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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. 49er's might have a new QB. Purdy is looking pretty good.
  2. Whether we win or loss I like the freshmen out there now getting experience.
  3. Brooks with a block. He is getting better each game
  4. First 3 point attempt the second half. Seattle woke up. The defense is tough.
  5. Yes, Both are coaches Kids
  6. Bubba and Danny visiting Kaminski family.
  7. I told my doctor check me on the cold slab. I'm ready for the end. good luck on yours
  8. You may not be holy but you can have a beer. I will gave a glass of wine.
  9. Good morning. Leads in TO's and less than than 50% in FT but should lead the team. he is good on rebounds. Trust Sather he knows what he is doing. He is giving every chance for Trent to get there. It's on him. Cheer but he needs to improve.
  10. No argument just facts. Trent 50% on FT before this fame 1-5 this game. No problem fix it. Okay play game boy. I don't care you are smart. Less than 50% is not good.
  11. No I'm not. It's all about concentration. Sucking air concentrate.
  12. If you are tired shoot FT's. Players get tired of running. Learn to shot when you are tired. Let's not regress to Jones Era. Please.
  13. Only gent out of shape is UND-FB-FAN. The only thru fan Is UND-FB-FAN no one else cares.
  14. Trent 1-5. On the line. Run until you puke
  15. We passed awAy a fame we should gave won.
  16. Tonight yes. For the tear so far Trent.
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