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smokey the cat

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Posts posted by smokey the cat

  1. Miller also got his signing bonus the day he inked his deal. If you can get the rookie max deal or darn close, you'd be crazy not to take the money and skip college. You'd be crazier to blow the money thinking its all going to be champagne and caviar.

    I know that there are people who know more about taxes here than I do but I do not think he took his bonus in a lump some that day.
  2. Biz - I was compairing Miller & Kristo to each other NOW. I'm a fan of the Rangers so I follow both of them pretty close. I was hoping the Kristo would get a shot right away at the beginning of the year. But his play away from the puck was not as strong defensively. Miller was stronger on the boards. Miller seems to be the bubble boy for the Rangers this year, and Kristo will probably be right behind him.

    Now Kristo is leading the Wolfpack in points and goals, very much how Nelson did for the Sound Tigers last year. If he keeps scoring goals, he'll get his call up sooner or later.

    Just because he is leading the Wolfpack does not mean he will ever play higher. If you go through the AHL teams or just a lot of different players who did great in the AHL that never played at all in the NHL. Just like great ECHL players never going higher or any type of league for that matter. Kristo has this year and next mostly to prove he can play higher. After that it is the A or Europe for him.
  3. Of the 5 I mentioned 3 are playing in Canadian colleges. NCAA hockey is different then the other major sports that you can still play and be drafted. NCAA football and basketball a player has to opt for the draft and baseball is odd that a player can be drafted but if he doesn't sign with the team that drafted him then he can still play in the NCAA and be redrafted the next year. I just think maybe it's time to change the rules on CHL players, as long as they don't sign a pro contract, give them the opportunity to play in the NCAA.

    Only if they were under 18 when the played in the CHL.
  4. UPDATE**** Al has to make a change to the price for the Bemidji trip - the ticket price he was quoted CHANGED to a whopping $48 each!! He apologizes but he needs to change the price for that trip to a total of $85. (which includes the game ticket, the bus ride to and fro and "refreshments" on the bus) It will still be a bang up time - hop on the bus Gus! Please call Al Pearson at 218.779.5740 or JoAnna Pearson at 701.388.9825

    LadyDy, On a good day does Al break even on these?
  5. Look, I think there's room for moderation in the NCAA's enforcement, but let's look at a few facts:

    1. The player wasn't "in need". The player had a very expensive watch stolen out of the locker room. That sucks, but that's not "in need".

    2. Sounds like they've had issues in that room before. if so, then shame on the player for bringing in his valuable watch.

    3. From the other side of the fence, how do you regulate coaches giving players gifts if you let something like this slide? How do you differentiate between an improper gift and a coach giving money for something like this?

    Personally, I don't see it as a huge deal, but on the other hand if you're going to have a rule like this (for good reason) you have to enforce it.

    $400 dollars is not an expensive watch.
  6. Technically, Chyzyk was reinstated Monday. But it does look rather sketchy at first observation.

    Hakstol said Bryn fulfilled his responsibilities with the program and with the University. I wonder what those were, because it certainly doesn't seem like much time has passed. Though if he comes back and turns into the next Matt Frattin, I guess I'd be okay with that.

    Get an alcohol evaluation and start outpatient treatment.
  7. He left because he is having a terrible season and they are in full blown panic mode regarding his development as a player. If he's sitting on a third line he's not developing at the rate the Rangers and his family want. If he goes to the WHL he most likely will do better given that he is playing against younger/less physically mature players. He will also get PP time up there. The falacy that those kids in the Dub don't work out and get bigger is a joke. However, the fact that he went against his word, left his team out to dry for not only this season, but next as well shows the character of this kid and his family. I don't knock anyone for going the CHL route if they so choose, however, I firmly believe that if you commit to a program you at least stay the year (or two) to get acclimated to that league. Both the CHL and NCAA routes are very good but leaving early January is a joke. This sounds terrible but I do not wish this kid the best.

    Also, he was traded while in the BCHL.

    Question is why was he traded?
  8. I looked up the Calgary team to see their draft picks. One third rounder and a few seventh rounders. A few that were old enough to be drafted and were not. So what is playing with a bunch of 16, 17, and 18 year olds going to do for him? So he has half of this year and next year in the WHL and then off to the ECHL. Does anyone know why he went from Vernon to Surrey last year?

  9. It's a fact that Finley attacked Wheeler. It's not even close to a fact that Wheeler said a word to provoke it.

    Wittle Wheely would never say anything smart would he? Get off your high horse there Mariucci. You know darn well Wheeler got smart. Finley pulled him out of the line to back up his mouth and Wheeler knew he was now in deep doo doo and cried like a typical rodent would.
  10. Brutal Group A next year:






    Group B:



    Czech Republic



    *replaces Norway from this year's field. Norway lost the best-of-three with Germany so the German team stays in the field. C'mon Norway!

    Are there any other countries that could play? Like Japan or something?
  11. Yes, as delta is pulling the 200s Skywest needs a new home for them until their refleet is finished

    Yes DVL with eas in a crj is ridiculous but with out the 30 passenger turbo props anymore it's about the best you can do. DVL did have good loads on delta but they dropped the Saab and that's what started this mess.

    Thanks Vegas. I thought I had read something about 200's being cut. The numbers were not that good on the Saabs. I have the boarding figures for many years in a file and they were never very good. They were not filling the Saabs and that was bewteen Jamestown and Devils Lake. I am not a fan of the EAS. It is a program that should have went away years ago. In the begining it was a good idea but it was suppose to be short lived, I researched it quite a bit. Do you like to play with Flightaware.com like I do?
  12. Can't remember a CC team this bad. I'm guessing a loss would really hurt in the pairwise....sweep CC!


    9-7-2 overall

    5-5-0-0 NCHC

    17th in pairwise


    2-13-3 overall

    2-5-3-1 NCHC

    51st in pairwise

    First win came at home vs Umd first game of the season and a few series back they beat UNO in the springs. 3 ties coming against Scsu, UNO and DU

    It has been 20 years since they were this bad. In the 80's they were a doormat.
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