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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. I don't think there's enough pucks on the ice to have Kristo and Rocco out there together. Anyone is going to look good and be a beneficiary of playing with Kristo and Knight. You just have to find the guy that compliments them best and that doesn't always mean the next highest skilled guy.

    No but Grimaldi should never be on a third line. Last week they were short shifted twice because they got a faceoff in the Gophs zone. Why would you short shift one of the most offensively gifted players in the country...oh yeah, because he is on a line with Pattyn (no knock, he's just your typical bottom 6 forward).

  2. What has worked in the past?

    Knight and Kristo

    Rowney Parks MarkMac

    Rowney and Roc

    Roc and Drake

    So how do you maximize the potential damage to the other team? You spread that out as best you can:

    Knight and Kristo with someone ... and if MitchMac can figure out where to be to trail and clean up their rebounds ...

    Rowney Parks MarkMac may have been one of the five best lines in all of college hockey at the end of last season ... can they find it again ...

    Roc and Drake need to find a co-conspirator ... I don't believe it's Pattyn; I think it's St. Clair or Gaarder ... or Gleason.

    And you just can't seem to get Pattyn and Jim out of the lineup ... so it makes that last forward spot all the more difficult.

    Not necessarily.....the theory of spreading out your talent to have a more balanced attack doesn't always work as you are throwing different types of players together. The key is to score as many goals as you can while giving up less. By keeping your skilled players on a line with grinders I think you are decreasing your odds of scoring goals. Long story short....Grimaldi needs to play with better players. At least give it a shot, see what happens.

  3. I'm not on here very long when I'm on. I only check a couple threads unless I have absolutely nothing to do and need to kill time. I like talking college hockey with people that like college hockey. GPL and SS are probably the 2 best. USCHO gets ridiculous. I'm obviously not here to cause trouble so I guess I don't know see why it bothers you so much.

    Good explanation....I get it.

  4. St. Clair could center line with Rocco and Drake if Rocco doesn't. I know Hak is hoping for magic to return for the RPM line, but at the expense of keeping Rocco bottled up on the 3rd line I don't get it...especially if Pattyn centers that line. At least St. Clair can skate with Drake and Rocco.

    Completely agree....Rocco is very good by himself but he will be great if he is actually playing with skaters at his skill. His line last week was all him and Caggs....Pattyn brought energy but there was absolutely no finesse passing. Only end to end play.

  5. my understanding of why rocco isn't on that top line is because the coaching staff believes or is hoping that with keeping rocco off that line you can have 3-4 lines capable of scoring which makes it harder for opposing teams to defend.

    Yes, that is what they're doing, however having one top threat (Rocco - Knight - Kristo) would create scoring oppurtunities every time they hit the ice. More and more NHL teams are loading their top lines. UNDs third line should be a high energy line; line the other team doesn't want to see out their because of how hard they are going and hitting.

  6. I'll take these lines if Mitch stays on top line. I don't get it but I'm not Hak. No brainer Rocco should be up there. Connor for Jim I would take as well.

    As far as Bryn, rumor in Fagro from some Force "insiders" it's an off ice issue. From what I heard don't buy it as it was explained to me. Nonetheless he looked good IMO when he played early so something is up.

    Would like to see Zane after Saturdays performance.

    Totally agree Rocco should be up top...MItch looks more than one step behind on that line. Regarding Pattyn, he definitely isn't as skilled as the others and should be playing on the 4th line, however, I don't know who would play center? From what I have seen (and due to his size) Rocco will, and should, be a wing. It is nice to have a center's skill set in case they need a center or if one of their men is kicked out of the circle. He is too small to play center.

  7. I'm not sure if Eades will be able to play at this level has good size but his footwork needs some improvement. I think Bowen will have a shot to play at the college level as well as maybe Tye Ausmus who is another sophomore at EGF and the brother of Gage Ausmus who is headed to Denver. The kid that I have my eye on at EGF with maybe the most potential is Tanner Tweten who has played very well and is a 6-2 freshman. The kid from Grand Rapids that visited UND recently was Avery Peterson who is kind of long and lanky, I watched him play against Benilde on hockey day and he was pretty impressive and had 2 of his teams goals, may need to work on the skating a little bit but he has great hands and that finishing ability. He reminded me a little bit of Brock Nelson and had some similarities but he's not quite at that level yet.

    I haven't seen him play but have heard a lot about him is Jacob Benson of Red River good enough to play at UND?

    No, probably not. You never know though, kids "figure it out" at different times. Doing well in ND high school hockey means nothing when it comes to making the jump to the NCAA ranks. He'll play in the USHL, most likely, to see how he matures.

  8. :lol: Don't see it happening anytime soon.

    Grew up in East Grand Forks. There's actually quite a few Gopher fans there. I grew up in a family of Gopher fans and was watching them on TV as far back as I can remember.

    Yeah I get that....I have Greaser buddies that are goof fans....but I don't see them posting on here too often.

  9. Lived here my whole life. A lot of my friends are UND fans. I've learned to live with your types ;)

    Still odd. I have gopher buddies

    I get that. It's kind of like Packer fans from western Wisconsin...five hours from Green Bay, 45 minutes from the Metrodome...but Packer fans nonetheless. Had you grown up in Grand Forks, you'd probably be the biggest Sioux fan around.

    But they would be hanging all around Vikings forums instead of Packers forums...there are only so many hours in a day.

  10. I will be at the games this weekend and I will take that bet. I don't actually think SCSU will sweep, but 10 dollars to win 89? My kind of odds.

    I actually wouldn't risk $10....that's a 12 pack for Friday's game. Sioux aren't going to get swept (knock on wood). Besides the last 10 minutes of Saturday's game, I thought we looked fine. The gophers played there best hockey on both Friday and Saturday night (strong goaltending, capitalizing on a high % of oppurtunities, etc.). We're making our push here on out. Our team is very good.

  11. You're a Gopher fan so I can see why you may believe he is one of the two best players in the nation. He has 13 goals which is a good number but he's not even in the top 30 in the nation for assists. He is a big kid. Strong on the puck and can play. But he is way too inconsistent. I still think it's too early to tell who the top players are right now. And if the kid is that good, he would be good enough to fight off of checks. Plenty of other players are getting the job done, putting goals on the board and helping out their team each game.

    I'm a UND fan and I agree with that post. He reminds me a lot of David Backes (although Backes didn't have the talent surrounding him). If anyone can remember, Backes had some nice games against UND also.

  12. Sorry, but Johnny Pohl led the nation in scoring and he wasn't even a top ten finalist. Why do you, as a fan of one of the nations elite programs have this "little brother" mentality where everyone is biased against your program?


  13. You Gopher Halo fans that post here are hilarious.

    Imagine a Sioux fan over on GPL constantly complaining because Gopher fans don't think Kristo is as good as Sioux fans do. ( We both know a lot worse things get said about Kristo than what has been said about Budish)

    I realize that Sioux fans are a lot more pleasant to deal with than Gopher fans, but seriously, take a hike. All you guys do is bitch.

    (p.s. GFG and Slap Shot: you're cool, you guys can stay)

    I also don't agree why so many goof fans hang around here....I hear some of you guys mention some GPL site...why don't they stay on that site. What is GPL?

  14. He did have a good series no question. I think the knock, if you will, on Budish is that he hasn't been consistent. Let's see how he does the rest of the season.

    Budish is slightly shy of a point per game (.92 PPG)....that's not terrible. To play devil's advocate, how many Sioux players average a point per game. I know you're all die hard Sioux fans, but please, don't have these Goofer trolls hanging around this forum think you're an idiot too.

  15. You do realize that making idiotic statements like this destroy any credibility you would have here to discuss and be taken seriously about college hockey.

    There was a reason that UND recruited him as hard as they did. Him and Condon are what used to be and still is the stereotypical Sioux power forward.

    Budish will have a 8-10 year career in the NHL....bookmark that. ;)

    I wouldn't bet the farm on 8-10 years....but I also believe he makes it to the Show, as previosly mentioned. He's 6'2 225+ with decent hands and a hard shot.....that's pretty much an NHL 3rd/4th liner.

  16. Had these comments bookmarked for awhile now. Budish was one of the more complete players on the ice this weekend. I hope you understand how completely wrong your take was.

    Yeah I agree, Budish is a very good player. I bet he sees some NHL time with how big he is, not top 6 but he'll be a decent 3rd or 4th liner.

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