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Everything posted by watchmaker49

  1. I bow to the hockey knowledge expert such as you.
  2. Look it up yourself instead of trying to copy the test from your neighbor.
  3. Means nothing. Who voted and how many times have they seen him play? Let's get real here for a minute. If he played for anyone else you guys would find so many faults with his play it would not even be funny.
  4. He still couldn't pass the puck. He would shot it into the feet of the d instead of passing it to the open man all season. He was pretty easy to defend since he rarely passed the puck that the d could just stay with him.
  5. What does not make sense? After the 82 championship they really did nothing until the 87 championship. Then nothing again until 97. I hit the wrong key, my bad.
  6. How many other UND players have you said that about? Or how many players from other teams have you said would not make the NHL and did? The E is a great developmental league. It is not like it is a bush league like the old days. Next week I am going to catch a couple of LV Wrangler/Stockton playoff games. By the way. I talked to a friend of mine yesterday who played in the E and at UND and he concurred with me on Kristo. How many of you thought that Marto had a great shot at the NHL? He is stuck in the E now.
  7. I think there were as many bad years as good in the time frame. Like from 83-86, 88-96 (edited wrong key).
  8. That is where he will play next year. He will see a little AHL time but 80%+ will be in the E.
  9. watchmaker49


    Did you always try and get others to do your homework for you? Pick any ECHL team and look at the players and their stats on dbhockey for yourself.
  10. Unlikely for a misdemeanor. Now if he had a DUI then there would be a problem. But since the ECHL does not play in Canada no issue.
  11. watchmaker49


    Seen better players in the ECHL who are stuck there for eternity (who also had much better numbers in college at good programs). More like when they do not make it in the NHL you will be looking foolish. Take off the Kelly green shades.
  12. How many guys had great numbers in the USHL, MJHL, SJHL, AJHL, and BCJHL then did nothing in college? Too many to count.
  13. watchmaker49


    Stay away from the casinos then. But then the casinos love poor gamblers who think they know more than they do.
  14. To see how successful he became after hockey. http://www.artemissports.com/
  15. Could we look at Mattson as getting on the job training versus classroom (practice) training? Better words even with the mistakes in the long run it was better to play him than bench him.
  16. Because Mattson was a liability the entire season. I hope you are right that Bubs can mold him into a good d.
  17. Well it did give him the notoriety to become an agent and a hockey gm.
  18. Seriously every year we at least know we have a shot at the ring. As many here have said that is a hard prize to get with all the variables in play. How many times have other teams on paper should have run away with a title and didn't? If BC had gone west out of their backyard the years they won would they still have won considering their record when they had to travel? We saw a few games where they seemed interested in playing but more games where they went through the motions only. How many games did people here think that was not good even when they won? This year was just not a year. From watching this year even at the end I kept thinking how are these guys in a regional final?
  19. Maybe if they keep finishing 8th they are an 8th place team and not a top three. I always considered them a perennial top 10 team and not a top five team even. I think our expectations are not based in reality.
  20. Steve was in Lincoln for a lot of years. You would not change your job for career advancement?
  21. Hak could be fired and I would not care mostly because I do not like the guy. Beyond that though I have to agree with the supporters here and question who would do any better? This year was just one of those years that nothing seemed to work. But how easy and not surprising it will be if they end up on top next year? I have learned one thing over many years of watching college hockey is: what you think should happen doesn't. What you think shouldn't happen does. Then we all get up the next day and go back to our life's and what really matters. We let this stuff bother us way to much.
  22. watchmaker49


    Not trying to stir the pot at all. There have been numerous better players over the years at UND and elsewhere that have never seen the NHL. These guys are good but they are not that good. As UNDBIZ says Kristo has Europe written all over him. If Kristo has Europe written all over him the Knight and Grimaldi are carrying huge signs that say Europe.
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