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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. most of the talking heads you are quoting or that predicted most of what you said are from this site. So there's that.... But you and a couple others seem to think this huge suprise is happening because Berry is here and Hak is gone. That is silly, and im 100% in support of Berry. If the coaching changed didnt happen, we would all be thinking this might be the year Hak gets the monkey off his back...IMO.
  2. Or maybe you were/are wrong on who you thought/think voted for Hawks
  3. This is knowledge here..^^^...and I agree. I don't have the knowledge to point this out, but I sure see and agree with what you are saying. Fs4l, you were debunked on this, dump and chase theory of yours from many of the players after Hak left. How they stated so many people thought Hak stuck to the plan no matter what and they said that was simply not true. If i remember right some on here already gave you links of the interviews, after one of your...its all Haks fault rants. If they were mediocre, you would say its because these are Haks recruits, if they do good, its because Hak is gone, I don't get it? I think Hak is a great coach, $10 mill reasons proves this. I also think if this team keeps it up we are going to the promise land! Couldnt be more excited about Sioux.......Hawks hockey!
  4. Im not positive on this, but I have read that the defense dictates wether you carry it in or dump and chase. Maybe the speed of the offense this season changes the defense? If this simple change would give success verses not changing, why would Hak not do it? In other words, no way this is because of a coaching decision only, IMO.
  5. Winning heals...these boys are on track to put a lot of nightmares to rest. The transition of the new nickname is one of them!
  6. Agreed, but the post game interviews showed Cam bragging about the booing. He/they (players) may have added gas to the fire? Might be louder tonight.
  7. Good stuff right here! +1111 The healing will take time though...
  8. So glad you wrote this... Maybe it's another reality check to people on here? Maybe the "hockey only" and the "students that dont know anything" didnt make this name happen?? Sure seems evident to me, and blaming the students all the time, on this website, should come to an end now? Check out @UofHockeyBlog's Tweet: https://twitter.com/UofHockeyBlog/status/672981661336793089?s=09
  9. GDT?? 4 out of 6 points must happen. Sweep would be (in my Donald Trump voice) HUUUGGE! Go Sioux!
  10. IMO...I think this video is more of a....hey use our ticket exchange, its quick and easy, and we make money off of it....thing! If you go to these games, its obvious that filling the seats is NOT a problem! Sometimes things just don't pan out and you can't go at the last minute and its too late to do anything with your tickets. Happened to me on occasion with two kids in sports and ....etc. With 12,000 fans, this may happen to a few people, I still just don't see an "empty seat problem".
  11. Exactly....and fsfl also??? Who has more "nattys" boys, BC BU, (which ever you're bragging about) or UND? Not sure what anyone is bitching about but the Sioux recruit pretty dam nice if you ask me!
  12. Wait.....what? What are you talking about, the battle with the NCAA is over, the SIOUX name and logo are gone! Back away....the NCAA is not watching UND!
  13. FYI, I emailed the btn2go and complained about the webcast starting late many times and about 8 minutes late the one time and they refunded my entire bill.
  14. I wasnt attacking you sorry if it seemed that way. I meant it to the people that would try to do this, or even want this to happen, not the people that have fear of it happening.
  15. If that's a hawk, thats the dumbest Iogo ever! Someone needs to "concentrate". I just watched John Wick, look the f#*k out!
  16. This website is sure messed up since the upgrade, for posting anyways!!!
  17. The volume on this big6 website sure gets loud when they have a breakaway??
  18. Ah....yes it is....ahhhh... Lol, young kid, he will mature for the spotlight. Big stage for these freshmen!
  19. Never happen! Can't believe anyone believes this can happen...dumb.
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