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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. Don't get caught up by brands; just add milk to a cheap brand salad dressing, mix it to white sauce consistency, then add lots of black pepper. I like white pepper as well (a long time ago someone that worked there said they also added white pepper), but some more recent workers said just black pepper. You'll get close enough it won't make a difference.

    The hardest to find match is the buns, apparently sold at times in Hugo's, but I haven't found similar buns anywhere away from GF.

    Hugo's use to have them all the time years ago. They use to also make 6" sub buns and a great Vienna bread. Can't get any of them anymore.
  2. Can't believe Gino didn't get fired after that one. Couldn't get the team up for a game against a vastly inferior opponent. Pathetic. How'd that year end up?

    And after that season it was all down hill. Took a few years but he did go bye-bye.
  3. Find me a college or pro athlete in any sport that doesn't mail it in on occasion. The 10-6 Eagles got their butts handed to them by a hapless Vikings team. The Miami Heat opened their season with a loss to a team tanking it to try to win next summer's draft lottery (76ers). The Islanders defeated the mighty Blackhawks a day ago. Baylor was expected to smoke Central Florida in the Fiesta Bowl...but the Knights put up 50+ on the Big 12 champions.

    The series at Western Michigan and the next two series will tell you a lot more about this Sioux team than an exhibition game played in scenic British Columbia will.

    All bad analogies there MM. The teams you listed are made up off players people wanted or professionals. None lost to a team made up of players no one wanted past the high school or junior level.
  4. Regarding your last paragraph, you are very right. We are on a 5 game win streak so the boys need to focus going forward. However, given the purpose of why they went up there in the first place it makes no sense to lay an egg…..their compete level was nil. Also, give me one other game in the last 25 years that was a worse loss than that? UBC is in second to last place in their league.

    The only thing close to this loss was to US International during the 86-87 season.
  5. Thanks for the info. I am in the Twin Cities so I guess I will have to look for Sysco here. I see Sysco has many different dressings. Is it their "Classic Salad Dressing"?

    Sysco is a wholesaler only. Unless you know someone in a restaurant or works for Sysco good luck.
  6. It varied greatly from venue to venue due to the games that I have watched are US national teams and they have been from various countries and not from one particular team or arena. The picture was usually a pretty good standard quality, but the announcers made the games hilarious to watch at times. I am sure the announcers for these games will be very knowledgeable about hockey, but not so much the teams. I also have not heard the rule changes in place due to these games. Not sure whether they will be US college rules or Canadian college rules, so that will also make it interesting for the announcers. One last thing that I noticed from these games is that they usually have one camera doing the coverage, sometimes two, so you will have to give them allowance for that as well. For those that used to watch the Alaska-Anchorage games it is much better than that.

    Thank you.
  7. I have watched numerous games on Fast Hockey (mostly the US National squad games) and the quality has been good. I doubt these games will be in high definition, but the feed does not chatter like the NeuLion UND games, so in that way it will likely be better. But NeuLion continues to say it is on my end and not their problem. Obviously the games that I watched on FastHockey did not have the likely number of folks that these two games will get, so we will see how that is handled. I never had any buffering watching it using IE as a platform and did not have to go to Google Chrome like for the NeuLion feed. Bottom line is that the FastHockey feed was much better than most feeds of college games, but remember there is no commercials, so be prepared for lengths of silence and the camera work is sometimes a little sketchy.

    How much has the camera work or picture varied by venue?
  8. Settle down Smokey. Warren Buffet owns BNSF and makes way more money shipping oil than the "evil" Koch brothers ever will building pipelines. Buffet happens to be a big buddy of you know who. Ever think that might have anything to do with no Keystone? Running oil above ground on metal rails at 60 mph in -20 temps is far safer than pipelines,right?

    Actually Buffets company is a publically traded company. Less problems with trains than pipelines leaking and exploding.
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