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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. Maybe that's why a majority of oil transported on land is via Pipeline...It would be nice to think once that people would use common sense instead of political wrangling to do what is right for Americans and ND in particular.

    If you are referring to the Keystone Pipeline it will do nothing for Americans. Canadian oil transported to the gulf to be turned into diesel and shipped right out to China and India. Don't even start on the jobs aspect since that FauxNews talking point has been debunked time and time again.
    • Upvote 1
  2. You mean big time sports like lacrosse and curling cause that's what hockey is

    Sports you can watch on that national channel you like so much. Roots :)

    You consider FCS a big time sport? Well maybe it is in Fargo. The rest of the country? Not.
  3. When you win 2-3 titles in a row that just might mean something

    When you win titles with the big boys, as we have, then impressed we may be. Winning titles like the ones the Ag School has would be like winning an AHL or a PCL title. Triple A titles are not the same as winning in the big leagues.
  4. Wasn't Sandelin head coach in 2005, the year it was held at The Ralph? Also assisted under Blais at the 2012 tournament.

    Wiki says 2004 and 2011. Could just be how they label the years. But USCHO says Blais coached in 2012 so I will go with you on Sandelin coached 2005 and assisted in 2012.
  5. What year did lee play for the Canadian world junior team?

    I did forget Greg Johnson.

    He played on the American team I found. I thought he had played and just figured it was for Canada. Being that he was from Canada.
  6. Not really related to any of our recruits, but this article shows some of the motivations of those who choose the college route or go MJ.


    Thanks for the link. A couple of thoughts and tell me if I am off. The one kid from the O said that there were guys that would dominate in college. OK that maybe so. Then though how many college players would dominate in the O? There is what 64 teams in the CHL. Multiply that by 22 and you have around 1400 players. There are what 60-61 D1 teams. So there are roughly the same number of players total. Out of the 1400 CHL guys how many of them will ever see the NHL? Then they either end up banging around the minors forever or play Canadian college hockey. We all know how well Canadian college teams can compete with American college teams. As the article noted there are currently 300 ex-college guys playing in the NHL. How many ex-CHLers are there? Think of how many guys have left college because they could not cut it went to the CHL and never went anywhere. Also think of how many top college players would be welcomed in the CHL with hugs and kisses and would dominate? There I am done. Am I on track with this or not?
  7. Does anyone know if Hak has ever been considered to coach Canada? Or has he?

    Does he even have Canadian citizenship anymore? Even if he does would Canadian hockey even consider him a Canadian? How bad would it look if an American college coach came to Canada and took them to the gold? Imagine Don Cherry's comments on that.
  8. So, what is happening to create a DI football level at 77 scholarships? Enlighten me? Why would you spend an additional 2 million on 28 (14x2) scholarships when nobody from the current FBS 85 level is coming down to play with you. The current gap of 22 scholarships between FCS and FBS keeps the current FCS teams and leagues at-bay from the Top Level. The 4 team championshp deal recently agreed to is keeping all 127 teams in the FBS at 85.

    Look at me, I'm at 77 scholarships, and I'm not eligible for a Bowl or the FCS title, and I can't afford this! How is that benefiting anyone? I think the two levels will stay in-tact for at least the next 5-10 years, and the FBS playoff will expand from 4 to 8 to 12. and more FBS conferences will be involved. I don't see any benefit in increasing FCS scholarships to anything less than 85 right now, and almost all the teams you listed aint going to 85, let's be honest. Unless there is an FBS spits (not happening for at least 5-10 years), the Big Sky aint going up in scholarships, period.

    If the FBS relaxed the scholarship level and created a 77-85 slot, it would increase the number of teams in the FBS, which is what the Top Conferences do not want. Why would this happen? The FBS controls the FBS scholarship levels with the NCAA, so why would they sabatoge themselves by allowing teams in at 77 scholarships? Sorry, makes no sense.

    Portland St going to 85 scholarship would be a 2 year death sentence, but I guess FCS football isn't sustainable for them either.

    You mentioned going from 4-8-12 teams in a playoff. My question for you is there really 8 or 12 teams that would deserve to be in even?
  9. arch is also simonsons dad that plays for blais and they hate blais!

    alex hasn't played one game

    trev alberts has been courting them for a donation for a while...hasn't got nothing...so simonson hasn't played nothing.

    Do you even know Arch? Good chance I am the only poster here that does. Arch is a business man who would understand you play your best players in the same way you work and pay your best employees. 99.9% of what people hear about Arch is not true. The other .1% is distorted, Remember who gives a lot of money every year to help underwrite the costs of operating the Riverside pool. Underwriting to the tune of $25,000 a year. Not the only money he gives out. Arch took a good company and made it into a great company through a lot of hard work.
  10. Odd. I know in grand forks when sams stopped selling ethanol free I complained and was directed to bentonville regarding the gas they sell. And that's ridiculous that a station can be fined for selling gas too cheap!

    It is operated in Minnesota like milk prices are controlled in North Dakota. The reasoning that is used is that the big guys can not undercut the little guys forcing them out of business. Redkneck just google Sam's Club gas and Murphy Oil.
  11. Sams isn't a leader when it comes to lowering gas prices. All they do is follow the other in town prices and try to stay a little below them. I stopped filling there when they stopped selling gas with no ethanol. Totally different subject but for now with ethanol free gas you can boost mpgs by almost 10% for only 3% higher of a cost. These days will soon be gone though with the government mandating ethanol use.

    Depending on the location. Sam's does no run the stations. Murphy Oil does. Detroit Lakes has had problems for years because of Murphy Oil selling to cheap. But then Murphy Oil has been fined in Minnesota for selling gas to cheaply.
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