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Everything posted by Goon

  1. Well that should explain it then. Left and Lennin.
  2. Grand Forks, ND
  3. Saturday was a horrible day of hunting nothing worked and got skunked for the first time this season. Oh well it took 15 times out before I was sent home with nothing. I am hoping the big boys come down soon, or I am going to concentrate on pheasants.
  4. I agree Oshie is one awesome super charged hockey player that plays bigger than his listed height and weight. I have been impressed with him so far and feel he maybe one of the best young stars in the WCHA.
  5. Agreed, the only way this is going to get solved is for Punkovich to drop the mits get the fight over and it should be done. Punkovich is a gutless piece of crap, how does he expect to be recieved. Does this kid want a key to the city, what. When your cheap and you do bad things on the ice people are going to call you out on it. I think Greg Lotus said it best I wish I could play I plant him in the ice. Also, to take a piece from Tim_H; the kid just doesn't get it, he acts like nothing happened. So come one Punkovich take your medicine and lets get this over so everyone can move on. Another thing Punkovich shut your yap and stop acting like a vicitim. Your the biggest guy out there, but you definately aren't the badest.
  6. Hennesy was classic last night, the one Denver player came out on his first shift and ran the goalie hard, basically said Goz did it on purpose. The stupid tatic cost the Denver player 5 and the game, however, as Tim put it. Come on.
  7. Actually I was wondering if you know if the Northern Mallards had started to make its way down to ND or not? I am sick of eating too much local ducks. HE,he,he,he...
  8. I was wondering if the Migration was on yet. I had thought it had begun to start but I guessed wrong. Anyone know if the Big Northern Mallards had decided to come down and visit ND yet?
  9. Ding, ding, ding... I think your on to something here. I think there has been a few of us that have said that from time to time.
  10. What type of reception does this idiot expect to recieve in Grand Forks? What he did is not quite as bad as Bertuzzi but its not far behind. I really hope someone takes him out. Yes we can and we should, Its called evening a score. Someone that work with listened to Mac talk the other day and apparently this came up in the discussion and apparently Punkovich wouldn't fight anyone from UND, and that he is basically a chicken S#!t gutless wonder and probably won't fight this weekend. If you listen to what the Sioux players are saying it appears that someone from UND is going to challenge him and get it on. If you read the aritcle it basically sounds as if his coach Goz is giving him the go ahead to do what he has to do, I don't care what some think, this is part of the game of hockey and has to be settled. If this is not collected or it will fester like the Bertuzzi incident did and get more ugly. I have no respect for what this guy did, I saw the hit, I saw the smirk in the penatly box, the kid is an ass and a classless act in my opinion. At least Bertuzzi showed some remorse quicker than this thug did. He has a debt to pay. Its time to collect on it. LOL, I am not so sure I can go over the glass from the upper deck.
  11. Oh my, don't these people know there is a war going on and we are worrying about tick tacky issues like this. Yesh...
  12. Here is the sad part there not even a good Big Ten Football team and they are getting busted for illegal things. If your going to cheat at least be good.
  13. All I know is that if it offends two people in the country its considered hostile and abusive. Hence, it can't be used as an symbol anymore. We wouldn't want to offend anyone.
  14. That sounds about right, because they are a big division 1 school they will be given an exception just like FSU.
  15. I believe right here you have what the real issue are that are effecting our society, not just native amiercans. However in you next paragraph I believe you missed the point.
  16. You might even want to say FSU's dancing white guy in an indian mascot suit.
  17. Clear as mud.
  18. I think it is still going to happen this season, he has been playing on a line with Porter and Oshie. That line has looked good this season.
  19. I think under the FOIA I believe we could find that information out.
  20. The way I see it is that he works for a government agency sending his private mail using tax supported dollars which is a crime. Thats like using a government money/services to run for a politial office. Basically it is a theft of services. I know working for the government myself he would/could be fired quickly and could be prosecuted also for this. I hope his employer goes for his head on this one. I know if I was his supervisor he could be gone. If this had happened at UND I would be writing the chancellor of ND.
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