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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I think it had more to do with team success than farmer tbh, I’ve seen farmer play this year. UMASS is struggling this year really bad, so the -1 isn’t that bad. I mean he leads their team in pts (from the point) all while having one of the best +\- on his team. -1 would be really good on our team…go take a looksy
  2. How did I get roped into this comment but…morrow is a stud and all non Und fans know this. It’s a fact . And he does play D. It was never about skill, it was about Dad
  3. Agreed johnson is gone, nothing more to really discuss. I’m guessing they’re trying not to make it a distraction. I mean, they can’t trade him.
  4. He’s not a blue chip, super fun college player to watch though. Playing like a blue chip which is all that matters I suppose. And unlike a blue chip, he should be here for 3 years.
  5. Must be pretty bad because forcing out skill at the underclassmen ages isn’t wise. We’ve sure pushed out some really skilled players the past few year. I trust the coaching staff though.
  6. I’ve noticed this too…vision is an issue. Could hurt him moving forward.
  7. It was a slight right turn for about 3-4 posts on one kid which began by talking about our recruit. Hopefully your Monday turns bud.
  8. He’d have to accelerate schooling
  9. Agreed…interesting timing. Hopefully the heater continues
  10. Being on Celebrini’s line makes everything possible. Teasing (slightly) and good for him because he was slumping there for a bit. But in all seriousness…Celebrini is special. He’s 16 too.
  11. Good post…I too hope they go more towards the skill route. The grinder game is quickly disappearing
  12. They are so leaky in their own zone, feel terrible for these goalies.
  13. Both his goals…just a warm blooded body had to be there. 1. Great pass by Hain 2. Blake
  14. That pass by Hain…I mean where did that even come from?
  15. So the national coverage is delayed?
  16. No one has answers, there isn’t really any good answers to why where so bad. We don’t have super high end player…that’s obvious. Our depth is really bad too.
  17. Obviously this team isn’t good. But the way they lose games is astonishing.
  18. So our pp is second in the nation and our pk is tops in the conference? What am I missing? I had to have heard that wrong.
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