Well, it wasn't me that said it... there was a recent article on the ten hockey must see's and the Ralph was cited as the number one for alot of reasons, including the fact that GF is a true hockey town with true hockey fans...some of the best in the country that truely know the game...
But for what it's worth, I think the perception of corporate BS is real, has always been there and is more apparent now that more campaigns and "events" are required to pay the bills..corporate BS is just about unavoidable in today's world...at least the Ralph isn't called the Verizon or the Xcel or the American Crystal Center - I mean it could be worse.
Final thought - when is the Tool Crib of the North "Tool Bear" (they use it for the chuck a puck) going to put on Kelly Green and White instead of Maroon and Gold...Damn thing looks like a gopher which makes me not want to chuck a puck, but up-chuck, wtf???