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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. There is no excuse as to why he did not report on this. It is his responsibility as a journalist. Report and the chips fall where they fall. By not reporting on this he went from being a journalist to being public relations. This strongly takes away from his objectivity in future articles. In the future will he be looked as a writer or a Pravda story teller? My suggestion for him is to grow a pair.
  2. More like how far the defense attorney wants to stretch it out for. This could have been settled before the charges were even filed with a plea bargain. Though he did write an article before the charges were filed there was no follow up after the charges were laid. That is poor journalism or simply homer journalism. As was asked with the cow school players who is paying Sandberg? Not that a lawyer who only was admitted to the bar 3 years ago gets much per hour. Better question is how good is he at bargaining? Cow players get a good defense attorney and these guys get a newbie?
  3. http://publicsearch.ndcourts.gov/Search.aspx?ID=100&NodeID=110,1118,1132&NodeDesc=Northeast Central District
  4. Fixed your post. All class A misdemeanors. North Dakota Criminal Mischief Penalties - ND Criminal Mischief Laws www.criminalpropertydamage.com/north-dakota/Cached - Similar In North Dakota, Class A misdemeanors carry a potential sentence of up to 1 year in jail and $2,000 in fines.
  5. Why not list their names? It is public record on the charges. Did it really take two months to charge them? Where was the Herald on this? It use to be called contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
  6. Well I did research it and here is what I found. There are 11 according to http://collegehockeyinc.com/pages/former-collegians-nhl-2012-13. But it only lists 8 UND players. How up to date the list is I do not know.
  7. Heck even if I do not completely agree with you I do respect your arguments though. Have I been missing something as to where MafiaMan acted as if he had all the answers? You do come up with some great analogies. Throw me under the bus and then want to help me up from the pavement gets a big thumbs up!
  8. This is from the guy who pays more attention to football. UND fans DO NOT like mediocrity! If they did then why so many posts today saying the opposite?
  9. The way things have been going though how long before they join them?
  10. Hal was the homicidal computer on 2001 A Space Odyssey.
  11. Being mediocre is not acceptable to UND fans. Other schools coming close, think Minnesota, is ok but not here. We want to win and expect to win and anything less is a failure.
  12. I am wondering if they paid the lawyer for the transcripts from a deposition? The lawyer pays $5 per page to the court reporter for these transcripts. The court reporter owns all the transcripts from any type of hearing. So if they bought the transcripts from the lawyer what is the problem?
  13. Why can't I watch this video from this link?
  14. He did and here is a better link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W45DRy7M1no
  15. He is one of those tools you find at flea markets. The real cheap Chinese ones.
  16. If you are talking about Sid Hartman the one thing I know about him is that guy has an unbelievable amount of money. I mean Sid has a large fortune from his company SidAl. http://www.sidal.com/
  17. This is the quote that I thought was a fair and accurate analogy. Sorry for the confusion Mafiaman. Please accept my apologies.
  18. And if UND had won those games then they would not have counted them.
  19. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So even if the NCAA went away then what? Kind of like one of those careful what you wish for things.
  20. Back in 87 I asked Tony what he would have thought if he had not gotten the Hobey. His response was if he hadn't it would have made the Hobey more of a joke than it already is. In 1988 Steve Johnson was the leading scorer and he did not get it either.
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