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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. But when Hakstol became head coach he said we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between his and Blais teams. Deans teams had fire and played with tons of desire or they sat. Lots of times Dean went with three lines because of what he called passengers. Come on Hakstol we all know you can recruit like crazy now you need to bring the guys together and play hard and with a chip on their shoulder, no more mister nice guy play hard or ride the pine.

  2. I don't see much to be positive about, The defense is supposed to be our strong suit since we return everyone except for Lee and he was the weakest according to most people. I have never seen a Sioux team give up so many odd man rushes and for a veteran team it looks like a chinese fire drill in the d zone most nights. This team is so jekyll and hyde it's hard to put a finger on it, but our big guns don't play like they have the talent to. Oshie should be in the top 5 in scoring with all his talent and Duncan shouldn't be far behind.(top five in the country). Players of their caliber should be 1.5 points per game or higher with all the ice time and powerplay time. The past years I have blamed Hakstol but if the players don't want to play at the level required what can Hakstol do? The pre-season hype about the four coming back for unfinished business sounds like bull now the way they have been playing, Chorney should be playing at an All American level instead of a Freshman level. JPL is the only one playing above last years level, Oshie,Chorney,Finley and Duncan have lost something somewhere. The rest of the team seemed to have forgot to forecheck,backcheck and pass the puck. Poor defense,up and down offense and no urgency when there down doesn't give me much hope for the rest of the year, this is a little above a .500 team. During te Blais era the motto was keep the opposing teams below twenty shots per game and no lead was safe, now if the Sioux our down going into the third it's all she wrote, this team doesn't have the moxy to come back.Rip away but this team needs a very big kick in the arse and far as I am concerned

  3. I agree that scoring consistency has been a problem thus far, yes. However, it's been a team problem, not just Kozek's. He's been flying all over the place and has been very close so many times. Despite this recent drought, goals have been coming more than going compared to last year.

    Post #1

    Lines for next year.

    Duncan-Oshie-Malone(Oshie and Malone do the dirty work and Hobey finishes)

    Frattin-Trupp-Forney (lots of talent hope they produce)

    Watkins-VanVelde-Kozek (Walkins and VV meshed well hope Kozek does as well)

    Davidson-Kaip-Zajac (checking line who can cycle like crazy)

    Defensive pairings.



    Bina-Finley(you just got to keep the odd couple together)


    I will still run with these,from July 12

    #11 HIGHEST SCORING JERSEY # IN FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY HISTORYThanks Robert Duncan,Brad Becker, Mark Taylor,Gord Sherven,Malcom Parks,Dixon Ward,Teeder

    I will still run with these.

  4. I think this claim is pretty much childish, because UND can turn around and call the John REA East.

    I don't think the Sioux have a winning record in that building,and sweeping them at home(the Gophers) has been very rare.

  5. And if you want a pure goal-scorer Bochenski and Goren were both much better than your boy Russ was.

    If you look at how many goals Russ scored their aren't too many player who put up "36 and 40" in his Soph and Jr. years,but don't let facts slow you down.(by the way I really like Goren and Bochenski)

  6. We need to give kudos to Coach Hakstol for putting together a very diverse staff thats able to recruit from so many different areas. The coaching staff we have can cover all the bases from calm and cool(Hakstol) to fire and brimstone(Eades) to being very technical(Jackson). Just keep the players coming,the future so bright us fans will have to wear shades. :lol:

  7. Pretty disturbing fact that we have lost 21 straight games when trailing going into the third period :D Not so long ago no lead was safe when playing the Sioux, home or away. The Sioux need to adapt that attitude again :angry:

  8. Like Hakstol said in the post game show the only stat that counts is the final score, get some dirty goals off a skate or shin pad,don't care how they go in just score. Maybe it's time to shake up the lines and try something really different in the lineup,put Oshie back at center and put Trupp or Malone with him and Duncan. Lets try something because this little funk has to end very soon.

  9. How does this thread go from a remark about a practice goalie(Sofie,Sophie etc) to whom is plugging whom is down right STUPID. Unless these people who are spreading the $hit have first hand knowledge ie were there when said plugging occurred keep your pie holes shut and talk hockey.

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