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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. NHL CSS Mid Term Rankings - NA Skaters

    Thompson 51

    Tambellini 62

    Johnson 78


    Johnson sure slipped from this summer, I'm guessing it's because his numbers are not very great compared to what he did as a 17 year old rookie. He had a terrible start to the season but over the past 10-15 he has sure turned it on. I bet he still ends up having a decent season.

    Tambellini has risen however....he should be decent.

  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't it against the goofs that he got hurt last year? That may also be motivation. I am so looking forward to this series. I hope UND comes out and shows that there is more than the goofs for elite teams in the WCHA.

    No he was actually hurt before the season even started.

  3. Laying little guys out like rau and getting 2 for it. Matt Greene syndrom. Macs toughest d man in the nation and hasnt fought once but if need be I would love to see any of your boys take a crack. Can't wait for Friday, last time we play until Saturday night in Pittsburgh!

    Yup Mac will play in the NHL...so will mark Mac, knight and may kristo and probably Grimaldi. Forbert should play in the NHL and I bet Simpson gets a good crack too. The only goph players that will play in the show are bjugstad, maybe budish and maybe Reilly or Schmidt. Oh I forgot one, parks should play in the show too.

    Rau = Schroeder ....career ahlers

  4. Dude, I've had discussions with refs at Sugars after games there and they have very strong opinions that UND is the dirtiest team in the league. One official who I will not name called them "psychos." I swear he literally said that. Obviously BOTH teams are responsible with some of the fighting that goes on when they play but I GUARANTEE you that if there was a poll asking all WCHA fans who is the cheapest team in the league the winner would be UND hands down.

    That's because the refs are gopher fans....u don't know much do u.

  5. Maybe if your players hadn't started handshake fights multiple years, and your administration could pull its head out of its rear and figured out the naming deal before two years after the deadline, the rivalry could continue.

    This is such a dead topic its pointless to get worked up about. Use the next four years to sober up a bit before UMN's schedule has some openings for UND and the teams get back on the ice together (in Minneapolis).

    What loser hangs around other team's forum?

  6. Give me one good reason why the refs would want to consciously favor the Gophers over UND. I mean seriously you guys complain about the refs even before the series begins. It's just pathetic.

    After all these years of watching the games, I guess I sort of pick up on things. Shepard is a gopher fan....fact. I don't know if Campion refs anymore but I knew is nephew in college and he also said he was a gopher fan. It is what is it...we've dealt with it and won many times before so I'm not overly worried about it. I was simply trying to make a prediction....we'll see if I'm right or not.

  7. If the Gophers do get more power plays it will be because they are outplaying UND and drawing penalties. It would have nothing to do with the refs favoring the Gophers.

    Hahaha....I just spit up coffee on my key-board :o). I GUARANTEE everyone that the Gophs get all the PP's early (in both games) and UND gets them late....If UND is down. If both games are very close the Gophs will have way more PP's. It happens every year (during the regular season).

  8. I think Nelson not returning set this whole thing up since it starts exactly with finding someone to play with Knight and Kristo. The dominoes fall from there as they search for the right compliment. Simply putting Rocco on that top line could avoid a lot of shuffling by allowing the reunion of a pretty successful RPM tandem from last year.


  9. after what I have seen the last 10 periods, unfortunately I don't see us getting more than a point. minny might just run us out of the building.

    I hope not....but I'm not as confident anymore. Besides knight and kristo, our lines look out of synch and were not playing well in our own zone anymore.

  10. 1st CC goal...Rowney misplays puck in D zone and directs it towards UND net. Winds up on a CC stick.

    2nd CC goal....puck loose to left of UND net. Gleason makes move to get it and falls down. CC player there...shot and goal. Still not sure how that one got by Zane.

    Goalies will let in goals from time to time. Also it's not like he's played a lot.

  11. Rocco IMO is misplaced. He needs to play w similar skill. Put him w Kristo and Knight. Get Easy Mac Parks Rowney back together. Then Mitch Drake and Gaarder might work.

    I agree...to bad we have these questions at this point. Oh well still pretty early.

  12. Zane has been good in the last period. Made some nice saves to keep the lead.

    I still think that Clark is the guy.

    I definitely think Clark plays our tough games but you can't let a prospect rot on the bench the entire year....unless he simply isn't very good. That's when kids bolt to CAN. Overall big win...that was needed.

  13. Good lord, if you couldn't see and accept the simple fact that he was all over the pace on that rush Diving backwards into the net and then popping up and out a foot or two out of the crease to the left well then I can't help you.

    Ignorance is no excuse for misguided opinion.

    I'm sure he did....not doubting u. But your comments about him haven't been good (no one else has said anything) and I'm a huge supporter of his. So far at least.

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