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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. No one cares about the gophers....we know that. In the TC it's the Wild and that's it. Sucks to be a gopher fan right about now. Hopefully they can get back to their winning ways and folks start paying attention to them again.
  2. Crotty is coming in next year....at least two of those freshmen will most likely sign by then. Especially Keller.
  3. JJ had a hatty the other weekend. If you take away Rhett's PP points that 2nd has nothing.
  4. Dont think it's a terrible idea to switch the lines up. Our second line has been pretty cold.
  5. Super weird situation. Wouldn't be shocked at all if he left. Hes really good. But to bring it back to this particular series, cam let a really bad one in tonight but the other two weren't on him.
  6. I'm really confused with this fascination with Bowen. Is it because he's local?
  7. Boy what happened...they had two shots for the longest time. I normally would be more pissed...but I'm still on the natty high.
  8. Boy....they need to figure out their PP. Down one...we need this one.
  9. 4-2 Sioux. I thought the young defenseman were fine last night. Und needs to start fast and the forwards can't loaf in the D zone. Play tight and they'll win.
  10. Defensive breakdowns (more specifically the forwards in the D zone), key defenseman running all over the place, and our best player trying to do to much (while not playing well in the dzone) were problems last night. Where is the pogo line? also, our pp needs to settle down. What should be a strength didn't seem to be. Hopefully they getm tonight
  11. UMD has a decent amount of seniors....that usually helps (especially early in the year)
  12. No. But your posts are so off the wall this year. I guess Keaton isn't here to bash this year so you had to find your new scapegoat. Boy. Games not over.
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