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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Ok? You guys keep acting like I'm defending the blackhawk logo like its what they are getting. I have said since day one that it's not going to be the logo, no chance. My comprehension lead me astray to think the new logo may try to incorporate the old Sioux logo. Even though....Ahh never mind.
  2. Ok, that's your opinion, I bet you we will find out someday though...one of us will be...?
  3. Thats the blackhawk logo, the quote says simular to the Sioux logo is the hopeful design of whichever the new one is. The paper quote is above, I guess its only conjecture and my reading skills are bad...
  4. Or.....the other way around?!! ..head explodes...
  5. Jim you really are the blacksheep of some alumni on this website, I mean that as a giant compliment. Very sensible views you write....
  6. similar to the colors, etc... of the SIOUX logo, not the blackhawk one. You guys really need to relax. no matter how mad you get, how bad you degrade people that disagree with you, no matter how many SS.com votes pick RR, none of it will change the outcome, deal with it.
  7. ouch...you hurt me.... If I was like you and others I would look forward to the possible I told you so, but I'm not like you....
  8. Better read the paper today, making the new logo look like the Sioux logo is already thought about.
  9. Best post since the final five names were left! +100000000000. Remember how the RR crowd responded to the no nickname crowd when their name was eliminated? Lets see how it is after monday around here on SS.com, or from the 2% of the voters. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!
  10. If you honestly bbelieve that 50% of the vote was because of that logo I have ocean.......
  11. I remember when a bunch of you hated schloss for the Nodak support and told him to shutup, now you love what he says?
  12. Im willing to bet you this outrage of not getting the Blackhawks logo will NOT happen...You might dig deep and find 15 people to admit that, but 50% of the FH voters?? That hilarious!
  13. Here is a good reason restaurants are struggling...people are more informed about the garbage (food) some places sell..including grocery stores! I'm happy for this... http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/11/08/opinion/a-seismic-shift-in-how-people-eat.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share&_r=3&referer=https://t.co/CEHS8f5tvk
  14. Great story, thanks for sharing! Sounds like a great teacher/coach?
  15. But, nobody knows that the already owned logo and the acronym are the reason they (whoever they is) voted for the name. Maybe they voted for the nickname because they like the name? Couple alumni I work with voted for FH and argued with me about voting for Nodaks, and they have never seen that logo and never heard of the acronym. And I'm not guessing about that...
  16. Who cares, werent you one of the few on here saying "no nickname wont work, violation...NCAA..blah blah. but if we choose a name and yell Sioux they can't do anything about it" aren't they just following your advice?
  17. Lol, you mean one of the other 70 nickname threads? Sorry, didnt read em. My guess.....the winners?
  18. wait....what? I just heard this 5 minutes ago and posted it, is there a problem?
  19. Stayed away from this nickname stuff mostly so not sure if this has been said........but! HAWKS HOW...ABOUT...WE...KEEP...SIOUX
  20. Must be a conspiracy then? Dam Kelley, he did it again! There is no way more people then who you talked with could've voted for FH!
  21. I guess I don't see anyone real "giddy", I know my choices lost 3 times! But I'm ready to support the choice, and that sure looks like its going to be FH, seen as how it won the last two votes
  22. I cant show you but I can tell you where I heard it. KNOX, Doug reported it yesterday and had audio of a woman that said "even though we know how many voted and who they voted for, we don't know what category of voter they were, current student, alumni, etc....". Hope that helps...
  23. Yea I know, how dare say any current students are more important then a prior student for current decision making....at least to some on ss.com anyway! Kind of like the voting results on here compared to reality.
  24. When defeat is inevitable, degrade the opposition. No one knows what group was behind the movement to Fighting Hawks, Qualtrics said so today. If it was the students, good for them! They are the most important stakeholders in this anyway...
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