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Posts posted by Siouxphan27

  1. 11 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Of course i do. So Italy could have been more prepared than us in testing? And were their people taking it as seriously as us? 

    As I've been hearing daily from the main stream media, no one could have taken it less seriously than us.     So Italy must have been more prepared with testing.  Yet they're all dropping like flies and we aren't.  Weird disease.  

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    At the same time our infection rate is now climbing faster than italy’s ever has. I urge many of you to see how this has played out in other countries, comparing measures taken, and consider what this could mean to US lives over the next several months.

    Is it climbing faster, or are more test results coming in?   

    Hopefully the precautions being taken are working.  

    Thankfully our demographics and smoking habits are different than italy’s. Plus all their kissing doesn’t help them. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Cratter said:

    Employee at Amazon warehouse tests positive for Coronavirus and it reopens 24 hours later.

    Let me get this straight. So nonessential businesses can't be open in some states.

    But when an employee actually has Coronavirus its completely fine to have that business open?


    I can't take a dump at a North Dakota rest area but I can go rub elbows right now in NYC with people who were just rubbing elbows with a highly contagious individual. That make a lot of sense.

    At what point is this all just grandstanding. 

    Maybe with some modifications the rest areas could allow for drive-thru dumping.  Since apparently there’s no problem with one person in a confined space handing food and money to hundreds of people per day. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    CNN interviewed Cuomo the other night - you could actually see the disappointment on her face when Cuomo said that he had a good conversation with Trump regarding how things were going in New York.

    It’s nice to hear federal and state officials setting differences aside and working together on this.  But that doesn’t fit the narrative of conflict and orangemanbad that cnn’s business model is based on. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Redneksioux said:

    The lengths some will go to defend him considering how wrong he was on this is frightening.

    Who had it right?  Biden?  The democrats?  Laughing at trump cutting off travel with China on feb 1st?  


    Amazing how it doesn’t bother you at all to find out the main stream media has been lying to you over and over again, fanning the flames of fear, all in the name of tearing down the administration.  Consequences of over reacting to the virus be damned.  

    NY Gov Cuomo just said the fear is more dangerous than the virus.  I couldn’t agree more. 


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  6. 9 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Unemployment rate 3.6 in January.  New report estimates, from this crisis and at a minimum certain recession, 7.4M jobs lost from restaurant industry. Hotel industry loses a 1M+ in a few months with more thereafter.

    3.6 + 2.5.....6.1%. That's the tip of the iceberg.

    What's the over/under timeline when Mnuchin runs out of $1000 checks?

    If he does run out and the group gathering restrictions are still in place, there will be some sort of revolt. Millions will be crippled financially during these 8 weeks. 

  7. 7 hours ago, TBR said:

    Trump didn't directly call the coronavirus a hoax. He refered to Democratic criticism to his early response to the virus a hoax. Given the disconnection between Trump and the recommendations of the chief epidemiologist in his own administration,  it's not a stretch at all to say Trump's downplaying of the seriousness of the virus was unwarranted.  Splitting hairs between saying the significance of something is improperly minimized and calling it a hoax is also unjustified. 

    Lol. The lengths some people will go to to avoid admitting they were wrong   Unbelievable.


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  8. 51 minutes ago, Kermit's Luck said:

    Trump compared the coronavirus to a hoax. Is that better than saying he called it a hoax? And by the way, the things he compared it to weren't hoaxes either. They were investigations into his sketchy behavior. The executive branch doesn't get to call any check on their power a hoax - unless everyone is fine with moving closer to a dictatorship. Apparently some of you are - except the tweaker conspiracy theory folks. Definitely my favorite on this site - if I knew how easy it was to find internet wackos, I'd have engaged long ago. Hope you loaded up on tin foil!

    I've finally done what I should have done a few days ago when I was first called an idiot for daring to spread the truth on the internet.  Here's the entire speech.  It's impossible to find a short clip of what Trump actually said, because the main stream media has edited them all to convince their followers that Trump called corona virus a hoax.  Starting at the 10 minute mark, listen for about a minute of the speech.  Anyone capable of reading and comprehension above a third grade level will clearly understand what he said.  

    And to anyone so biased due to TDS; don't bother listening to the speech, and keep claiming you know what you're talking about while the rest of us laugh at your ignorance.    


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  9. 1 hour ago, UND1983 said:

    I watched CNN tonight and got an expert lesson in Fear Mongering 101.  It was amazing.  Anyone who watched that show and the "expert" they had on should be convinced that the minimum number of deaths in the U.S. will be "hundreds of thousands, if not millions" and the administration should have been more like Hong Kong in their reaction.  

    The entire show all negative, all doomsday.  

    That’s where the panic and misinformation posted online originates.  I just read an article posted today that again mentioned ‘Trump called the coronavirus a hoax.’   18 days after they deliberately misquoted him, they’re still pushing that lie, still pushing that narrative to lead people to think we’re all gonna die, all for the sake of maybe gaining a few votes.  Pathetic. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    If a person presents with symptoms and is negative for the flu and other diseases can they be tested for Covid19?  Can nurses, doctors, EMT's and other personnel who are exposed to Covid19 be tested?  They absolutely cannot in most metropolitan areas and absolutely cannot be tested in the state of Minnesota per the Minnesota Department of Health's statement in the Star tribune today.   That's unacceptable.  

    Also I call BS on your statement that insulting people who disagree with your opinions is what led to Trump's election.  Insulting his political opponents is all that he does as evidenced by him going after the Democratic Governor's of Michigan, Illinois, and Washington for defying him politically.  If he'd devoted one-tenth of his attention to this epidemic as he does to insulting people on Twitter and at his hate rally's we wouldn't be in this place.

    Just curious- what place would we be in?

    • Upvote 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, dlsiouxfan said:

    We wouldn't have this lockdown situation if the country would have had access to testing earlier and had testing readily available.  We didn't have access to testing and do not have access to testing now because Trump declined the WHO's test. He declined the tests because he figured positive tests would be bad for his re-election.  He also fired most of the people with experience handling something like this in 2018 and hampered the work of those left behind.  

    You can try and blame this on the media all you want but we're here because this administration is incompetent and criminally corrupt and you're not going to get 60% of this country to turn a blind eye to it just because you have.

     He did not fire most of the people working on “something like this” in 2018. There was a restructuring.   A couple people who were there then, and are still there now, have recently spoken out against these ridiculous claims.  But I wouldn’t expect you to know that since you probably also think Trump called it all a hoax a month after he banned travel from China 

     What were your thoughts on Obama, when a much less deadly virus killed over 12,000 Americans 10 years ago?  

  12. 1 hour ago, yzerman19 said:

    I’m still at a loss trying to understand why this is so different than H1N1 flu.  I understand trying to mitigate an explosion, but you can avoid dying in a car crash or a plane crash by never leaving home.

    H1N1 wasn’t politicized by the main stream media. H1N1 didn’t involve having the main stream media putting the fear of God into people, creating overblown panic, resulting in a domino effect of government and businesses cratering and taking drastic measures. 

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