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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Man I wish Scott Morrow was on our team.
  2. They’re basically a brand new team together. Ups and downs were definitely expected from my end. They were missing Sanderson, Driscoll and jammer….and haven’t played i a while. The NTDP has been playing this whole time. There’s definitely a lack of skill on this team but I’d be lying if I wasn’t a bit shocked they’re ranked 5. Todays game stunk though
  3. Crazy how much more skilled they are. Younger but way more skilled. We dump and chase and they maintain possession.
  4. Typically the U18 teams struggles defensively…we can’t do anything. They just lost to Dartmouth a little while ago.
  5. Whoa this is brutal…considering they had 4 shots on the first pp
  6. Yep...article said 2nd-3rd round projection. That would be B grade range. Again, this is a great get for us. 18 year old pt/gm+ guy in the USHL. Those are the kids we need to bring in.
  7. Yeah....pt/gm 18 year old in the USHL. Decent grab. If you're missing on some higher end prospects these are exactly the types of kids you need to grab.
  8. Lost to penn state on a Saturday
  9. Has to be injured…if not a completely mismanaged situation as he’s young and could be playing in the USHL. Again, I’m guessing there’s something lingering from his surgery
  10. Ok clearly B Johnson is hurt.
  11. That's what I'm seeing as well, a bit too much meat and potatoes. I've heard this is by design too.
  12. Yes, we all know this. Simply coming on this forum and mentioning that next year's incoming class may not be the highest rated incoming class we've had doesn't equate to say the program is falling apart. It's simply a discussion point. Being able to come on a public forum to talk about these kind of things is perfectly ok. We're all cheering for the same program.
  13. This kid is going to be fun to watch!
  14. Sorry I'm checking in a so often so not following along. My point is only to say next year's incoming class doesnt resemble some of the better recruiting classes we've had recently. Blake will be nice, that's obvious, but he's also very slight. It could take him a year or two to get acclimated. None of the incoming kids appear to be 1st-3rd round kids unless they turn it on during the second half. yes some of the kids will get drafted but most are graded C which means they could go 5th-7th or not get drafted at all. If the reason is that we simply won't have the turnover...perfect, that's the answer.
  15. I am talking about the whole incoming class, not just F. I did see you noted that early in your post though. Also, dont nec agree Spicer over Caufield? Look at the number back then. But again, you can't assess the class without considering D, because that is where our high enders typically come from.
  16. Are you saying next year's listed crop is above avg for this program? Compared to previous years? I follow this all fairly closely and it doesnt appear to be shaping up for all that great of an incoming class. Blake is nice (obv), James is one I'm watching closely (5th-7th is what I'm seeing) and yes he should be a top 6 guy. Strinden seems a bit more "grind" but that's important too, double overager putting up slightly under a ppg. I do like Livanavage a lot! Not sure he creeps into the 2nd round though. Again, Spicer should be nice, but I have this hunch he doesn't really hit for us until is upperclassmen years. Again, just a bit concerned. Not overly panicked. No high enders other than Blake. Really depends who we lose.
  17. Getting slightly concerned with next years incoming recruits. Outside of Blake and Bowen (if still committed) no one seems overly ready to take on any significant role. Strinden looks to be a nice bottom 6 depth player out of the gate. Bubs needs to flip some kids. edit- forgot about spicer. He’ll get a shot as a top 6 F. He’s young though.
  18. Would have been nice to have both
  19. Three splits against top teams that’s great, but we got outscored all three weeks. Again we got our splits which is what we wanted but we’re still a team that’s all over the place.
  20. We need to get some consistent lines in place and move forward
  21. Mitchell. believe we pulled hallidays scholly. Which is laughable if true.
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