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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Yeah I was about to post but the guy really had no argument. I hope Saunders is very good....and I think I just may. However, yes the kid's stood on his head a few nights, but the team in from of him was god awful. So there will be some nights where his numers look great and others where they look terrible. He may have had 60 shots a game, but because his team was so bad....I'm guessing a lot of those shots were clean looks from 4th liners. Also, how does an awesome goalie from Canada end up in Alabama...not very often I would add. I am guessing he must have peaked late....as why would the Sioux even pull him in if he wasn't decent. I will just say that going into the year....this kid has absolutely nothing on Gothberg. But during the season anything can happen. We'll see.
  2. I know that article is recent however I read the exact same article from a different source a while back. Schmaltz is coming for sure....as for his brother, who knows. I have seen his brother play and he is very, very good for his age. I am thinking he may bounce to the CHL when he is 16 (eligible), I hope I'm wrong though.
  3. I hope you are being sarcastic, I don't see any smiley faces...
  4. Yeah the manager at Sensors told me that once this kicks in they no longer will be able to show the UND games...terrible. There are atleast 10-15 UND fans at Sensors every weekend to watch their games....somtimes more.
  5. Gothberg may be just as good as Dell right now...or better. I'm guessing at some point during the year Gothberg takes the job no matter who is on the team.
  6. Well. because in an area that doesn't have a lot of tops sports teams, hockey reminds everyone around the country that we have a decent sports school. It gives us recognition to the global hockey community. When you mention college hockey, you cannot forget to mention UND. Almost everyone else hates the Sioux (UND) but it is for a specific reason....year in and year out we throw out very tough teams to beat. Team love to play us in non-conference games (and WCHA games) because when the Sioux is in town they arenas are packed and tickets are sold. Those are just a couple of reasons for me.
  7. Yup, congrats to Schmaltz, great organization to go to.
  8. Agreed, and the turnout was actually pretty decent for college hockey (so far).
  9. Me too, however, I think his down year (regular season) will push him out of the first round. After his awesome rookie year, there was talk of him going top ten.
  10. I like that BU series early. Two wins there would really bump us up in the rankings as Boston teams always get so much love.
  11. Haha I actually laughed when I read his post. FYI, yes we would have rather had JT's talent...for sure no questions asked. But I heard the guy is an absolute prima dona. However yes, when it comes to wins and losses we would have rather had JT in a second. I'm guessing the most he would have stayed was one year though.
  12. Haha, that was original....you think hard pretty hard on that one? Anyway, I wasn't trying compare the overall leagues simply that the US is producing better players each year however less and less are actually playing college hockey. FYI, don't change your username, I'm going to prove you wrong on this year's draftclass.
  13. Weaker for college players maybe...there are a lot of other great players in this draft class.
  14. Yeah I know, but all those players are older and were in college a while back. I am talking the last 5-7 draft classes. Each year college hockey seems to have less and less TOP end talent and each year there are less and less college bound players actually drafted. Please actually read what I am writing before jumping all over me.
  15. I think whoever is running College Inc these days must address the lack of top end talent coming in the NCAA these days. I know I'll get crap for this but it's getting worse and worse and now even USCHO is putting out articles and for some reason I think Trouba will decommit as well if he goes top 10. http://www.uscho.com/2012/06/21/after-trouba-best-chance-for-college-players-in-2012-nhl-entry-draft-may-be-second-round/
  16. Yes you are correct, but an awesome goalie in his defense. If it wasn't for Eidesness he would have played for the Sioux.
  17. I knew that...I was simply responding to you.
  18. ? Hak did not get out-caoched that game.....their goalie simply played out of his mind. Don'y you remember we outshot them by like 20 shots, hit 3-4 pipes. The best team does not always win...it was evident that night. Hak could not have done much different.
  19. Couldn't find your initial post, however, I don't agree with Watch49 dude a lot but he is sort of right here. Dell didn't get us to the Chip.....our strong D and forwards did. He was just steady not above average or great.....average. Dude had like 13-15 shots a game that year....I hope he has a decent GAA.
  20. Yeah, agreed. You don't have a goalie with those type of accolades as your third string. He would bounce to the CHL so fast, he would have never came here in the first place (ala Mike Lee)
  21. I bet not....the main difference....head injuries, which are A LOT more serious than superficial cuts. With the increased speed of the game you have to protect your head...not your mouth down.
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