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  1. Easy initial point would be portal player quality.
  2. Also a huge factor are the tools at their disposal. Everything for UND football right now is unprecedented. We’ve never invested like this. It’s paying off already.
  3. The confidence with which you make a joke of yourself is unnerving. Tone deaf ass
  4. Good lord. What a loser mentality. Unfortunately you’re not the only one who thinks like this. It’s a cancer in grand forks and at UND.
  5. Attitude has everything to do with it
  6. Not with that attitude
  7. What a name! I’d love to hear that over the PA system
  8. The weight room is a show stopper. Sounds like the Ralph with the sound system cranked.
  9. This is where the new staff and facilities make the difference
  10. I would actually argue against that. Different posters at different times have done the same. In the end who cares?
  11. Not teh pixels from a stranger! Anything but that!!!
  12. People around here are more interested in having something to constantly bitch about than anything
  13. What a travesty. Some people need to get over themselves.
  14. !@#$ pickleball
  15. They can pry my pigwheel from my cold dead hands
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