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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. Mama Sue

    2019 Season

    Recruits look good, IMHO reading what all of you have written, new OC, and some hype could produce a very solid year....GO SIOUX. Let’s support the team until we don’t.
  2. WOW The exit of 15 players about ?3 months before your first game is significant. The article doesn’t give clues about the reasons....sounds like some left a few weeks ago and now 7 left. WOW
  3. Didn’t mean to repost this.... but this could be a contest and fundraiser... only where would we ever find neutral judges? How many versions until we standardize it? Logo? Possibilities are endless....
  4. You are right, I like that NDSJuice! This term will be around for decades!!
  5. You are right, I like that NDSJuice! This term will be around for decades!!
  6. I never get that right and then that auto correct changes it more.... anyway I AM cheering for him. Thanks for the correction.
  7. Blue Bombers play again tomorrow night at 8.... good luck to Santiago and Olivares
  8. I rather like the discussions and to see how low the NDJuice U will go.....
  9. Great....keep ‘em coming Bubba!!!
  10. Winnipeg Sun had a nice article and interview with Olivares... ?sp.... very complimentary!
  11. First half... Olivares had a17 yard run for his first carry followed by another 6 yard run. Santiago was on special teams and had a 35 yd punt return. score 8 to 3 Blue Bombers
  12. Haven’t seen or heard either so far...
  13. Mama Sue

    2019 Season

    He will probably get an award from someone or some group for his top notch reporting....
  14. Mama Sue

    2019 Season

    Man up is a good way to look at it... it is yours if you work for it!
  15. Mama Sue

    2019 Season

    Well didn’t RT have football practice in the library on Tuesdays snd Thursday’s for all freshmen? Then after mid-terms, if you were above ?3.0 you could practice with the team. I believe tutors were available too. I was impressed.....maybe Bubba can consider this. Hope he buckles down and makes the grade!
  16. Mama Sue

    2019 Season

    Ditto from this Mama.... all 4 of our children could have gone to UND and I would be happy!
  17. MN’s St. Thomas has “ involuntarily left the MIAC Conference.” They are considering D-II, possibly NSIC with a goal to be DI in the future. WIAC was also mentioned.....
  18. He is 38 now and was in 6th grade!!!! Seems I misplaced a comma, word, or phrase there!!!
  19. In about 1995,someone slipped on an icy sidewalk in MN (really?), fell, and broke her arm. She sued and got $45,000 for “enstrangement of affection for 3 months.” Doing some quick math for once weekly affection times 12 weeks divided into $45,000 that’s $3750 per affection. I went home and told my husband, based on our affection, I was worth $3 million. in 1977 this 400# (and about 5’7”) man who was 65 had some surgery and hemorrhaged. He sued and got $20,000 because he was impotent afterwards. TRUE stories... I believe anything.
  20. Go on Judge Judy and let her handle it.... you can’t fix stupid but common sense is long gone today... Did your parents ever say “Don’t do something stupid; you’ll get hurt?” when my 38 year old son was in 6th grade we went on a bike ride... somehow my bike tire got caught on the curb and I landed looking up at the sky in the soft grass of the Catholic Cemetery. His first words were.” Mom, can we use someone?” I replied absolutely not.... it is worse now!
  21. Just a sign of the times....not an employee washing a floor ( there is always a sign it seems)... just someone walking with an unknown liquid spilled on the floor... loss of wages and pain are both a given in any law suit...city has deep pockets maybe someone can volunteer to be floor monitors in a facility that is how many SF??? Good job for the GOBC
  22. I agree with you... he started school at age 4..... you never win when messing with these things...
  23. One of MN’s top football recruits, Craig McDonald, has been declared ineligible for his senior year by the MN State High School League. He repeated 8th grade so he could mature socially and academically. The MSHSL limits high school competition to 12 semesters. His are used up. He made a verbal commitment to Iowa State...he plays safety. Parents have appealed once and were denied; plan to appeal again. Changing sports in high school in the middle of a season, relocating, and messing around with grades/age always runs into issues with the local school boards or MSHSL. Wonder how firm his verbal commitment is..... he is 6’2” and 185#. Just saying with my limited knowledge of this stuff....I only read and like this feed!
  24. Great article about Santiago and Oliveira by Patrick Reusse in the spirts section of today’s Minnneapolis Star Tribune....
  25. Hey bro, wanna be President?
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