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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. Tough loss but the team played well. Missed too many 3's the 2nd half or we could have won.
  2. This team is playing with confidence. 9 3's. Half way to tying the school record, just set last game. Awesome
  3. That was a nice transition for the pass to Norman under the basket.
  4. UND defense needs to tighten up the 2nd half to win. KC will contest the 3 ball the 2nd half.
  5. You are right on the point guard. The Covid and transfer hasn't helped. Not sure we have one to step up. We had that with Q and Marlon down the stretch. Tryee would have been the piece last year and this year. Water under the bridge move on. Eaglestaff had great upside maybe he can take the game over when needed. Last game he hit a drought when needed. Maybe this is a breakout game and leads us to victory.
  6. SDSU beating NDSU was a easy decision to make.
  7. In the words of Dandy Don Meridith. The party's over turnout the lights.
  8. Since Treyson was fouled the game is not over. Of course the blew the call.
  9. This sums it up best. Add in all the missed bunny shots. could have won by ten.
  10. I agree it probably doesn't end well. Door is wide open for corruption. But he did a great deed by payoff the student loans.
  11. This doesn't really fit here but the implications sure do. Mods move this or start a new thread. NIL. Player pays off his older sisters student loans.
  12. I would prefer it was UND AD for the next 20 years and look fir payback opportunities.
  13. Nodak78

    FCS Playoffs

    Jacks have the OL, DL. QB, WR. Jacks by 10
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