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Everything posted by Goon

  1. club seats are the best. We have our seats there and we sit on the goal line of the north end of the arena. There are smaller crouds for the bathroom and the beer lines are short.
  2. From what I understand is that Dave and Keith are brother and used to run the pizza business together but then after a family tift they went there seperate ways and opened their own businesses.
  3. Funny thing the boys on XM-204 today were talking about Blakes spear on Crosby and then the discussion of not having any goons anymore to police the game anymnore because of the changes in the game. Kind of funny but they basically made the argument that when A star get slashed, hack, cheaped, speared in the old days that guy would be dropping the mits and fighting. Now with the PC NHL basically isn't protecting their star players anymore, allowing them to get hacked and not having an consequences for bad behavior anymore. As far as goons go they might be a think of the past, I think eventually the multi skilled players that can score and fight will be looked at as a plus in the future. After watching Booguard (sp) last night in the wild games the man has no talent but can fight, however in his last fight he got killed by a lesser AHL player, hence no one is going to be scared of the Boogey man anymore. I think unforunately the NHL is starting to have a lot of stick work like the college hockey.
  4. I hate to use the old cliche just win but it really applies here.
  5. I thought of all the green mills I have been in and that is the nicest one.
  6. First off every taxpayer has the right to know No they don't. All it say is that they aren't going to pay for the lawsuit with any public money. What part are you not getting. Kind of like during the flood when a woman donated some private money for the flood victims and wanted her name kept secret. Its funny how these trolls and skippies keep popping up under different names but they all seem to say the same damn things. Nothing important.
  7. There have been a few that have topped it. Some of them are over in the Sioux name forum.
  8. What part of not using any state money do you not understand. Where the money is coming from is irrelevant.
  9. I think pound for pound Robbie Bina is one of the toughest guys on the team. He may not be very big but he is a scrapper.
  10. We should give Millsy some Rube Cred for pointing that out.
  11. NOOOOOOOO, that is not good, I killed many of brain cells in that bar when I went to BSU. That was a shame, they had the best wild rice soup.
  12. Really when I lived in Bemidji I didn't think people rated/ranked Slims over Corner Bars Burgers, unless they declined over the years after I left. I am getting a corner bar beer Friday night before the game, maybe I need to get a Slims Burger before I head back to Grand Forks on Saturday, that way I can regrade them. The Great Wall Buffet in Bemiji is good too.
  13. Talking about the moon makes a person want to go out and eat the lunch buffet. LoL
  14. The problem is that isn't the job of the league to make sure there is parity, that is why coaches recruit and you play the games. However, its evident from the on ice officials that is what McLeods mind set is.
  15. Not to mention the moon is a hockey shrine, they have a Bison Football Helment as a garbage recepticle too.
  16. I agree Robbie Bina is the man this year he has been on fire.
  17. We are going to drink some beer this weekend. Scott and his brother in law are coming over for the game. Get ready to empty some beer cans. Goon

  18. We might want to check that woman's resume and make sure she didn't write for the High Plains reader, it seem like something you would read from that publication.
  19. They say that fight was basically a career maker. I think that fight was one of the best ever since I have been watching college hockey.
  20. I think Redwing77 hit on the way to get the culture of situational officating to change; that would be firing the whole lot and finding a bunch of new officials to refs the games.
  21. PCM we are never going to make these people happy. I say if we had to change the name make the pro-name change people pay for it.
  22. The weather this past week would make on think that hell has frozen over.
  23. Don't speak too soon, especially with the present party in power.
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