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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. Kozek will not be on the first line, his stride is painful to watch and he isn't good. Forney can be good but he will not be in there because he hasn't proven himself. Miller won't be on that line unless they are playing Quinnipiac because that the only way he is a factor. Malone is way over-hyped, (yea you heard it here first). Vandevelde is probably the best fit there because of his skill level.

    Potential Departures: Toews

    Hopeful Departures: Lee, Finley, Kozek.

    Live to play with himself you crack me up,Kozek is olaying a role he is not used to and playing hurt(off season surgery),Miller is basically a Freshman and I am sure you have never seen Malone play. Being a Sioux fan,if you really are you can be critical of plays but you really should support all the Sioux players not just the ones you deem worthy. I for one hope all the players come back and Finley and Lee even come back for their senior years.

  2. What about putting Malone with Watkins-VanVelde,replace a power foward with another. The Dot line if Toews leaves would have to be Trupp,playmaker-center. The Third shut down line would be Kaip-Radke-Hextall,very hard to play against. Forney is my break out player for next year.

  3. Rumor in the Chicago area is that after his Frozen Four performance, TheTriouxper has been contacted by 6 or 7 other Wing restaurants besides BWW including The Blue Moose and Hooters! Hooters is taking a very serious run at him because of his incredible man boobs! ;)

    P.S. I have never met or seen the Triouxper so I hope my joke is not offensive!

    I am sure the only way TheTriouxper will be offended is when someone calls him a rodent fan,other than that the fields wide open :lol::D

  4. If your a true Sioux fan don't throw your players under the bus. Either cheer for all the team or cheer for the gophers. You are totally bandwagon if you only cheer for the players and the team when things are going good.

    The difference between these athletes and most sports fans is they can overcome adversity. Bandwagoners quit watching when the team is losing. If these players played that way and quit the Sioux would have went 10 and 25 this year. In my opinion that is the difference between REAL athletes that have been competitive there entire lives and fans who have probably NEVER played.

    Brian Lee is a great kid with a lot of skill. I am sure every team in the WCHA would love to have him.

    Nice to see your still lurking around #1Hakfan. We need as many true fans as we can on this site. Brian Lee seems very humble and and very shy but lots of talent.

  5. Thanks for chiming in there mister helper but they are listed on the depth chart as the #1 pairing, Bina-Finley as 2 and Genoway-Jones as 3. I wasn't talking about what order they were introduced :silly:

  6. Flat out Brian Lee was very overated and is not nearly the quality player that everyone expected. No one can argue with that. Let's talk about Oshie since this is his post. (You know the one with talent)

    He must have some talent to be part of the starting defensive pairing for the Fighting Sioux,but you probably know more the the Coaching staff with all your hidden talent.

  7. People should be ashamed of themselves,Brian Lee is a Fighting Sioux and once he pulls the sweater on I for one will support him until he no longer wears it no matter what his short comings might be. Hakstol said in the press conference that the Sioux were pressing to score and that's why the BC player made it down behind the Sioux players,if Brian had quit like some have said why was he the only one making an effort to get back and try to prevent the ENG.Come on people support our team through good and bad lets not be fair weather fans.( there is nothing wrong with bringing up poor play or systems lets just not single one person out)

  8. The Hrkac Circus hands down,Hrkac with 116 points,not 114(sorry Siouxman) Bob Joyce with 52 goals and Tony with 46. This line also switched wingers from Johnson and Bobyck during the season,seems like all the great line have two main parts and the third can be interchangable. Hrkac-Joyce, Panzer-Lundbohm, G.Johnson-Romaniuk,Parise-Bochenski and Toews-Oshie. How about best checking line? My pick would be Ulmer-Calder-Henderson from that 97 team.

  9. I would love to see Hunter come back also. Someone should ask that question on the next coaches show,I can't because I work those nights :D .If someone in the know would be so kind to post if he could come back or maybe the way he left Hakstol maybe doesn't want him back.

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