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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. If Red River officially changes their nickname I'd go for Rough Riders, however not until that happens.
  2. Pride is starting to grow on me. However I still think I'm in the no new nickname grouping.
  3. This fall? I guess they are not considering UND then.
  4. Many hockey analysts would disagree with your last statement.
  5. Good guy that loves hockey and absolutely bleeds green. He definitely fell into a nice little situation here but I've heard he works real hard. Pretty shocked myself. Everyone needs a start sometime....his is just pretty nice
  6. Oh man. Great player...not so sure he'd make a great coach...pretty rough around the edges. Once Matt Greene retires I could see him coming back.
  7. Haha I knew I butchered that name. I am from GF...this is bad Brain fart. Couldn't delete it fast enough, you boys are quick to the trigger. Nick....haha
  8. I wish Eric Fuher would get a looksy.
  9. No, you have to keep this tight to the chest. Younger (more immature) players may not realize this but the more mature players will realize this. All the players love Berry, hopefully Boeser doesn't bounce.
  10. No way. He needs to hire experienced (NHL) assistants.
  11. He would be a great choice. What's funny is we my hire someone who many posters have been bashing for the last 3-4 years .
  12. Wow and Hak is a departure. Nice call Truenorth!
  13. Oh jeez...guys on the inside. I like it.
  14. It's one game. Wow. Also, Tampa is a super fun team to watch.
  15. So poganski doesn't even crack your lineup? . I think he may get a shot at a top 6 role. Also, you have too many freshman in that lineup. Simonson would play well above Gardner (who I don't believe will be coming in, although I could be wrong). Caggs-Schmaltz-chyzk Boeser-Johnson-poganski Gersich-Simonson- Murphy Olson-st Clair- wilkie (My first draft, I have a feeling the Finnish kid works his way into the lineup) Ladue-Thompson Stetcher-Ausmus Poolman- wolanin/shaw (rotating) Pp1 Caggulia-schmaltz-boeser Ladue-Thompson Pp2 Gersich-Johnson-Wilkie Stetcher-poolman
  16. Nah, he simply lost one draw. He actually won a lot of draws playing center for us. The biggest factor was simply the lack of effort on the ice getting back (the forward group and D). It was fluky because there should be no way in heck they score that goal with that amount of time left.....not 5x5. It was a hockey goal (most are kind of fluky). If the boys were buzzing they wouldn't even got it in our zone in that amount of time.
  17. Agreed. But I have played the game a little and that's how he should have played it perfectly. If there was 5 minutes on the clock I agree he could have played it the way he played it and everything should have been fine. We'll agree to disagree then, I try not to knock my favorites.
  18. Then switch my comment to blue line. Either way...with the time on the clock, he should have been more aggressive and pinched. Again, I really like Jordan's game and definitely appreciate his play more than some other posters on this forum however I would have played that situation a little differently. But again, total fluke goal. I was watching the game with a former player and both of us were yelling pinch the whole time.
  19. I am Jordan's biggest fan and appreciate everything he has done for this program. However, he did not play that rush perfectly. He should have pinched before Rau ever carried it into our zone....especially given the amount of time on the clock. Even if Rau somehow walked him at the red line it would have killed another second or two...which would have mattered. Watch the play again.
  20. Ladue-Thompson Stech - Ausmus Poolman - Wolanin/Shaw I have no idea how Hak is going to decide that last D spot...but that's why he makes the big bucks.
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