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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Isn't 9 and 10 anyone? The number 6 seed won it two years in a row, isn't that anyone? How about we wait and see? If 11 and 12 is Alaska and Duluth or Tech and Bemidji, and your not worried about them.........good luck!
  2. So your saying the top two doesn't play the "any team can win"? Have you been there the last five years? Anyone one can win 1-12......... Go SIOUX!
  3. This sucks to say, but I hope the goofs win!!
  4. Funny how the hand shake line is to sacred to not hammer someone. But not sacred enough for someone to keep his smart ass mouth shut to deserve a beating, but that same pansy knows the beating will stop quick enough because it is the sacred hand shake line......only the little girls from Mn get away with this and a year later still rub it in the face of the fan base from the retaliation team!!
  5. Really.......can't people just have fun with it and not knock a guy trying to start a convo because the boys looked good and that line gave us all a sense of butt kickin time is starting just in time.....
  6. At the lake cabin this weekend because they got a foot of snow by Bemidji. We are going to ride! So I'm watching the game on FCS, first time, and I've read all the complaints! First I think Hammer and Kober are fine to listen to. Katie is hot, does a good interview, her accent that everyone bitches about is the same as 90% of the people around here! The voice does NOT line up with their lips and that does drive me nuts! Over all I have to ask, what's with all the major complaining? I'm usually at the games, so this is the first for me. GO SIOUX!!!
  7. And here we go again........
  8. Ok I will rephrase it, a place where they don't act 12..........?
  9. OMG! Now it is 12 year olds commenting on here. Is there a different place to talk Sioux Hockey with only adults?
  10. Am I the only person that can never figure out what you are writing? Where do you take a class to learn how to comprehend stupid?
  11. Friday--Grimaldi Saturday--Knight
  12. That one sure looked like it went in and out, they never reviewed it and I have seen no replay of it! Maybe Goon has a video?
  13. Getting one of four points to the number one team in the nation on Olympic ice is a good thing! I hate the goofs but I love them also! What a great weekend, the Sioux got the short end but let's see what happens at the end of the year! What a great weekend of hockey, I will miss this rivalry!!
  14. Who ever said "shoot on Wilcox high glove side" nice call!!!!
  15. Your right, the Sioux suck, put the sticks away, oh and give the rodents the hardware also, God knows it ends and titles are won in January, aren't they?
  16. Well tool, didn't know you were so fragile? My point was everything you stood on your soap box about happens from your fan base also! So your ranting means nothing! It happens everywhere, and I dislike it also, but what do you do? The tool comment was because you made it sound like Sioux fans are the only ones that act like that. That comment alone makes you a tool, sorry........
  17. Lets not forget we lost to the #1 team in the country. It was hardly Saunders fault, and you know what? There's another game!!!
  18. Oh my god, this website is full of lurkers waiting to pounce. And i cheer for the same team!!!!We have had guys great this time of year for the last ten years! Lets have a guy great at the end of the year once, see what that gets us, and if you don't see the potential with Saunders and Gothberg, i could careless what you think! Lets see what happens when it counts for something, shall we? Oh and I'm sure this happened because I made this thread........... What losers!!!!!
  19. I agree, I think Danny didn't take the guy with the puck because he was doing his responsibility on that scenario...
  20. Well I don't feel so bad this time getting knocked out in the first round for the 1,345 time in a row.
  21. Oh please, just go away! Can't you go stroke each other on GPL?
  22. Wow is this pathetic! I could give examples of this at the REA from goof fans during a home game against the rodents. My daughter was 8 than, and the jerk of was trying to pick a fight with a 70 year old Sioux fan. But hey, make sure your claim "all Sioux fans are like the ones you encountered" Maybe I should do the same? Tool......
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