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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. Please elaborate on the B10 Network and your favorate station Roots.

    Program note for you. ESPN U has the NDSU/Notre Dame BB game tonight and later this week you can pick up their game against Ohio St on the Big 10 Network which has 52 million viewers across the US and Canada. Counting this saturdays fb game on ESPN thats three Nationally televised games in one week. How you doing? ?????

    Changing it a way from football now?
  2. Please elaborate. If you only count them then it must be right ;) Or maybe you only count channels you actually have watched _ND on? Roots?? Never even turned it on. You consider all the ESPNs national but not all the Fox channels?? Why not the BiG 10 channel? I get it ..... Must not be right next to each other on your channel guide.

    BTW the Bison are on ESPN this weekend

    FS1 is the only national Fox channel. The rest are regional.
  3. Because this was over a $4 cab fare. Personally I won't judge him over this because we don't know the whole story. No excuse made. It is what it is.

    Obviously hakstol sees a trend here though hence the suspension. Don't disagree as I trust how he runs his team. If I was a bison fan I can't say I could say the same.

    It is always the little things that trip one up.
  4. I haven't made any excuses for him. Just unwilling to accuse him of being guilty of a $4 theft until he is proven guilty.

    "it's more feasible that there was a miscommunication of some sort. It doesn't make sense that Bryn would attempt to skip out on a $4 cab fare". Sounds like excuse making to me. How can you be so unwilling to belive this and so easily believe anything a Bison could do?
  5. This seems to be the essential question. Until it is unambiguously answered there is no way of really knowing how Hak should handle the situation.

    Remember people this is all on tape. With the clerk as an eyewitness. He could have paid his $4 dollars but chose not to. He pleas to petty theft. But since he is on a deferment from his April minor he has another problem. Might be some weekend time coming up. So far what Hak has done is the right thing.
  6. Undefendable? There is two sides to every story and as an outsider looking in at this one situation.....it's more feasible that there was a miscommunication of some sort. It doesn't make sense that Bryn would attempt to skip out on a $4 cab fare.

    Like a few other have said though ill trust haks judgement on the suspension. The continued lack of judgement is troubling. And this is being handled nowhere near how it would be this happened to a ndsu football player.

    Maybe not. But you are making up excuses out of thin air just like a Bison fan does.
  7. Maybe he had to use the can really badly...he ran into VD to avoid urinating or pooping in the cab, then was in there for a long time due to a line or a biological issue...who knows.

    Hak suspends him for a legal run in. Fair enough.

    Once all details are cleared up and it is proven to be intentional or accidental or a misunderstanding, then Hak will determine his future on the team.

    Gee maybe if there was a 24/7 convience store downtown he would not have to gone to the VD on Washington. Oh wait there is a 24/7 VD already downtown. So much for that excuse.
  8. Maybe he had to use the can really badly...he ran into VD to avoid urinating or pooping in the cab, then was in there for a long time due to a line or a biological issue...who knows.

    Hak suspends him for a legal run in. Fair enough.

    Once all details are cleared up and it is proven to be intentional or accidental or a misunderstanding, then Hak will determine his future on the team.

    Your next excuse will be? Are you a closet Bison fan?
  9. Try reading the story. When he didn't come out the cab driver called the police. He was arrested in the store and booked about 1/2 hour later.

    Didn't come out or wouldn't come out? What was it Dean Wermer said? Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.
  10. He might've thought someone already paid for the cab or some other issue. Maybe someone else got dropped off at his place. Maybe he was drunk and gave a bad credit card #. Who knows. It is just highly unlikely he would risk serious trouble over $4. It sounds to me like circumstances.

    Maybe he had a reason for not paying and got into a dispute, refusing to pay, where the cabbie then decided to go to the cops. At least he didn't beat the guy ala Patrick Kane. Maybe it had to do with correct change or something. Maybe the fare was $9 and he thinks he gave the cabbie a $10 and the cabbie insists it was a $5.

    $4 is not intentional theft. No way.

    You can quit defending the undefendable anytime. You are starting to sound like a Bison fan.
  11. You have committed the Cardinal Sin of questioning Hakstol's leadership of the program. I think it is fair to ask if Hakstol has control over his players; there have been a lot of incidences of stupidity the past couple of years.

    Second that.
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