back their critical comments of the handling of it all, and instead praise the President and everyone involved in making the difficult decisions surrounding this crisis.    Right??  ******


    Also, i'm curious, with all these experts being able to predict the future under the current administration's handling of the situation, what are their estimates for infections/deaths if someone else would have been running the country, relying on their set of experts to make the hard decisions?  It should be just as easy to come up with those estimates.   No deaths?   March Madness in full swing next week?  #9 hanging in the Ralph a month from now?   Let's hear those estimates.

  14. 44 minutes ago, planetearth said:

    Question of the day:

    What tips the scales for how you deal with the issue:  follow the experts vs thinking for yourself?

    I suppose this is could be a political question too if you want it to be... (though not the intent).

    I think it depends largely on which media outlet employs your "expert."  

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