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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. St. Clair destroyed a Clown on Saturday in the corner in the context of the play and game. Mac has a history of trying to make big hits just to make a big hit. If it's in the flow of the game those get overlooked more than just trying to find a hit for the sake of making a big hit.

    Agree that the Sioux have much better options than Mitch (at least from what I've seen). Once we get the defensmen to start playing, we're going to be a contender. I just hope it isn't too late.

  2. So the very same people who applauded Eades leaving are now critical of Hakstol for making the change...hmmmmnnnn.

    I saw BC play about a dozen times last season and there is ZERO doubt in my mind that from October thru March, the Eagles were clearly the class of the NCAA crop. You're dead wrong if you think UND was more talented than that BC squad.

    On paper (total players drafted) und was more talented....now could they have beat them in a game during that time period? Sure, it's hockey. Don't you remember that super long win streak we had late last year? Yes we lost to to goofs but we made a pretty nice run. I bet we wouldn't have laid an egg like the goofs did after making it that far...but in mn's defense they hadn't got that far in quite a long time, maybe a tad nervous to be in the spotlight in a neutral location.

  3. Puck bunny? Never heard that term, what's it mean, I didn't watch the video. I'm getting sick of reading the paper and seeing the words "hot goalie." Maybe hak will keep Kristo Knight and Grimaldi together now. This team needs to take lessons from other teams on how to block shots. And when is the last time the Sioux had any luck with a first round defenceman?

    She used to hook up with every freshman high recruit back in the day...fact. As for our first round defenen...not sure.

  4. Specifically those three...Schmaltz looks totally disinterested on the ice. Mattson looks lost. Forbort had his best game in a month last night and that's not saying much.

    Really? That's good. Watching mattson as a frosh last year I thought he was going to be the real deal. You're so right....I don't think schmaltz is even interested in hockey anymore. I started noticing that last year that schmaltz wasn't playing with that much intensity....the Blues must be worried.

  5. I am still confused how a team has this many (high) draft picks and cannot get up to play. I would be salivating to play with the talent this team has. Going into every game knowing you could hit the stat sheet a ton would be a great feeling. Hak has to find a way to get through to his skilled players. Schmaltz Forbert mattson ....these dmen should be so much better

  6. Then I guess UND missed recruiting some pretty darn good players. Our freshman class has been stellar for us this year. Oh and I heard Leblanc and Hanowski are pretty good too. Jensen and Prochno would start on any WCHA team....except for UND I guess... :D

    That's not what I meant....hanoski didn't get recruited by the gophs either....he could play for them now.

  7. The first one. Bad angle, 30 feet out.

    Was Hanoski's the second one? I may have missed the first one. Either way the second and third goals were defensive breakdowns and Zane did get peppered. His stats were average....the rest of the teams (excluding Rocco's) were below average. After watching the game....I wouldn't focus solely on the goalie play.

  8. Don't post in here often, but yeah Mitch MacMillan couldn't hardly make 4th line at SCSU. Motzko did give him a shot and played him consistently for a while and I think Motzko felt he had better options sitting on the bench, so he kicked MacMillan to the curb basically. I'm shocked he is on the top line at UND. He must have Hakstol family secrets....

    I agree 100%...no idea how he made our team. Nothing against SCSU but almost all of their players wouldn't even be on UND's recruiting radar.

  9. Save your duckies and bunnies BS for another day. I was there too. A "bad game"?? Seriously? 3 words to describe what I saw...embarrassing, soft and heartless. Combining those 3 things don't add up to a "bad game"...that's what happen Friday vs CC. This my unicorn and rainbow loving Sioux fan friend was utterly unacceptble...period!

    Now I will take 10 more minutes to rant...the Berry experiement has been nothing short of a complete failure at this point. Kick Eades to the curb for this type of defense?? Lots of blame for what I watched last night but I'll pin most of it on the coaching staff. When they took their foot of the gas last Saturday with this team and settled for a tie after a 2 goal lead with 9 and change to go, they needed to take responsibility for that game and this one. I see the 2 intertwined. Hak blew it last Saturday and needed to make sure he had that locker room ready to go last night. Look at the result.

    The players need to look in the mirror...especially the leaders of this team. I wanted to hear from a captain after the game last night not Rocco. For all of Mario's shortcomings as a player, no way a team captained by him performs like it did last night.

    Soft early goals are killing this team!!! Last night's softy to start it took the crowd out the game and whatever energy the team had was zapped by that as well. I know UND is seldom going to get the "hot goalie" play we run into all the time...per Schloss, but Zane (and Clark) can't continually spot a 1-0 lead early in each game.

    Defensively this team is a complete mess. No words to describe it. Other than Simpson, they have all play well below their skill level. Mac, Forbort, and Mattson have regressed big time.

    Offensively...zero identity. Hak was shuffling lines last night like a blackjack deal in Vegas! Rowney has been a big disappointment. The RPM line isn't going to click at his level of play so far this season. To be searching for line combos going into the last weekend of January is not helping, but EIGHT, 8, SOG with 9 minutes LEFT in the 3rd period is disgraeful with the talent and skill on this team. I see Hak trying to fit square pegs into round holes for the sake of having balanced lines.

    Going back up tonight and fully expect a different team to show up with a different result. The problem is I don't see this team being consistent enough from here on out in all the phases of a hockey game to really get that 2nd half surge going. This team has played, IMO, basically 8 periods of decent to good hockey in the last 7 games coming out of the Christmas break and stand 3-3-1 in that stretch.

    Tonight is a MUST win.

    I agree with everything you said except the goaltending piece. That snipe over his should (2nd or 3rd goal) may have been the soft goal that you guys are talking about but that was actually a beautiful shot....could have been saved I guess. The Hanowski goal was also an awesome point blank far side shot....the problem was the defense out front. THEY HAVE TO SWITCH UP THEIR LINES. The problem the entire year has been the defensive play in their own zone, odd line combos and a non-effort attitude in many of their games.

  10. Wow... Haven't seen this team get beat this bad in, say, 20 years. Horrible. Bad goal tending, bad defense, bad offense, bad coaching. One major bitch... Forbort should never shoot the puck. He must surely lead the league in shots being block. Slowest shot release ever. I expected more from him this year.... Wow

    I thought this was one of the worst games too, I wouldn't pin it on the goaltending however. Which goal was weak....the snipe over his shoulder from 8-13 feet?

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