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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. If every season ticket holder DID NOT SHOW UP and every general admission ticket was sold, it would still be "SOLD OUT" because the season tickets were sold! Everyone does it this way....
  2. So where are the "hope we split comments" than the Sioux win Friday! Than it is "they better win both" than they split and everyone panics, "they suck, fire Hak, blah blah blah worst year ever" Go Sioux!!!
  3. Man alive............uuuuuuggggggg!!!!!
  4. It's November jackass!!
  5. Why? Or am I reading you wrong?
  6. I couldn't agree more, thought the same thing! Yet all the goofer homers on here defend lucifer and say he wants the series! Wonder how they will spin these QUOTES from Lucia?
  7. Gaarder-Friday Mark Macmillan-Sat
  8. This cannot be true? Does explain a lot but it can't be true!
  9. I agree that gfhockeys comments are stupid, but I refuse to respond to him, he is a joke. But I know you are a fan, but your comment was bad, and how do you change official calls now? I look at the weekend with the outcome of a split in a building that houses an obvious good team a good thing! How can you throw in the towel with that? Just like the NFL scab officials sucked, the good ones came back and guess what? They suck also! What do you do? I agree the officials suck, but you look at all my comments, I have not blamed our guys, the Sioux just got beat. But it is a victory for the weekend I believe! GO SIOUX!
  10. Prior to Friday everyone demanded a split, after Friday everyone demanded a sweep. Than after a split some of you think the sky is falling, pathetic! The comment about saying the new recruits don't bother to come here because of officials, fans, etc....... Your a loser, stop claiming your a fan, because a fan would never post a comment like that!
  11. What about midcontinent tv?
  12. I agree with this, but I also agree with the idea of what would have happened last Saturday if Saunders would have played? Even though I would not put the loss on Gothberg, but that shut down type goalie might have helped during the defensive melt down! Never will know I guess! Just can't help but be super jacked about Saunders! I also believe we will be having discussions like this in a couple years when Gothberg is the main stud, with hopefully a back up goalie like now! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!
  13. Just like I have been saying! Every weekend it gets a little more reinforement to be proven correct! Saunders is the missing link for the last 7-10 years with all these stellar teams Hak and crew has put together, but that, in your face, stand on your head, SHUT YOU DOWN goalie has been missing. Even though the goalies the Sioux have had are truely good goalies, they werent the "X" factor type goalie........like , UMD, The beavs, Michigan, etc.............had for big wins. Now the Sioux have theirs, it is going to be a good season! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  14. Nope, just tomorrows game.
  15. Ive seen the tv stuff on here about this weekend, but is there a bar in GF that is showing the game for Friday? From the web feed or whatever.... Anyone know?
  16. That was some of the worst officiating I have ever seen! Tempers were high apparently last night, we sat in Englestads suite and some guy freaked out because people were standing in front of him! They were standing at a sporting event, that's awful! The guy was such a tool his own daughter got up and left him! That's the second time I've seen that happen there, and I think it is pathetic!
  17. Everyone can get in one hour early, that's when the doors open.... No one but workers get in before that...
  18. I tried telling him this a week ago, I gave up....lol
  19. Weren't you guys ever scared of that one bigger stronger person(team)? So are they! GO SIOUX!
  20. Ah, got it, thanks. I started my question by stating that I know they aren't important, but I just wanted to know how and why, now I do. Thanks again....
  21. The Sioux moved on there exhibition games, either way it is still a game!
  22. Why do you keep saying they played only one game, they played Friday and Sunday, I don't know how your math skills are, but mine say that is two games?
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