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Posts posted by zonadub

  1. 1 hour ago, dakotadan said:

    Geography absolutely counts. And it is pretty remarkable how well the geography of the Big Sky mirrors many of the primary locations that large groups of UND alumni are found. As our teams, especially football, continue to establish themselves as title contenders in the Big Sky and are making the national tournaments, the Alumni Association and Foundation is going to love being able to have fundraisers and host tailgating parties in places such as Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and California. 

    I really don't think we are going to realize all of the potential benefits of the Big Sky until some time has gone by. Once we have established ourselves in the conference and had time to grow into a full Division I university and fanbase, at that point I think the benefits of being in the Big Sky will really become apparent. 

    Well said

  2. This is totally a homer comment...

    ESPN could have spent a little less time on the east coast teams and developed or at least mentioned a couple of interesting little factoids on the show...

    the absolute turnaround of UND football in Coach Sweigert's short tenure

    the Big Sky co-championship went completely unnoticed, and Eastern was called the champions (not even co-champions)

    the possible quarterfinal matchup between the two Big Sky co-champions as a de-facto conference title

    if UND and NDSU both make it to the finale in Frisco, it would be an all North Dakota championship


    i understand that this would cut into their fawning over the east coast teams and NDSU so guess that's why none of these things were mentioned.

    • Upvote 4
  3. Just have to wonder...

    Why would UND leave the Big Sky, a destination conference, to join the Summit, a transition conference?

    If NDSU gets an offer to go to the MVC (for example, if Missouri State or Wichita decide to move), they would not hesitate to leave UND and the South Dakota schools behind. Not saying it's going to happen, but believe Sioux Volley is right on the point that there are other schools that would be invited before NDSU, but the Summit is not a destination conference while the Big Sky is stable. Don't think NDSU will get an offer to go to an FBS conference anytime soon, but is there any doubt they would decline that? They have already proven that they won't bring UND with them in any conference changes.

    Also, considering the affiliation agreement that Idaho has with the Big Sky that they can negate the move to the Big Sky if Montana, Montana State and/or UND are not conference members, it leads me to believe that if the Montanas, Idaho and NM State were to break away that UND would be included in the move. 

    So, why should UND follow NDSU into the Summit, only to be left behind, when the Hawks are already in a top conference where they are included as a desireable partner that is now becoming a competitor in the revenue sports? UND is the flagship school of the state of North Dakota and should be the leader, not a follower to be jilted at the first drop of a napkin.

    • Upvote 3
  4. 1 hour ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    What would be the ramifications to UND if Portland state beat Eastern Washington Saturday? Wishful thinking but??

    UND will be conference champions (no co-championship :)) and get the auto-bid. E Washington will still get a top 8 seed

  5. If the Griz are 7 - 4 they are in and playing at home. Do not discount the greed of the NCAA and the capacity of the 25,000 seat Wa Griz stadium. The same can probably be said for NDSU (in down years) and possibly SDSU.

  6. 3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Rk MRk* Team NextOpp %**

     1  1  North Dakota State @ South Dakota 90
     2  2  Eastern Washington @ Portland State 93
     3  3  Jacksonville State v TennMartin 88
     4  9  James Madison v Elon 99
     5  8  Sam Houston State v Cent Arkansas 47
     6  4  The Citadel @ North Carolina (FBS) 5
     7  5  Central Arkansas @ SHSU 53
     8 19  Richmond @ William and Mary 86
     9 16  North Dakota v Bye Week 100 
    10  6  South Dakota State @ Northern Iowa 36 <-- that's the Massey infatuation with UNI*** that I just don't understand

    * Massey ranking
    ** is the percent chance of team winning game per Massey Ratings (mratings.com) 
    *** Massey has UNI at 10

    UNI has a 64% chance of beating SDSU?!?!

    We think UND gets dissed! Looks like the Jacks aren't getting any respect. Just don't understand the love for 5-5 UNI.

  7. 20 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    Have you ever read the message boards on the MVC (not the MVFC)? They don't want anything to do with NDSU.

    By this logic UND will not be getting invited to the MVFC. 

  8. 2 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    ...   I also don't like the idea of joining the Big Sky and just as we start to establish our identity, we crap on them and move to the MVC.  If the Bison weren't in the MVC I doubt we would be discussing a move  there.  I would not count on them staying FCS.  ...

    Two huge points

    Think long term

    • Upvote 1
  9. Sadly ironic that this discussion is taking place as UND football and volleyball are both on top of the Big Sky. Non-revenue sports not so much - last or next to last. Took a few years, but UND is making progress in an established mid-major conference.

  10. 1 hour ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Couldn't agree more. It really is a bad setup. I just hope Faison bids high so UND at least has a shot at a home game if they don't receive a top 8 seed -- you have to give UND football a chance at least. 

    Home football playoff games is the reason why UND is no longer the Fighting Sioux.

    get-r-done Faison

  11. 54 minutes ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    I'm actually surprised that the MVFC is in play for UND.  Just because of what was stated in the past of the MVFC not going to 11.  Thought the Summit was more of a sure thing. 

    So does that mean that the Big Sky/Summit approach to the problem is dead in the water?  (Big Sky doesn't want another affiliate for football, so its all or nothing?)

    All in all it doesn't matter to me where UND plays. If it goes down, I'll look forward to a yearly pilgrimage to Sioux Falls with my family. (even if they are Jackrabbit fans/alum, but hey nobody's perfect :p)

    Agree that this might be an issue for the BSC.

    sad day for UND, imho, but guess it must make sense on some level

  12. 22 minutes ago, darell1976 said:

    St. Cloud joined in 1981, Central/Western Wash joined in 2006. So it was watered down for 27 years up til the league folded in 2008?

    yeah. could'a fooled me on the 1981 start date. 

    Got re-interested when UND was offered to join the Big Sky.

    • Upvote 1


    2 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    if you don't remember St Cloud and Mankato were in the NCC you must be what 10?

    Not quite grasshopper  

    2 hours ago, Vegas_Sioux said:

    How come everyone forgets augustana and morningside?

    Remember Augue and Morningside. Lost interest when the NCC became watered down with St Cloud and Central/Western Washington. 

  14. 10 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    The combination of Muss, NDSU and the Big Sky is affecting attendance. I bet everyone in the region could've named everyone in the NCC, now ask how many they can name in the MVFC, and the Big Sky and it's probably a low number with the common answer of the Dakota 4, UNI, the Montanas and either UNC or EWU. It doesn't help not playing the other Dakota 3 yearly and fighting them for the conference title. Then you got NDSU, people climbed off of the UND bandwagon around 2004 or so and joined up with them when we stayed DII and they were beating FBS teams. Winning titles doesn't help our cause because the media loves them and we are just a box score. Then you have Muss...that just speaks for its self.  

    Solution: dump the Big Sky for the MVFC, keep winning with Bubba ball, and hope somehow between the two NDSU will slip from their title run and people can climb off their bandwagon and back on ours.

    Had to look it up to remember that Western Washington, Central Washington, St Cloud, Minnesota State were NCC members. (Did remember Minn. Duluth. ;) )

    also did not realize that Creighton, Des Moines University, St Thomas and Nebraska Weslyan were founding members.

    Other than the other 3 Dakota schools, prefer the Big Sky to Summit.

    • Upvote 2
    • Downvote 1
  15. 43 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    Also an option, but would risk a bad snap not being hiked on a designed count and hoping the penalty actually ends up on the defense.

    The designated count will not matter if the defense is into/across the neutral zone. If the offense holds their position and the ball is snapped, it's a penalty on the defense.

  16. 4 hours ago, Cratter said:

    Second home game in a row, where UND does hard count on fourth down trying to get the defense to jump.

    Second home game in a row, a defensive player jumps but gets back.

    Need to teach the o line to jump up the second they see that. Because that's the whole reason for the hard count.

    Even if it doesn't get called UNDs way it doesn't matter as UND took delay of game penaltys both times anyway.

    Or teach the center to snap the ball when the defense jumps. :p

  17. 1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

    The XDSU's have spent ten years sucking up to the MVC that it is no secret where they want to go.  When Wichita St and Mo St leave, the XDSU's will put on a full court press to leave the Slummit.  Any UND move would to the Slummit would be absolutely short sighted.  With the XDSU's gone to greener pastures, we would be stuck in the Slummit with the dregs longer term, begging St Cloud and Mankato to join and pissed off our natural flagships allies in the Montanas and Idaho.  A Slummit would be a deadend for us, as there would be no avenue for advancement.  Denver and maybe Omaha could advance because of their media audience, but we'do be sitting with a crappy hand.  We must continue to align with the Montanas and Idaho in sports other than hockey.  USD can join us if they choose, because the XDSU'S are just using them too until they get an MVC upgrade.  A conference move must keep in mind the next possible move, and this board has shown its terrible at chess.

    NDSU could/would do that, given the opportunity.

  18. 21 minutes ago, Fan95 said:

    if you watched this game, there was real reason to not be happy. But, if you have ever noticed, this coach tends to always blame the players for the losses but is happy to accept the wins as a complete team. Why don't you ever hear him talking about what he and the rest of the coaching staff could have done differently,  when do they shoulder some responsibility?

    Pryor is about as invested in this team as he is in this community, it only is good for him when he can get something out of it and look good!

    Pryor, Idalski and Jones are in need of some attitude adjustment. Send in Bubba.

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