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Everything posted by siouxforcefans

  1. You and me, both. Second time IN ABOUT A WEEK I've taken my phone out to get in on the #bucciovertimechallenge, only to have the game won in the last 1.5 seconds. Love the playoffs!
  2. As one of my friends said after last night's game, "Vikings 13, Raiders 0"
  3. Good point, and one we've been overlooking. A change in GM could change a lot of things in Boston - coaches, promises, paths, etc.
  4. Glad to know someone else has had the experience, so I didn't just come off as bitter, LOL! I just have a couple of "those friends" and the comment about the grinders kind of triggered a reaction...
  5. The lists were so ridiculously long, that I don't even feel like we're any closer to the end.
  6. Actually, anyone who grew up in Bismarck will tell you how much better EVERYTHING is in Bismarck. They won't be able to explain why they left anyway, but it'll still be better.
  7. Actually, it was meant in jest. But also directed at some "fans" of teams and an opinion brought on by the callers on sports talk radio - "Vikings won! We're going to the Superbowl! Vikings lost! Fire everyone!". If you want to bring up ratings, though, I'd be curious what their numbers were when they made the playoffs a couple years ago, or first half vs. second half of the season(second should be better due to weather forcing more people indoors?).
  8. It seems like every Wild game I watch, there's a replay of a breakaway of some sort where you see Vanek, in the background of the shot, standing flat footed watching the other team race away, and it's often because of a poor pass/decision on his part. He's had his ups and downs this season, but he's routinely frustrated the hell out of me!
  9. he's not been his best tonight, but still only Wild player over 20 min TOI so far
  10. Leading injury in MN ERs is a knee or ankle from jumping off and on the wagon too many times in the same week. True story.
  11. Agreed. I'm not comfortable with him tonight, but I'd love it if he'd prove me wrong... Glad to see Lightning win!
  12. If they had lost, their season would have been over. Tough to take this suspension out of context. Game 7 tonight - I hate the Wings, so GO BOLTS!
  13. I was exaggerating a little, but it has happened before over the summer - I think Dell was a later signing?
  14. No penalty called, but I wonder about a fine once the league gets a good look at him leaving his feet?
  15. I don't expect to hear anything now until school is out, even July. There's just nothing to be gained at this time - it's the offseason for anyone not still in playoffs.
  16. Of course - it's hockey. Again, it's not the loss, but what I perceived as rolling over in the loss, that bothered me. Very true!
  17. I'm not shocked they lost, it was the manner in which they lost that bothered me. I didn't see the pushback that winning teams show - there was a little in the 2nd with the goal, but then the Blues got one right back, and MN seemed to give in for the night. On a side note; I never liked the idea that a team is "due for a bad game". A good team should always play a good game, even if they don't win, IMO.
  18. Definitely agree on both of these. Last night was an unacceptable let down by the Wild.
  19. Never said he would, I'm just not so sure he wouldn't. The Vikings will pay him well, as they have a contract. If no one else can pay him (as he's under contract) and he wants to play, he could be in MN this season. Probably won't be, but he could be. :shrug:
  20. I honestly have never heard him say that. His agent has said that to leverage a position. What makes you think that if push comes to shove, that he won't fire his agent and play out his contract, rather than leave the money and his tarnished legacy in tact? His agent can't allow such an idea, or he loses his chance to try negotiate another contract following a trade. I believe AP wants to play in near his family. That doesn't mean he won't continue to play in MN if it doesn't work out. BTW, I'm not even a Viking fan.
  21. See, I'd rather they didn't. What's he going to do if they never engage him, and his shtick gets him nowhere? Of course I think he deserves it, but not getting sucked into his trap is the best revenge, IMHO.
  22. Yeah, that was really poor. That was Ott-level classlessness. That was awesome to see! Wish they'd have won, but now with an 0-3 hole, it doesn't look good for the Jets.
  23. Was that you letting Dre wear your Belfor jersey?
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