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Posts posted by zonadub

  1. The University of North Dakota's mascot is not the University of North Dakota....you have no mascot.

    I come one to this site mainly to give sit and see meltdowns. Really says something about the state of UND's football team when discussing NDSU is your most favorite topic...meanwhile over at Bisonville they are talking about National Championships, hosting ESPN College Game day and most importantly Bison football games.

    And yet, this thread was started by a BiSon fan.

  2. Doesn't it seem like with have a ridiculously large number of bison fans posting on every topic on this website.  It really looks like they spend all their time here when you would think they would be on their own website most of the time.  They really are obsessed with UND.  It is  really becoming difficult carrying on a conversation without having the bison fans sidetracking the conversation.

    They just have too much time on their hands watching the dog chase the sheep around the barnyard. BiSon trolls are everywhere. Don't even go to anygivensaturday.com or footballchampionshipsubdivision.com any more 'cause the BiSon trolls take over and ruin every thread. The only way to stop it is to not grant credentials to them with the access to post on threads. It gets tiring, especially when people like CAS come on SiouxSports and call Sioux fans arrogant. My hope is that people on other boards realize that NDSU posters are not representative of all North Dakotans.

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  3. Guys, we should be excited. A game under a new regime that we can really see the progress of the team.


    What I like the most is the mindset these coaches have instilled in these men. As some of you may know, my son plays for UND, and I talk to him every single day.


    Coaches in FCS have to work harder as do the players. In the BIG 10, for example, they don't like you or they think your not good enough, there is always someone in line just as good. These coaches actually teach. Unlike in the FBS5, they don't teach as much because you have 5 star recruits that are just animals from day 1; I.E., Jadaveon Clowney, Manziel, Hageman, etc. The top tier teams don't recruit, they reload. Also the boosters are out of control.


    With that said, this coaching staff seems genuine. The are somewhat humbled because of what they got into, but, at the same time, they are excited because they feel they can make a change. The team is receptive and they work hard. I see ba!!$ on this team. Watching on tv, they did not back down. San Jose beat us because they're talent was more experienced. I say, if would've played SJSU on game 7 it's not 42-10. I'm not saying we win, but it's not a blowout. A few tackles instead of missed tackles, We could've had 2 INT's. I mean, it was just jitters and a few feet away from making major plays.


    I'm looking fwd to this season. We are not going 8-3, but I feel we are not going 3-8 either.


    Guys, my opinion. Glad to be a part of the SIOUX NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you DT94

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  4. Responding to Sicatoka's quip...

    I know what tongue-in-cheek means. I am just worried someone will think we need to get the new nickname approved by the anti-Sioux nickname crowd first.

    We/you may not think RHHIT or the pc crowd must give their approval, but Kelly and his committee probably do.

  5. Hey, the Summit wanted you/needed you. If you would have joined the Summit, the other Summit teams would have been your support and ticket to join the MVFC, and quickly. You would be in the MVFC right now, no doubt about that.

    Over and over I hear . . . "The MVFC would not take us". Idiots, all you had to do was join the Summit, and the offer would have come quickly. Hey, maybe you are happier in the BSC . . . if so, good for you, but please don't whine about the MVFC not inviting you, all you had to do was join the Summit.

    If my post ignites another round of Summit bashing, then so be it. Check the Summit sagarin vs. the BSC. A little more Summit bashig will hopefully keep you in the BSC and out of the MVFC for a few more recruting cycles . . . ha, ha. Honestly, your FB is not better off in the BSC.

    USD was a Summit member for what, 2 years, before they got an invitation to the MVFC? And only then to stop the Coyotes from joining UND in the Big Sky? The Great West was dead. The MVFC showed no sign of admitting UND or USD at the time. Vivitero commented that USD was admitted BECAUSE when UND was admitted to the Big Sky, they decided they could invite USD without having to invite North Dakota at the same time (and the unspoken reason was to keep the Big Sky out of the MVFC footprint). The Summit without a football conference would have been a worse death for UND football than two more years of Mussman. On top of that, Douple was not supportive and still has shown no reason to be trusted.

    The Summit could become NCC 2.0 -NDSU, USD, SDSU, UNO (before they dropped football) if they were able to entice UND and threaten to break off from the MVFC and form their own Summit football conference. UND would be the fifth school, and then adding someone like Northern Colorado or getting, for example, Minnesota State Mankato, St Cloud or Minnesota Duluth to move up would give the Summit the sixth member to form a conference, but that does not seem to be Douple's vision either, if he has a vision of the future which at this time seems doubtful. He seems to be more reactive than proactive, while Fullerton has vision and knows where he wants the Big Sky to be positioned when the Power 5 make their move and is preparing the Big Sky for that eventuality. Whether you agree with SiouxVolley's analysis or not, the Big Sky will not be caught flat-footed when this realignment happens. And it certainly appears that it is much more likely to happen than not.

    Personally I would have liked to see certain schools come together and join Idaho and New Mexico State a couple of years ago, but the timing was not right. I think a conference of those two along with the Montana's, Dakotas, Idaho St, Eastern Washington, maybe even Northern Colorado, Northern Iowa, Weber and Wyoming (but know they would not be interested) along with maybe Denver and Seattle for non-football sports would have been great. In reality, the South Dakota's are going nowhere -they have such a sweet deal with the Summit bb tournament. Wyoming is not leaving the MW, UNI will not leave the MVC, and too many of the Big Sky schools were not ready to make the transition, including UND.

    I believe a very telling fact of what is going to happen in the next few years is Idaho including in their conference affiliation contract that they can refuse entry into the Big Sky if Montana, Montana State or NORTH DAKOTA is no longer a member of the Big Sky. That is a huge endorsement of a school that has been a member of a 50 year old conference for only two years. I think it is more than amazing that UND was one of 3 schools in a 13 member conference to be specifically named as an integral member of the conference. I don't know if SiouxVolley has some kind of earpiece or if he has a prediction with no basis whatsoever, but his posts have insight into things going on that the rest of us do not.

    Maybe NDSU is not getting ready to ask the Big Sky for affiliation, as SiouxVolley says. I don't think the football games are any sign of the Bison wanting to make nicey-nice with UND or the Big Sky. If that was the case, it would have been a home and home. It more probably was a product of having more-or-less saved the 2015 date in the calendar until it is almost too late and Faison and Schweigert calling Taylor's bluff while NDSU was in transition. I think UND had more leverage than they used and could have pushed more for a more equitable contract, but there might be a method to UND's madness. After watching the games this past weekend, NDSU is still way ahead of UND on the field, and probably will be in 2015. However, this game gets UND in the door, so to speak, and sets the stage for 2019. Maybe Schweigert feels that even if UND gets beat in 2015 that the exposure will give him the recruiting leverage to beat the Bison by 2019. He appears to be able to win some of the recruiting battles now and there is the allure of being on the team that changes the status quo of perception of the region's fans. If he can go into the living rooms of potential recruits in 2016, 17 and 18 and sell those kids on being the team that dethrones the Bison it can change UND's football landscape considerably. He was on the staff when football and hockey won national championships in consecutive years, so he knows UND can be a football power while remaining a premier hockey school.

    Sorry, I hate long posts, and now this one has gotten out of hand and I don't know where to stop, so I will stop here.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Ah, yes - vintage Sioux Football forum - wildly over-optimistic before the game, critical of anyone who provides analysis or comments that aren't duckies and bunnies afterwords.  No one is freaking out.  What they are doing is discussing the ass-whooping we recieved (and probably should have expected).

    Did not mean to single you out, Irish. In fact, I have agreed with most of what you have posted over the past year and more. My 'wild optimism' was that the Sioux would cover the spread. Silly me, but that was my optimism. It's just that your post seemed unduly harsh after UND was beaten, rather severely I would agree, by a team that should have beat them. I'm still not convinced that Schweigert is a better choice than DeBoer, Pflugrad, or a couple of other options that UND had last winter, but Bubba was the choice, and he, his staff and the team deserve a chance to play a few games, if not a season, before people jump on the negative side of things. Irish, i think you are willing to be a voice of reason, even if it is a post that people don't want to hear and I appreciate that.

    • Upvote 2
  7. I fully understand how many games we've played. I think it's a legitimate question to ask - can we continue our philosophy of establishing the run with our O line? Unless these guys get better in a hurry or unless you think that SJSU has by far the best D line we will play, we have a lot of 2nd and 9 and 3rd and 7's in our future. That's not to say we can't keep this philosophy for the future - we just need some hogs to make it work.

    This game was against a FBS team. Their 2nd and 3rd stringers turned down FCS offers to play FBS. UND will have a slim chance against FBS teams when the staff and team have been in place for 3 years. This was their first ever game as a team recovering from the ashes of 2013. Was not in favor of hiring Schweigert, but give the guy a chance. Any time a FCS team beats a FBS team, it is an upset (yes, even the Bison). Anyone who thought this team was going to win last night had extremely high hopes. The general projections for this team are for 5 or 6 wins AT BEST! FBS San Jose was not going to be one of them. Chill freaking out! (This is meant for everybody, not just Irish.)

  8. You can blame that on the Mussman regime. Six years of utter mediocrity will do that.  That putrid situation won't last much longer now that we have a credible leader in Bubba and a solid group of assistants.

    Another part of the fan support of NDSU is that Mussman had so few North Dakota high school players on his teams, while Bohl made a point of getting out in the small communities around the state and recruiting ND kids. Looks like Coach Schweigert and his staff might be trying to change that. People want to cheer for the hometown boy.

    Go Sioux tomorrow night.

  9. I said the very same thing nut Southpaw wants to run this board and won't put up with that kind of talk.  He says he doesn't want speculation.  As if sports message board are all speculation.  That's why people visit them.


    Bresciani has to postion NDSU to be in good graces with the Big Sky.  The Big Sky won't put up with an AD who has it in for one of its schools.  NDSU had to do an about face to go FBS with the Big Sky.  NDSU doesn't want to saddle the next AD with having to make up to UND.  This is the only opening as they start interviewing AD candidates next week and NDSU doesn't want this brought up to the candidates.


    If NDSU gets in the Big Sky, the league will schedule NDSU in Grand Forks  in 2017 or 2018 and NDSU will still have to pay UND for the 2019 FargoDome that they normally would have got for free.

    Really disappointed in how this re-scheduling turned out, unless SiouxVolley is correct. His posts on this, while out-of-the-box, seem to be reasonably predictive and could explain why Faison allowed this to happen. The fly in the ointment, so to speak, would be that NDSU would be aligned as one of UND's rivals and be scheduled every year anyway.
  10. I got a box in the bottom right hand side of my phone that I can't get to go away.

    Reads: "with 1 checked posts"

    Next to a "drop box" and a "go" button.

    I click the drop box nothing happens as it appears empty...I've clicked go and nothing happens.

    Tried logging out and back in but box is still there.

    Anyone been able to get rid of this? How?

    • Upvote 1
  11. Does anyone know how much the exit fee of the BSC is? Not that I would want UND to leave just curious.

    iirc - $0 if proper notice is given. Big Sky does not have the revolving door issues that the Summit does, so it does not need a large bounty to deter members from jumping.

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  12. Whoa now, wait a minute...

    The U of Minn doesn't want to allow the Vikings (named for a subculture of people from Scandinavia) to play the Redskins (a subculture of people in North America) on their field?

    But that's OK, cause the Vikings are white people, and the name honors them, while the Redskins (and Sioux) name objectifies that culture.

    With the next breath, it's OK to play the Hawkeyes, Illini, Seminoles, et al because of their conference affiliations.

    Things are not adding up here.

    Disclaimer: I understand the name Redskins is offensive, but Washington is the home of non-PC names: the football Redskins, the basketball Bullets (now retired) and the most offensive of all, the baseball Senators (now the Minnesota Twins). Just had to throw that in.

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