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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. He’s been bottom 4 the whole year basically. Almost no pp time. Hain has one more point in as many games and is locked in concrete on the pp. There’s been these head scratchers for a bit now (not only speaking to this year either).
  2. I thought the same thing, they’ve been iffy if not bad the last two years. But they have really nice freshman class and they’re bringing in some super high end talent next season and better the year after I believe. I have them bouncing back pretty significantly next year.
  3. I have actually heard the coaches are good, and this is from “hockey guys”. From an X’s and O’s Standpoint. I think the reliance on portal skaters is getting a bit out of control and I know for a fact recruits can get a bit skittish with Und given the short leash. Tough to develop if you don’t play. I heard this from an interesting source last summer (a kid who ended up picking UM) and I’m starting to see it the past two years with guys decommitting or not playing at all. I know why they’re doing this…because they are in a must win environment. This forum basically lays it out . I just think it’s backfiring a bit. Take your lumps with underclassmen but get them ready to be upperclassman. Sprinkle that in with blue chips. Get the most skill you can with your recruits and go to the portal if you absolutely have to.
  4. Agreed. Their pipeline isn’t deep enough and some of the recruits simply aren’t ready. Hopefully they can bring someone in with at least two years of eligibility. Next year may be more of the same, but if they can start hammering the recruiting trail I think they can bounce back in two years
  5. I saw that, good for him. Needs to play hard the rest of the year and play another year. As for slipec, he probably should have played in the BC again tbh. I’m guessing he thought he would be playing with some of those big guns and it would help his draft stock. He’s not getting drafted now.
  6. May be a tough situation with him. He’s struggled bad in the ushl. He does have one more year of eligibility though. I’m hoping it starts clicking soon. Maybe a year in the ushl will help. I noticed Slipec is struggling bad too. He’s a year younger, but his numbers are really poor.
  7. This was a really tough sweep. Not making the NCAAs is one thing…to be one spot out of place is fairly embarrassing tbh. I was worried a couple months back, but I never thought we’d end up like this. Not sure how much improvement they’ll have next year either. Couple nice underclassmen but we’re losing our Dcore and goalies are still up in the air.
  8. Honestly trying to remember a worse Und team than this.
  9. We need to beef our recruiting, I understand times have changed and the Big10 sure seems to be winning a bulk of the battles but Denver is still pulling in kids. I also think the focus on 5th year guys is hurting us bad too. I know a guy who sent his kid to Denver and he basically said if you play a skill game go to DU.
  10. I can’t believe what I’m watching
  11. I didn’t know where to put this. I just saw Halliday was up for b10 National rookie of the year (30 pts in 28 games) Looking back at our recruiting, the collection of kids that didn’t make it to campus (or at least didn’t play for us) is amazing. Morrow, Rizzo, Halliday, Miller….am I missing anyone?
  12. Well he does have D1 potential…just committed to something called Augastana
  13. Agreed, he may have D1 potential. I guess my point was that just because he’s putting up video game numbers (on the rookie level) doesn’t mean he’ll end up playing D1, or should be on our radar or anything. His schedule is really bad, not drafted by any junior league, etc etc. Basically he’s beating up on terrible comp. But you never know I suppose. I’ve never seen him play.
  14. Agreed. And he’s an old senior. Numbers are significantly skewed
  15. That’s not the reason at all.
  16. I can barely talk about the morrow situation without getting frustrated. That was a bad whiff.
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